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The dinner party.

"An invitation doesn’t leave much time."

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While negotiating the rush hour traffic, the 'Whatsapp,' tone sounded and the small chat window appeared on my smartphone. While maintaining control of the car with one hand, I reluctantly I stopped what I was doing and unlocked the app with the other. I immediately saw, amidst a flourish of horny anticipation, I had received two messages. I grinned impishly. One was a photo, still blurry as it downloaded and the other simply said.

"This could be yours!"

My current state of arousal, stoked all afternoon by coarse, graphic texts, had grown from smoldering embers into a raging inferno and while I waited impatiently for the image to sharpen, my drenched sex throbbed incessantly with an insatiable yearning. If any of my fellow rush hour travelers were watching me now, all they'd see was a successful business woman casually reading a message on her mobile phone while making her way home. Nothing out of the ordinary, no doubt thousands like her all doing the same, but there was one difference that couldn’t be ignored.

Unlike the other women, I was probably the only one with her business skirt scrunched up around her hips. And why was my skirt up around my hips? Well right up until the sound of my text message arriving, I was frantically fingering myself to a delicious little orgasm. While I waited for the image to focus, I could feel warm cum seeping from my pussy all over the leather upholstery. When the photo finally came into view, all I wanted to do was carry on where I’d left off.

"You’re just as horny as I am," I thought triumphantly, looking at the huge erection that appeared on my screen. I smiled wickedly. The huge cock poking purposefully through a pair of trousers, with strong fingers wrapped around the thick girth, belonged to me, metaphorically speaking. "Hmmm, having a little wank, are we?" I mused, a buzz of exhilaration coursing through my body. "And you can't wait for me to get home."

We had been sex-texting all afternoon and it had gotten me all hot and bothered, and now, judging by the photo, I obviously wasn't the only one in need of some hot action. The incessant ache between my legs hadn't abated, despite my best efforts, and the image on my phone was very tempting.

‘Shit,' I thought unhappily. 'He could be such a fucking tease,’ I continued fuming as I looked at the clock on the dashboard. He knew I wouldn't be able to resist him when I was in this mood, and he was right.

“It will have to be a quickie…”

“No problem,” was the digital reply.

We didn’t have much time because Dave and Jenny, our next door neighbors, were throwing a dinner party and both hubby and I were expected to attend. All very well but my needs come first. I quickly consulted the clock again and typed, "Be right there," added a happy faced smiley and pressed send. Literally seconds later whilst turning into the new housing estate, with tree lined roads obscuring the large well to do houses, my iPhone relayed another message.

"I'm waiting..."

I couldn't help grinning inanely, especially when I felt myself sticking to the smooth seats due to both human and cowhide being liberally lubricated. After a couple more lefts and rights, I could see hubby's car parked on the driveway as I entered the cul de sac where we’d taken residence almost six months ago. My smile widened.

After parking my A6 next to hisMercedes, I quickly glanced in the rear view mirrors. With the image of that lovely, hard cock branded in my memory, I hurriedly made myself decent.

"Good, Jenny wasn't home yet."

I peeked at the clock again and began thinking things through. She wouldn’t arrive for at least another ten to fifteen minutes, and... My phone buzzed again interrupting my train of thought.

"Okay, Darling. I'm coming," I mumbled under my breath after seeing the "Hurry up," text message. As I locked the car, I saw in my peripheral vision a front door opening expectantly, but before taking a step in that direction I was narcissistic enough to fleetingly check my appearance in the Audi's tinted windows. "Not bad," I murmured, secretly pleased with the way I looked. Okay, there were a couple of pounds that needed to be worked off at the sports school but on the whole, 'I could live with it!' My long thick tresses, held up in a loose bun on top of my head left the back of my neck bare. The large collar of my red, silken blouse was folded up and over that of my dark blue, pinstriped tailored business jacket, almost covering it.

The accompanying pencil skirt, when not scrunched up around my hips, was mid thigh length and if one looked closely enough, the clips of the sexy suspender belt I was wearing were slightly ruffling the smooth business garment. The sheer black stockings were part of a fuck me lingerie set I’d chosen to wear this morning for no other reason than it made me feel sexy and special. Also the feeling of excitement I get from knowing that beneath my staid business outfit I'm dressed for sex certainly makes negotiating an important deal a hell of a lot more interesting. If there's a click between me and a client... Well let's just say, many's the time I've gained an advantage by displaying more than just my bookkeeping skills.

The rest of the matching set, namely my bra and panties was stuffed inside my handbag and with a cool summer breeze wafting between my legs, I couldn’t help feeling like some gorgeous porn actress, all ready for the next fuck scene. I secretly wondered what the neighbours would say if they knew how bad one of the newest inhabitants of Washington Avenue actually was. Satisfied, I turned on my heels and started towards the open doorway, taking a gander down the street to see if anybody had watched my trip down vanity lane. In amusement, I saw a couple of net curtains twitching as I approached the opened door. After another quick peek over my shoulder, I stepped over the threshold.

The front door slammed shut and strong, powerful arms encompassed me from behind when I entered the hallway. After quickly throwing my handbag on the small dresser table situated beneath the huge wall mirror, I finally let my body surrender to the swell of sexual lust that had been plaguing me all afternoon.

"You're cutting it a bit fine." The deep gruff voice sounded a bit peeved.

"I sorry darling," I apologized teasingly, "But I couldn’t get away from the office as early as I wanted to.” I started kissing the fingers on the hand gripping my arm, running my tongue around his wedding ring as I told my lie. In truth, I was so busy making myself cum, I'd forgotten all about the time. A disbelieving “Hmmm.” sounded behind me.

“Do you forgive me?” I asked coyly as his strong hands began roaming over my whole body. He tried grabbing my breasts through my suit and despite my jacket denying him easy access I could still feel my girlies rising to the occasion. Frustrated by my clothing, his hands moved downwards and began writhing up and down my legs before grabbing my behind and squeezing it firmly. I felt the top of my thighs getting sticky again and involuntarily emitted a heartfelt groan.

Although in all walks of life, I'm a well educated, sophisticated, and independent business woman, being roughly handled gets me all wet and excited in ways I couldn't even try to explain, probably some primeval urge determined to usurp my modern day feminism. As the strong fingers began manipulating my aching flesh, I just couldn’t help getting turned on. Hearing my desire only encouraged my handsome caveman and he pulled me brusquely against his hard body. I felt his stiffness, nestled between my buttocks pressing deliciously against my back door and almost purred.

In contrast to the rough handling my trembling body was receiving, soft lips kissed the nape of my neck. My lover knew exactly what he was doing. If there was one thing guaranteed to get me to spread my legs, then it was this and had I been wearing my knickers, they would have been soaking wet by now. Suddenly impatient fingers deftly began unbuttoning my jacket and I could feel my nipples almost bursting through my blouse in anticipation. As my beloved discovered the nakedness beneath my blouse, I heard him gasp in surprise.

"You horny fucking bitch! You really did it, didn’t you?” he said in amazement. A statement, not a question. His thick rasping voice sounded excited in my ear and through the fine silk fabric, my naked tits reacted to being twisted and pinched just the way I like it. A girlish giggle escaped from my lips.

"I did tell you, Darling," I murmured between erotic sounding moans, "When I said, I was taking off my bra, I wasn’t lying." My comment procured a low growl of anticipation in my lover’s throat as he remembered what else I'd texted him this afternoon.

"So you're not wearing any panties either?" Although this was also a statement, the way he said it made it sound like a question. I shook my head. A roguish chuckle sounding behind me had the effect of awakening me out of my sexual intoxication and not wanting to be so passive, my hands went on the prowl. Reaching behind me, I felt hard swollen flesh pressing into me and enclosed my fingers around the warm staff.

"Oooh yeah. That's it, Baby, wank that that big fucking cock!" His instruction sent a swell of sexual longing through my whole being and my hand began sliding up and down his erection. "Can you feel how much I want you?" he asked, his rough voice right beside my ear. This question was asked while he placed a hand over mine. Saying nothing, I nodded, eyes closed, mouth half open and the tip of my tongue poking sensually between my lips.

"I've been dripping wet ever since your first message this afternoon,” I panted breathlessly, “And I was fingering myself in the car when your picture arrived." I sensed him grinning as he kissed me and felt his body relaxing. "Almost made me cum again," I said huskily and explained what had happened. His abdomen pressed harder into me, and I knew I’d pleased him.

"So my little slut was so turned on, you couldn’t wait to get here?” he asked thinking out loud. Unashamedly, I nodded. “And I take it you’ve really done what you said you would?" I heard his excited, heavy breathing and nodded my head again. Guilty as charged.

I felt his cock jerk in my hand and smiled inwardly. We both knew what was texted but reading is one thing, doing is another. I let my head fall back against the hard muscular frame supporting me and reached upwards with my free hand to clasp the thick neck behind me. A hand grabbed my chin, pulling my lips towards his and as his tongue entered my mouth, I turned slightly towards my lover’s while our tongues dueled. Even though I love being dominated, some part of my character just can't give in so easily and I did my best not to let him be victorious, unfortunately, time was not and my side and the urges deep inside me needed quelling.

"Come on, Darling," I said impatiently, breaking off our entwinement. "We haven't much time. Don’t forget the dinner party's tonight."

"Oh shit, I'd forgotten about that." The curse was explosive and heartfelt. The hand squeezing my breasts pinched a nipple tightly causing me to moan again in ecstasy as I twisted out of his arms, breaking off our embrace. I looked into his clear blues eyes and saw the lust in them, mirroring mine. Without a word, I began sinking to my knees.

"God, I just love the way you know what I want." he said, resting his hands on my shoulders.

My knees landed on the hardwood floor and while I tried spreading them as wide as I could, I held onto his slim hips to keep my balance. Grabbing the side of my head with both hands, he held it not so tightly that it hurt, but with enough strength to let me know who was in charge, then he guided my face right to his crotch. His promise was poking through his flies, long, thick and curving gently upwards towards the huge purple colored crest. With thick blue veins circling up and down, and around the entire length, it looks like a gnarled branch from an ancient mysterious tree; a branch leaking the heady aroma of pre-cum. I flicked my tongue over the glistening dome and savored the rich liquid. The salty flavor tantalized my taste buds and I repeated my actions, again and again, eliciting well-felt groans of desire.

"D'you want me to get this thing all nice and wet or do you want to cum all over my face?" I asked mischievously, the inborn slut already knowing the answer.

"Oh, you naughty little temptress," he said wagging a finger at me like a priggish schoolteacher who'd discovered one of his pupils being naughty. "You can't tempt me with your wicked ways, woman," he continued, his eyes sparkling in amusement. "You just open that beautiful little cock hungry mouth of yours and let me do the rest," he said authoritatively. I felt his grip tighten slightly and saw him nod his head approvingly as I obediently parted my perfectly made up lips.

 "I think,” he paused for effect, “Considering the amount of time we've got, you’d better just get it all nice and wet." He spoke casually as if ordering from a menu.

Before I could retort with a witty and barbed comeback, his cock landed heavily on my outstretched tongue and because my mouth was already open, he simply thrust his hips forward, his glistening dome vanishing into my warm wetness. As always his thick girth stretched my lips as he unmercifully filled my mouth, and when I pretended to object he didn't relent. Instead, pressing my head down harder onto his member, I felt his helmet disappear relentlessly down my throat.

"That's it, Slut," he said in a low, forceful voice, "Open wide and take all of it, just…” Inch after inch rapidly disappeared between my lips as he spoke. “Aaahh yes, just like that!" It wasn't pretty, it wasn't nice. There was no gentle lovemaking here, no tender touching, it was raw, unadulterated carnal lust. Sexual predators with an insatiable hunger, knowing no bounds, their intense deviant desires needing to be fulfilled. It was a battle of wills, Alpha male against alpha female, but with me, on my knees, I wasn’t in a winning position. Within seconds, despite fake protestations, my fiery red lips reached the base of his cock and my nose bumped against his shaven pelvis.

"You dirty, fucking bitch,” he said victoriously. My head was being pressed harder onto his prick, like a cherry being impaled on a cocktail stick. “That’s it slut, swallow that big fucking dick." I couldn’t help the ripple of pleasure running down my spine as his vulgar words matched his dirty deeds. Submissively, I did what I was told and after a couple of seconds I, felt the pressure on my head recede and his cock withdrawing from my throat as he pulled his hips backwards.

My respite was short lived because as soon as his cock adorned my lips again, a powerful thrust propelled his shaft back inside my mouth. This time, however, he didn't muck about. His prick slid repeatedly in and out of my pie-hole hardly giving me the time to blow him properly.

"You like that, don't you, Slut? Your mouth full with hot prick!" I smiled inwardly at his lewd exclamation and reveled in the obscene face fucking that was taking place. Of course, I did; that’s why he loved me like he did.

I loved the way he dominated me, intensely enjoyed how he lorded over me like some mythical conqueror, subjecting me to his demands. Of course being enslaved in my own depravity made subduing me much easier, but there was something fanatical about his behavior, the way he made no concessions to my wants and needs that really pressed my buttons. After years of searching for someone to treat me like this, to relieve me from my sordid needs, I never wanted this to end.

My head bobbed up and down as he repeatedly filled my mouth with hot flesh. He was having it all his way and I was there only to please him, to be used as he wanted, his fervent desire to take me increasing with each thrust. Every time he withdrew, huge beads of saliva ran down the length of his shaft, over my fingers, which were tightly wrapped around it before dropping messily to the floor. I eagerly massaged the fluids into his flesh and felt it greasing up nicely. Then after slapping my hand away and grabbing hold of his erection with one hand, he tilted my head up and backward so I could see the glint in his eyes with the other. His masterful smile told me what to expect.

Seconds later his prick landed on my face like a bludgeon, thick, hard and heavy. He was letting me know, Neanderthal style, who was in charge. I closed my eyes in ecstasy and wantonly received my branding. Watching my submissive behavior actively feeds his desire to dominate me further, and he knows there's nothing I can't deny him, nothing I wouldn't let him do to me. I can't help it, I'm addicted to him. I opened my mouth greedily and stuck out my tongue, waiting, wanting to suck him some more but as my lips closed around the bulbous helmet, he pulled it away triumphantly denying me my treat and issued another order.

"Get my bollocks out and suck them, woman," he instructed masterfully. Without displaying any sign of disappointment at being deprived of his delicious cock, I complied with his demand. My fingers trembling from desire, slid inside the opening in his trousers and grabbed hold of the heavy, spunk filled sacks.

‘Hmmm, I wasn't the only one not wearing underwear,’ I thought amused at his malice aforethought as I fished his balls out into the open. With my head angled to one side, I watched him calmly wank himself as I began feasting on his testicles. Seeing the way his hand moved up and down his greasy rod caused my pussy to ache. I was so fucking horny I wanted to finger myself...

Who was I kidding, I wanted fucking, I wanted to feel that lovely, big cock pushing between my juicy cunt lips, stretching my silken tunnel inexorably, however, I wasn't in control today, so instead I enjoyed the feeling of love sap trickling down the insides of my thighs before soaking into my stocking tops.

"Come on you gorgeous little slut," he said pulling me up onto my feet without warning and twirling me around. Then he herded me forwards towards the dainty looking dresser table.

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I looked at him through the mirror, my eyebrows raised inquisitively. He smiled mischievously while speaking.

"I want to watch you, watching me as I fuck that beautiful arse of yours!"

"Promises, promises," I retorted provocatively, resting my hands on the shiny polished table top and leaning forward. I arched my back and pushed my rear end into his excited loins, glancing naughtily over my shoulder. I saw and felt, with extreme pleasure, his cock pressing against my bum. With a sigh of satisfaction, I turned towards the mirror and saw a wolfish grin directed at me. I winked and then wiggled my ass, feeling his steely rod sandwiching nicely between my buttocks. 

"Tonight, when you're bored to tears at the dinner table," he began dryly, "You'll be able to close your eyes and remember this image," he said, sliding his hands down the back of my thighs.

“I’d enjoy it more if your cock’s inside me,” I replied huskily.

“Patience my little slut, just be patient. All good things...” he said, eyebrows raised sardonically.

"Make sure you're close to me then, tonight" I warned impishly, "Because I'll be so fucking horny, I may need another good seeing to." I raised my eyebrows knowingly. "And if you're not available or make me wait too long,” I continued giggling, “I might need to ask the neighbo..."

Quick as a rattlesnake, his hand whipped across my ass. Despite my skirt being in the way, the stinging sensation succeeded in silencing me. My sudden compliance surprised him and his eyes widened in feigned outrage and his mouth opened and closed like a goldfish on speed. I smiled reprehensibly, pleased with the reaction I'd taunted out of him but he caught me in the mirror and this time gave me a good hard slap. I yelped in real pain which seemed to please him.

"If I had the time, I'd give you a damn good spanking for even suggesting anything like that," he said in mock anger. His intense blue eyes twinkled dangerously. "Maybe I should stop right now and let you feel total frustration for the rest of the evening." He smiled diabolically and I could see the twisted humor in his handsome face but even as he spoke, his foot tried spreading my legs so he could have me, however, my skirt was proving to be quite the hindrance.

"We both know you can't do without this," he said arrogantly, pushing his hardness into me and we both knew he was right. He leaned over me and placed his mouth very close to my ear. “You know I’m the only one who'll fuck you how you like it, don’t you?” he said hoarsely, a large hand pulling my abdomen and tightly clad rear onto his erection.

"My skirt is in the way," I said impatiently while tactfully avoiding his question.

"Mmmm, don't worry about that," he said confidently whilst reaching for the hem of the offending garment. "We'll soon have that up and around your waist." Moments later, amid grunts of frustration, I felt my unrestricted feet being pushed apart.

"Hmmm, stockings and suspenders! I like it," he enthused as my hemline rose. "You really are such a skank, aren’t you, Darling?" The insult was drawn out to emphasize how much he liked seeing me dressed this way, while busy hands finally exposed my bare state of undress.

"Love it," he said affectionately, a hand gliding over my naked buttocks before slipping cheekily between my sticky thighs. A healthy chuckle reached my ears.

"You, my love, are utterly shameless and will obviously go to go to any lengths," two strong fingers pushed roughly past my outer lips and into my pink wetness while he continued speaking. "To get exactly what you want, won't you?"

I would have answered him but I was enjoying myself too much. His hand began moving violently between my legs, the palm slapping noisily against my sticky skin while his fingers drove deep inside me. Even though I wanted to cry out loud, release the pent up tension vocally, all I could muster was a low feral growl, originating from somewhere deep within my sexual core. It felt so good, what he was doing that I had to open my legs a little wider to expedite access.

"My God, you're really soaking, down here," he added as loud squelching sounds filled the hallway. "And as for that thing," he said, whistling his admiration while gazing at my rear end, "You continually amaze me with your depravity.” I accepted his comment as a compliment and wiggled my bum at him.

“Honestly darling,” he continued earnestly, “I don't think I've ever met anyone like you. Ever!" I positively glowed at his admiration but secretly felt the same. "I have to say…” he said, pausing momentarily as he regarded my surprise, “I really didn't think you'd do it." he looked at me proudly. "How long have you had that thing in there? Since this afternoon?" He said, answering his own question. I looked at his reflection and nodded, smiling mischievously.

"As soon as I texted you, telling you how horny I was and getting your answer," I replied matter of factly. He nodded knowingly as I continued. "Knowing you felt just as horny as I did and how much you like fucking this," and I wiggled my posterior again, "I couldn't help myself."

"And you just happened to have this in your office?” he said pointing at my bum.

I didn’t answer immediately because my body experienced a wave of pleasure that caused me to shudder uncontrollably. I pressed a hand on top of his and shut my eyes while biting my bottom lip to stop myself crying out in orgasmic gratification.

“Yes,” I croaked dryly.

"Did you use cum to lube your arse?"

Again I nodded, eyes half opened and looking at him, willing him to hurry up and give me what I wanted. Unfortunately, he knew it and a dirty raucous laugh filled my ears.

"Like this?" he said and waved two dripping fingers in front of my face. A shameful smile decorated my face as he placed his fingers against my mouth.

"Hmmmm." A thrill ran down my spine as I licked his fingers clean. He leaned over me and placed his mouth next to my ear.

"Finger yourself now," he ordered, his tone low and menacing, full of dark promise. It was caliginous, hungry and possessive and sent a shiver of delicious carnal pleasure down my spine. As my hand moved between my legs to replace his, I felt strong fingers slide teasingly down my anal crevice. Sudden pressure against my sphincter made me involuntarily tighten my abdominal muscles, gripping the thick bulbous shape attached to the shiny metal disc protruding from my ass.

“Ooooh God, that feels fantastic,” I moaned, my voice thick with lust. Instead of relaxing to ease the passage of withdrawal, I clenched my muscles tighter around the anal toy and reveled in the glorious sensation it created inside my ass. Sensing the increased resistance, my lover gave a sharp slap on the right buttock sending thousands of small electrical pleasure signals bombarding my brain. This caused my body to respond accordingly. I looked through heavy, half closed and lust induced eyelids at the reflection of two attractive people bent on getting it on and felt my body shiver with desire.

“Stop messing about, Slut!”

My lover's harsh instruction awakened me from my erotic daydreaming and brought me back to reality, which was knowing that despite having so much debauched fun, time wasn't on our side. After relaxing, the plug slipped easily from my opening but before I knew what was happening, the toy was being pushed against my cherry red lips. Without consciously thinking about what was happening, I opened my mouth and accepted the proffered delight.

As I savored the earthy flavors I felt my buttocks being pulled apart and my master's warm spittle trickling down my crack. Another discharge increased the pool of saliva dribbling towards my well-puckered hole and then his tongue forced its way inside me. This was more than I could take and my knees almost buckled, especially when he began enthusiastically exploring my orifice.

"God, I love your arse," he roared animatedly and orally attacked my back door again. His tongue was driving me wild with desire and together with my fingers feverishly rubbing my swollen clit with an urgency seldom felt, my feral growling had changed into breathless whimpers and moans. Then in a blur of movement, I saw my master, in the mirror, stand up behind me and spit on his hand. Then I watched, hardly daring to breathe in anticipation as his arm moved in a circular motion behind me, obviously lubricating his manhood for the task ahead.

And then… there it was, pressing determinedly against my sphincter, splitting it open decisively, like a pile being driven into a soft riverbed. My starfish gave only the slightest sign of resistance as the rim of his helmet pushed past the tight entrance and continued forward. I held my breath as he continued burying his wonderful prick deep inside me, his girth stretching my velvety tunnel to the fullest.

On and on he went, pushing seemingly deeper than he’d ever been before and made me wonder if I could take much more. Just as I thought this bittersweet sensation would never end, I felt his heavy balls bang against my buttocks. Finally, I let out a huge sigh and began breathing heavily, swallowing huge amounts of air into my lungs. His wiry pubic hair bristled against my soft skin, tickling it as he ground his loins into me, making sure every inch of his cock was buried to the hilt in my ass. Finally convinced he couldn't press any further, he leaned over me and whispered coarsely into my ear.

"Is this what you came for?” he asked coolly. His normally upper-class voice sounded gruff and crudely erotic as he sodomized me. I nodded a tight-lipped smile and squeezed my colon around his muscle for an answer. Luckily for me, he hadn't moved yet, allowing my anus to get used to his size and girth again, however, I could feel him throbbing away inside me, a menacing premonition of the brute force about to be unleashed and relaxed my body to accept his onslaught. Daring not to speak, afraid I could only croak if I tried, I looked at him in the mirror, eyes gleaming and continued nodding. He saw my reply and knew I was ready. "Ooooohhhhhh," escaped my lips and the nodding increased in speed as he slowly but surely began moving inside me.

"Hmmmm, fuck, you're so big."

I couldn’t help moaning softly as almost the entire length disappeared from my rectum, leaving, on the one hand, a momentary feeling of relief and on the other, a strange feeling of being unfulfilled. Of course, these mixed feelings were immediately dispelled when his thick cock surged forward again. This thrust was harder, less restrained than the first. Raw sexual power being unleashed, confirming what I already knew. He wanted this as much, if not more than I did and as if to prove how much he loved me, he wasn’t going to spare me.

"I love fucking your arse," he growled hungrily, more to himself than me, grabbing my hips and pulling me back onto him increasing our collision speed. Our bodies slapped together. The obscene sound of flesh on flesh accompanied by the squelching between my thighs and his soft grunting was music in my ears. These were the sounds of unadulterated, no holds barred sex and like a musician adding to the carnal symphony, I emitted my own well felt moan as he bottomed out.

"Come on, you big pricked bastard," I urged through tightly clenched teeth. "Fuck your little whore. Fuck her tight little ass with that big fucking cock of yours, make her cum." Hearing my crude words had the desired effect. His hands grabbed my hips tighter and he pulled his erection back even further before driving it relentlessly home. Heavy balls slapped against my thighs, rocking me on my heels as he made good use of the extra purchase he had.

I looked up in the mirror and saw him watching me, expectantly and with a glazed expression on my face, I provocatively ran the tip of my tongue over my lips, moaned loudly with every thrust and a ran hand sexually through my hair while he continued to pound me in a steady, determined rhythm. His prick moved easily in and out of my anal orifice even when I clenched my abdominal muscles, tightening my velvety tunnel around his member as he fucked me. I watched the look of carnal satisfaction grow on his face and wanted this to last forever.

Even though I was lost in a tumult of desire, somewhere in the back of my mind, I still remembered we didn't have long, but was unsure how long it had been since the front door had shut behind me. Was it five minutes ago or longer. I was so consumed by the heat of the moment that I'd lost track of time and fearing we didn't have enough of it, I did the only thing I could think of to speed up my lover's climax. I leaned forward until my sensitive breasts were pressed hard into the wooden surface, causing more pleasurable sensations to bombard my senses and opened my arms wide to grab hold of the dresser on each side.

Now I lay there, supine in demeanor, surrendering myself to his masterful intentions, arching my back as I lay there raising the angle of entrance, so instead of standing behind me with knees bent, he could stand up straight. Moving into the ultimate "Fuck me," position had the desired effect. Now he had more balance and stability and his thrusting movements grew more powerful, more deliberate. Like an unwavering pile driver, he drove his cock deep inside me, long, meaningful strokes, each born to stoke the lecherous fires of desire inside me into a blast furnace of orgasmic pleasure. Every time our bodies collided, he'd savagely grind himself against me, just for a split second before pulling backward to ready himself for the next onslaught.

Between my thighs, it was a cauldron of longing. My clit was throbbing incessantly and my pussy lips twitched continuously, wanting to be fed something substantial, but I daren't move my hands. Right now it wasn’t about me. It was all about my lord and master. He wanted release, needed it and it was my call of duty to help him achieve it. All I had to do was lay there and accept his bidding. Hmmm, how difficult could that be?

"Oh you fucking bitch," he growled in a crescendo of noise, coming from the pit of his stomach and sounding like approaching thunder. His long deliberate stroking began to speed up, his cock pistoning in and out like a well-oiled machine, each lunge much more immediate, no hanging about now. In and out. In and out, slamming into me harder and faster, loud grunting accompanying his movements and his fingers gripped my hips even tighter.

"Finger me," I begged, my pussy desperate to be penetrated. My lover ignored my plea so I tried again. “Finger me, Baby, I wanna cum too,” I said, hearing the desperation in my voice.

"No," he roared commandingly, his voice bearing no discussion.

"I'm cuming you bitch." he bellowed, the words reverberating down the hallway. I raised my head to look at his reflection in the mirror. The handsome face was screwed up in a mask of intense concentration. His short hair, wet with perspiration had formed spikes and little drops of sweat were visible on his temples. His pale blue eyes were staring into the distance and his jaw jutted forward, the tension lines around his mouth clearly definable. His cock, buried deep inside me began to throb powerfully so I clenched my back passage and squeezed his manhood as he prepared for his final thrust.

Feeling my ass milking him brought a grin to his face and I grinned back at his reflection and then watched entranced as he reached the point of no return. His eyes shut tight and his mouth changed shape, looking now like he'd eaten something distasteful. His fingers, already gripping me painfully, tightened some more and literally pulled me from the table onto his pelvis rocketing forward and smashing hard into my buttocks. His cock expanded inside me and with a huge roar of release, scalding hot spunk flooded my tunnel. His body shuddered violently sending white hot liquid to explode forth and we stood there for what seemed like an eternity, joined in union, hardly moving except when his body jerked uncontrollably, spewing yet more hot seed into me until eventually, he collapsed over me. Seconds later he began mumbling and kissing my soft bare neck.

“Baby, you’re the best,” he said almost incoherently as I lay there enjoying the feel of his hard body on top and inside of mine. I could have stayed there forever but my lover was coming to his senses. Reaching forward he picked up the butt-plug and guided it towards my mouth.

"Suck it, Baby," he said gruffly and waited for me to comply. I opened my lips and gratefully accepted his offering. After getting it nice and wet, he stood up behind me removing the toy from between my lips in the process and grinned mischievously in the mirror at me. Even though I'd guessed what was going to happen, I couldn't help giggling at his wickedness. However, it was still a surprise how empty I felt when he withdrew his prick, still standing at half mast, but the feeling was only momentary. Seconds later he reinserted the plug, sliding it easily into my well-lubricated hole, then he placed his arms around me and pulled me up straight.

"Why don't you go and get ready for this evening," he said, cuddling me and mischievously pushing his pelvis against the anal toy buried snugly between my buttocks. "Oh and don't forget to wear knickers tonight," he said with a rich chuckle. "Don't want you leaving any cum stains on the dining room chairs later on, do we?"


Dressed to kill in a sexy, off shoulder little black dress, I walked into the kitchen whilst fixing my earrings and perfunctorily kissed hubby as he poured me a glass of wine.

"All set for this evening," he asked casually, casting an eye over my attire and raising an eyebrow. I saw the tiny glimpse of disapproval when my braless nipples, clearly visible through the tight black fabric caught his attention. I ignored his frown and nodded my head as I raised my glass to take a sip of wine.

“I saw you pull up and walk across to Dave and Jenny's," he added conversationally, "Was there anything important?" I smiled into my glass before answering.

"No," I replied matter of factly, my sphinter tightening snugly around the butt-plug. "Just checking the dress code for this evening."

Written by AndreaDetroit
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