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A Little Night Game

"Man's POV of a sexy BDSM game"

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What a day. Hell, what a week. You make your way to your car after what seemed like the longest week in history. You need a hot shower, stiff drink, serious man food, and hot nekkid sex. In that order. You open your car door and wait a minute and while the enclosed heat escapes, you run a hand through your short tousled hair. Although you keep the windows cracked, the interior is stifling. As you move to get in, you notice an envelope on the seat. The familiar writing makes you forget all about your week, shower, food, drink, and go straight to the sex. You know who it’s from and recognize the hand writing. Tonight is the night you’ve both talked about. In the envelope there is a hotel key, room number, and instructions. Despite the blistering heat, a shiver runs down your back.

You hardly notice the hot leather seats as you hurry home to prepare for what promises to be a very exciting and fulfilling evening. Although the traffic this time of day is bumper to bumper, you try not to lose patience as your mind runs through all the possibilities of what’s in store later tonight. As heat creeps up your cheeks, you crank up the air conditioner full blast. The colder air does nothing to relax the ever growing erection now straining against your slacks. You try to adjust your bulge to a more comfortable angle and fear you could have permanent zipper marks if you don’t find relief soon. You turn up the radio hoping for a distraction as a pounding song comes on, full of bass and thumping. The song sings of bumping and grinding and the rhythm reminds you of pounding your flesh into a tight, wet hole. So much for getting a distraction. Absentmindedly you reach down and rub the heel of your hand down the length of your cock through your pants. It pulses and tingles with the contact. You drop your head back against the headrest as your eyes droop closed. You are jerked back to reality as you hear a horn blaring behind you and you realize the light had changed. Swearing at yourself for being a slave to your cock, you accelerate and force yourself to keep up with traffic until you are safely home.

Once home, you step into a tepid shower, and hope the cooler water helps alleviate your now almost painful erection. You were instructed not to masturbate before tonight, but the pounding water is only adding to your arousal. As you soap your body your foam covered hands work their way over your smooth shaven chest, pausing to lightly run a slick fingertip over your nipples. You’ve always loved nipple play and it sends jolts straight to your already heavy cock. You try to concentrate on bathing again, but soon realize that you are slowly stroking yourself. You are freshly shaven here too leaving only a small, well trimmed nesting of hair. You know it will only take a few quick strokes to bring relief and you feel under the circumstances I would understand. Your balls tingle as they draw close to your body preparing to erupt and you feel the all too familiar pressure at the base of your spine. Without any more encouragement than that you grunt as ribbons of your hot seed are shot against the shower wall. Once your breathing and heart rate return to normal, you are finally able to finishing showering and getting ready. Feeling a little more in control of yourself, although a little guilty, you shrug it off and convince yourself it’s better for your body not to have to run around with a hard on for hours at a time, safer to drive too.

Now, showered, shaved and dressed per my instructions you are waiting in the hotel room. You are kneeling in the suites sitting room with your knees slightly apart wearing only the black silk lounge pants tied loosely at the waist, no shirt, no shoes. Your hands are clasped behind your back and eyes averted at the ground. The lights are dim but your eyes are adjusting. You know I have prepared the adjoining room for us and are very anxious and slightly nervous to get started. You try not to think too much about what all we are going to do tonight, but despite your best efforts your mind relives earlier conversations we had. We have been lovers for a while and while we still thoroughly enjoy traditional sex, we both found we enjoy getting a little kinky. We talked about different sex toys we would like to use and have used on us, and different role playing we would like to participate in. We both found ourselves getting very turned on at the talk of playing a Dom/sub role and how we would like to see it played out. Remembering these conversations is bringing back your erection full force and you try to mentally control the tingling as your blood changes direction and flows to your crotch.

You hear the bedroom door open and catch yourself before you look up. Your instructions included keeping your eyes down unless I gave permission. I step in front of you and you can see that I’m wearing 6” spiked, black strappy leather heels, and black netted stockings. You want to see the rest of the outfit so bad the tendons in your neck ache as you struggle to keep your head down. I step closer to you and you can smell the familiar scent that I wear as well as the scent of my arousal. You can feel your cock jerk and take a deep breath to try and control it. That backfires as you fill your lungs with my scent. The overpowering scent short circuits the last bit of control you have on controlling your erection. You hear me chuckle when I realize you lost the battle and I gently run my fingers through your sandy colored short hair in understanding. This simple caress serves to both relax you and remind you that I care and understand you’re struggling.

You can see a leather flogger in my hand now and let a swear word escape your lips as another jolt of lust shoots straight to your cock. I remind you that you will be punished for speaking without permission and you press your lips together to suppress the moan that tried to escape at the thought.

After what seemed like an eternity but was actually only a minute, I place a finger under your chin and slowly lift your face to meet mine. Making sure you have time to take in my outfit. You can see that I’m wearing soft black lace gloves that go to my elbows with the fingertips exposed showing well manicured long fingers, a leather corset that lifts my breasts up like an offering with the cups barely covering my already erect nipples and emphasizing the smooth white skin of my exposed shoulders, the boning shows off my trim waist and the corset stops just before the flair of my generous hips. My black stockings stop at the top of my thighs, and because I’m wearing no panties, you catch a glimpse of my bare, smooth pussy just waiting for you. You can see my clit playing peek-a-boo between my already moistening lips, just begging for your kiss. My dark hair is down and the silken strands brush past my shoulders almost covering the upper swell of my creamy breasts.

I smile at your expression of pure lust on your face, showing a row of my straight white teeth and the dimple in my left cheek that you love to run your tongue over. I ask you to stand for inspection. As you do, you clasp your hands behind your head, feet spread apart and are instructed to look straight ahead and not to move or make noise. I take a moment and marvel at your beautiful body and wonder how I got so lucky to have you. You stand several inches taller than I even with me in these heels with broad, well muscled shoulders that shows many hours at the gym, tapering down to slim hips a taunt ass, and 8” of beautiful thick cock. Your long, lean muscled thighs and legs speak of how you love to hike the nearby mountain trails. I run my fingertips over your face, exploring the chiseled jaw and strong cheek bones, touching your eyelids that cover your beautiful brown eyes and marvel at your long lashes as they brush your cheeks, and tracing your well arched brows. When I caress your mouth, I marvel at your full bottom lip and you can’t help but slide out the tip of your tongue for a taste of my fingertips. I give your lips a tap with my fingers to remind you that it wasn’t allowed. I continue to run my hands over your muscled shoulders memorizing every texture and across your chest paying special attention to your nipples that respond to the caress by tightening to stiff little peaks. I lean forward and flick one with my tongue and you gasp. Your cock is now tenting your pants even more as I continue dragging my fingers across your abs to the waistband of the pants. Your stomach muscles flutter and your cock jerks in anticipation as I get closer.

I instruct you to remove your pants and I step back to give you room. You release the drawstring and start to push your pants down, your cock springs forward to its full length, happy for the room to expand as it seems to almost reach for my caress. You remove the pants and kick them aside and clasp your hands behind your head again as your hard cock bobs happily in front of you. I’m moved at your willingness to please me and follow my instructions. I step closer and firmly take your cock in my hand. I give it a nice long stroke from base to tip rubbing my fingertips over the reddened crown. You close your eyes and bite back a moan as a small drop of pre cum weeps from your slit. I reach down and cup your balls feeling their weight and enjoying the smooth shaven skin resisting the urge to thrust your hips in my hand. I tell you that you can put your arms down and I reward your obedience with a deep passionate kiss. We are both hungry for each other as our tongues slide inside each other’s mouths. Tasting and exploring, leaving no area untouched. I pull away with a small nip at your full lower lip that I love so much and quickly soothe it with a lap my tongue.

I take your hand and lead you to the bedroom and you can feel your heart speed up in anticipation. The room is lit by candles and you can see that there is a King size, four poster bed in the center of the room, and a Jacuzzi style tub sits in one corner filled with steamy, scented water. There are decorative iron rings on the bed posts and along the beds footboard. Instead of looking medieval it looks rustic and inviting with extra plump pillows and thick down comforter. Before we begin, I remind you of your “safe word”, the one that if spoken, will end stop everything if things become too uncomfortable, or too painful. This time the word is “butterfly”. You nod your head and let me know you are ready and draw in a shaky breath. I kiss you again and instruct you to clasp your hands behind your back. When you do, I move behind you and secure them together with leather cuffs.

I instruct you to get on your knees and place a soft cushion on the floor for you to kneel on. When you are settled, I slowly start caressing your back with the flogger and your muscles jump at the contact. You are surprised at the softness of the straps and relax a little. I ask you if you were good today and you reply with a yes. I remind you that you were instructed not to orgasm and ask you again if you were good. You look at me surprised that maybe I had some sixth sense that gives me a peek into your life. You decide to analyze that another time. You confess to the shower scene and try to quickly make excuses for your behavior, convinced that if I heard you out that I would understand.

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I told you to hush in a firm tone and you snapped your mouth shut with protest and a defiant glare in your eye. I reminded you that you made some mistakes during the inspection that you needed to be punished for. You start to protest again and I remind you that by arguing you will be punished more. After a moment to regroup, you apologize and admit your faults. I reward you with another kiss and let you know you will receive five lashes for licking my fingers, five lashes for arguing and five for masturbating without permission. You nod and I instruct you to remain still during your punishment.

I tell you before your punishment begins you will need to lick my pussy. Your eyes grow dark with arousal at the thought, feeling a bit like a kid getting dessert before you have to eat your veggies. You love the taste of me almost as much as I love your tongue and you feel your cock jerk and bob with anticipation. I move to stand in front of you almost touching and with my heels it puts my bare pussy level with your mouth. I rock my hips forward as you take one long swipe up my slit with your talented and willing tongue. My head drops back as you circle your tongue around my clit and I moan softly. You dip in for another swipe and I part my legs more for easier access. You love the feeling of my silky, wet hairless mound beneath your mouth and you feel you could eat me all day. You want to touch me, caress my legs and butt and part my lower lips with your thumbs, but remember too late that you are bound and almost topple over. I steady you by grasping your shoulders and draping one leg over. My cunt is pressed against your mouth now as you lick and slurp up my juices; you love the sweet taste of my wet pussy and can’t seem to bury your face deep enough. You continue to nibble and suck my nether lips, fucking me deep as you can get with your tongue like you would love to climb inside and wallow in my warm sweet wetness. I start to thrust my hips against your face and moan that I’m about to cum. You concentrate on my clit gently but firmly sucking it between your teeth and I moan your name and arch my back as I come undone and fill your mouth with a gush of my cum. You drink in my juices like a man starving of thirst as my orgasm winds down. I step away while I try regulating my breathing. You smile when you see that my legs are shaky, knowing how your oral skills get to me, and I kiss you again in a silent reward for your talent, knowing that I am tasting myself on your lips and tongue. That knowledge excites us both even more.

I tell you to stand and I release your hands only to attach both of them to rings on the outside of the footboard spaced about 2 feet apart. You are now bent at the waist head lowered between your arms and legs spread. You know you are vulnerable to whatever I dish out, but because of the level of trust and respect we have for each other, you can only feel excitement at what might happen next. I give you time to let it sink in and let your muscles relax as I remind you again of your safe word and rub my hands up and down your back talking softly, soothing you.

I run the flogger up your back, over your shoulders, and around your cock so you can feel the soft leather straps attached to the end. You shudder at the contact and let your eyes close slightly as heavy arousal courses through your body. I explain again why you are being punished and instruct you to count the lashes out loud, this time there is only acceptance. I bring the flogger down on your bare ass and you feel the straps wrap around your hip. There is a slight sting followed by a heat that shoots straight to your cock. You gasp at the contact and are a little surprised at the feelings it brings out in you. The emotion involved surprises you but you don’t have much time to think about it as I bring down 3 more lashes in a row.

They are spaced so I don’t hit the same spot, but instead pepper your ass , thighs and back. You almost lose count due to the erotic feel of the slight pain and tantalizing burn. The straps of the flogger curl around your inner thighs now, just missing your vital parts but this just serves to excite you more. By the eighth blow your cock is so hard it almost feels like it will burst if you don’t come and your pre cum is dripping into a puddle on the floor. The sting and burn mixed with the sound of leather on skin fills the room along with your moans and weak attempt to keep count. By 12 you think you will come without even touching your cock and you can feel your body writhe with erotic sensations that threaten to rob you of your sanity as you struggle to stay standing. Your counting comes out as barely audible gasps now. Your eyes are watering by the fifteenth and final blow not with pain, but mind blowing outer body arousal. You feel as if you are floating above yourself and are nearly unaware of my touch, but at the same time feel like a bundle of exposed nerves. You know just one touch to your cock will cause immediate eruption. When you come back to yourself I am running my hands gently up and down your reddened back, butt and legs with soothing circular motions, my silky hair caresses your hot skin and you pick up the slight floral scent of my shampoo as I place soft kisses on the marks left by the flogger. This experience was so much more than you ever thought it could be.

I tell you that you did well and reward you by taking your over sensitive cock in my mouth for a deep, wet suck. You almost cum just with one swipe of my tongue. I release your hands and help guide you to lie down on the bed. As you do I attach straps to your wrist and ankles spreading you out for my delight. I climb on top of you and place a blindfold over your eyes. I kiss you again and can taste your arousal on your tongue. I kiss down your jaw, nibbling and sucking slightly at your neck. I run my lips over your shoulders licking at the salty, sweat slickened skin and loving the arousing musky male taste that is all you. I move to your nipples flicking them with the tip of my tongue and circling them until they are stiff and wet. I know how sensitive your nipples and you almost arch off the bed when I attach the nipple clamps. After the initial shock you settle down and part your lips at the slow tingling burn. I take this opportunity to push down my corset and expose my already hard, tingling nipples to the air. I gently rub one tip across your lips and you latch on like a hungry child but there is nothing childlike about the caress of your tongue. I switch nipples and you bathe the other one with your mouth and lips, sucking it in as deeply as I will allow. After too short of time I pull away and I press a small button on your nipple clamps and they begin to vibrate. You moan and thrash your head on the pillow. You mumble something about it being soooo gooood and I smile. The sight and sounds you are making makes me even wetter and more aroused than I thought possible. I kiss and lick your abs, memorizing every muscle and dip with my mouth. When I get to your navel I circle it gently and dip the tip of my tongue in for a taste. The tip of your cock is brushing my chin and I gently surround your reddened crown with my lips. You gasp and gently thrust your hips up in a reaction beyond your control. I suck you in my mouth as deep as I can and you are overcome with the intense sensations that being blindfolded adds. As I continue to suck and lick you, my hand caresses your balls, squeezing them gently and rolling them between my fingers. I wrap my fingers around your sack and tug down gently.

The tugging feels good and also helps to keep you from cumming too soon. I stick my fingers in my pussy and draw out some of the copious amount of juice and with that for lube I gently probe your puckered hole. I stick my tongue in the slit of your crown the same time I stick my two fingers in your ass. My fingers explore until I find your sensitive gland within and gently press on it as I gently graze my teeth over the crown of your cock. I can feel that you are getting close to cumming and withdraw my fingers and my mouth. You moan your protest, but are soon rewarded with another deep toe tingling kiss. You feel something cool and smooth press against your asshole and you tense when you feel something firm, but lubed demand entrance. I speak soothing words and you soon relax and allow it to enter. It’s a vibrating bullet about 2” long and 1 ½” in diameter. It’s attached to a thin, long wire that has an intensity controller at the end. Once I have it inserted as far in as I want it, I turn it on the lowest setting and watch your face as your mouth parts in bliss with a slight grin. I turn it up a notch or two and your breathing increases and your hips begin to rotate. I give you a minute to adjust and then turn it all the way up the same time as I slam down my hot wet pussy on your cock. The dual sensation almost makes you lose it right then and you let out something between a shout and a groan.

I sit still for a moment, enjoying all the tingling sensations, and use only my internal muscles to massage your cock. Sweat beads on your face and chest as you struggle to maintain control. You know you will be punished if you cum too soon and are using every trick in the book to keep that from happening. I slide off you until only the head of your cock is inside me and slide down again. Your hips come off the bed as you dig your heels in for traction. I can hear you grind your teeth in attempts not to cum. You can’t move far being restrained and tug against the wrist and ankle straps protesting. You almost use your safe word and come, but barely manage to regain control instead. I start up a vigorous pace, grinding my clit against your pelvis on every downward thrust while murmuring how much I love to ride you hard. You can feel my internal muscles start to milk your cock and you know the orgasm of your life is seconds away. You try and breath deep for control and just when you think your balls will explode I tell you I’m about to cum. I lean forward as I do and release the nipple clamps. The blood flowing through the tips again adds a sting of pain that sends you over the edge as you can feel my cunt grab you like a vise. We both yell out the orgasm; you arching your beautiful neck, tendons straining, thrashing on the pillows and filling me with pulse after pulse of your hot sweet cum, while I arch my back with my hair brushing the small of my back, and dig my fingernails into your thighs while screaming each other’s and God’s name as we seem to shatter into a million pieces.

After what seems like forever, we float back down to earth and you barely notice when I remove your restraints. I remove my clothes and we stumble to the Jacuzzi giggling at each others clumsiness and slip our well worn bodies into the steaming scented water for some much needed relief. We exchange gentle kisses and bask in the afterglow. After some much needed bubbling, we dry off and slip in bed. You gather me in your arms and just as you are drifting off you think you hear me say something about next time using a cock ring and a strap on. You’re not sure if your cock starts to harden because that scares you or turns you on. Maybe both? But that’s another story.


Written by Southerngirl
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