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Bad Girl - Chapter 7

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Author's Notes

"Camp nears the end and the time arrives for Pam's demo on anal sex with her former Mistress. Pam and Gerry have an unexpected encounter with the couple in the next campsite."

After cleaning up and a refreshing dip in the pool, they headed back to the campsite. While Gerry was firing up the grill, the people camped next to them came over and introduced themselves as John and Liz. They explained their grill was malfunctioning and wondered if they could use Pam and Gerry's grill to cook the London Broil steak they had.

"I was going to try and rig up something over a fire, but when I saw you, I thought I'd take the chance and ask. It's a really big piece of meat and you are welcome to share it with us."

"Tell you what, John. Bring your chairs and food over and we can share it all. I have some chops that have been marinating for two days and should be like butter."

"That sounds like a deal."

John hauled over two lawn chairs then went back, returning with his wife Liz, the steak and several additional containers as well as plates and silverware and a bottle of wine. The men put the meat on the grill as the women set up the table and opened the wine. When the meat was done, they put it on a platter to sit for a few minutes before they cut it. While they were waiting, they each had a small salad, then they cut up the meat and each of them took a piece of the steak and some of the chops. There were pasta salad and cold beets. They went through several bottles of wine and a six pack of beer. When Liz mentioned homemade cherry pie, they all groaned.

"Did you hear about the lake walk tonight? It should be dark enough soon to get the full effect. Why don't we clean up here, then go walk off some of this food? We can have the pie when we get back."

"Yes, we heard about it earlier today from one of the residents and Pam and I were planning on going, so that sounds like a plan."

They all pitched in and cleaned up the dinner mess in no time. They headed down to the lake hand in hand and walked the path along with a number of other couples. They took their time and it took about forty-five minutes to complete the full circuit, then they headed back to the campsite. They went to John and Liz's campsite this time, grabbing their chairs and a bottle of Buttershots. Gerry grabbed the plastic shot glasses they had brought along just for something like this. Liz served up four pieces of pie. They toasted and downed the shots, then ate the pie.

They each did several shots and everyone was getting pretty wasted, especially the two men who were also drinking beer. The subject eventually got around to sex and John and Liz both admitted to being bisexual and that he loved sucking cock. Liz said it turned her on to watch him do that so much that they always had great sex afterwards. Gerry said that while Pam was bisexual, he was not. The two men got into a ‘don't knock it until you try it' and ‘I've gone without until this point' and then ‘I am not asking you to bend over and let me fuck your ass' discussion, all the while continuing to drink.

"Put your mouth where your money is…"

Then Gerry got up, stood in front of John, pulled his zipper down and pulled out his cock.

"I bet you can't take this whole piece of meat in your mouth."

John took the cock into his mouth and started sucking and stroking it. He massaged Gerry's balls with his other hand and Pam watched in amazement as his cock got hard. Liz had her eyes glued to the action and kept whispering to Pam how turned on she was getting. Pam admitted to herself it was pretty hot watching a guy taking her husband's cock deep into his mouth. After about ten minutes, she heard Gerry grunt as he shot his load into John's mouth. When he pulled out, Pam said something about getting some sleep and pulled Gerry back to their tent before anyone could get into discussing what had just happened. She figured they could retrieve the chairs and other stuff in the morning.

They crawled into their tent and undressed, and Pam fed Gerry some aspirin, then took one herself. For the next thirty minutes, very loud sounds of sex could be heard coming from the tent next door. Pam wondered how Gerry would feel about what had happened if he even remembered or would admit to it. They both fell asleep and it was mid-morning by the time she woke up. Gerry was still asleep so she went to the food court. Breakfast was over, but she was able to get some orange juice, two cups of coffee and a couple of glazed donuts. There was snoring coming from the neighbour's tent so she guessed they were both still crashed. She heard noise coming from their tent as Gerry was waking up.

Pam set the food and drinks on the table and retrieved their chairs. She handed Gerry a cup of coffee and more aspirin and took a sip of her own coffee, then handed him one of the doughnuts.

"The sugar will help your head, hun. Breakfast was over, but I'll get the cereal and milk out. I got some orange juice too if you like."

They each had a bowl of cereal with lots of sugar and split the bottle of OJ. Gerry had still not said anything about last night and she decided just to let it go unless he mentioned it. She kind of hoped if he didn't say anything, neither John nor Liz would bring it up either. If he was embarrassed about it, she was fine just leaving it at camp, and if he was ok with it, she knew her husband well enough that he would bring it up on his own at some point. Either way, it did not bother her.

The class Mistress Candace was doing on anal sex was scheduled in about an hour and a half. Since they had not showered last night, Pam grabbed her ditty bag and a towel and headed for the showers. She did some touch ups and made sure she was ready for anal sex. When she got back, Gerry was still sitting in his chair eating the second doughnut.

"How's the head, hun?"

"Getting better. I took another aspirin. I hear our neighbors are still asleep."

"Yea, I saw that when I got up. I want to get to the class early in case Mistress needs to tell me anything. Are you sure you are ok with me doing this?"

"Yes, it's all good, babe. I know you want to do this, and I really am okay with letting you. As we agreed, whatever happens at camp, good or bad, stays here, right?"

"Yes, that is right. I do love you so. You should go shower, maybe sit in the hot tub a bit and sweat it out. The class is in about an hour now, so if you want to come and watch, you should have time."

"Okay, babe. I'll try and make it, but enjoy yourself if I don’t and don’t worry about me."

Pam put on a red lace thong, one of the pairs of nipple jewelry and her wrist cuffs. She still had on the collar Gerry had bought for her so she headed over to the classroom. An earlier class was just ending, so she stood around waiting for Mistress to show up. Two of her male subs showed up and moved some of the furniture around and straightened up the chairs. She recognized one of them from when she was a sub as well.

"Samuel! How great to see you again! So you are still with Mistress Candace?"

"Pam! I heard you were here and going to help with the demo. No, I got married a few years back as well. We have twin toddlers now. My wife used to be in the lifestyle as well, though not as involved as I was, but enough to understand the desires. I come to one of the camps each summer, whichever one Mistress needs me to be at. That and a couple of local events during the year. In return, she takes a girls only vacation with her girlfriends. We don't discuss what goes on with either of us. What about you? Still married?"

"Yes. In fact, he is here with me."

"Oh, so he is in the lifestyle too. Is he your Master then?"

Pam explained their arrangement with vacations and that how, after running into Mistress Candace at the mall and learning of the camp, she selected this as her choice this year.

"That's pretty awesome. Is he enjoying himself?"

"A lot more than I expected, but I think he enjoyed himself just a bit too much last night and is nursing a bit of a hangover today. If he feels well enough, I hope he makes it for the demo, though I am not sure he is ready to see me fucked by another guy. Are you the demo guy?"

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"It was supposed to be Jocko over there, but when Mistress told me you would be the girl, I requested the change, so yes. We were always good together when we did these."

"Yes, we were."

"Well, I best let you get back to your tasks before Mistress shows up."

They kissed and he went back to work. A few minutes later, Mistress Candace arrived.

"Good afternoon, Mistress Candace. I am here to serve you and have you do with me as you please."

Pam then turned around with her back to her Mistress, then faced her again, then turned her back once again.

"Good afternoon, kitten. I am happy to see you. And has your Master made a decision?"

"I think a bit too much alcohol last night made the decision for him, Mistress."

Candace clipped her wrists together then turned her around and fingered the jewelry adorning her nipples.

"These are lovely, kitten. I saw them at the vendor area and thought of you, though I still think your nipples would look lovely pierced. I gather you saw that Samuel is here and that he will be the demo man if your Master does not show up."

"Yes, Mistress. We chatted a bit. I am hoping my Master will at least make it in time to watch, but then again, though he is ok with me doing this, I don't know how he would feel seeing me actually get fucked by another man."

"Since you and Samuel have done this many times, I guess there is no need to go over anything."

"No, Mistress."

When she walked into the tent, both male subs did their designated rituals, then Jocko left and Samuel took his place while Pam took hers. The seats began to fill and Pam kept an eye out for Gerry, but she didn't see him yet. The class started with Mistress Candace explaining the importance of lube and going slow, stretching and positions. Pam and Samuel went through the paces as the instructions were given. When they finally finished, she spotted Gerry in the last row but had no idea when he had arrived. After the room emptied, he went to the front.

"Hello, Candace."

"Hello, Gerry. Have you come to retrieve your pet?"

"Yes. Will you need her services any further?"

"No, I believe I am done with her for this camp. Thank you for allowing her to assist me."

"You are quite welcome. I trust her work was satisfactory."

"More than satisfactory. She is quite skilled."

"Yes, I am quite familiar with her skills. I suppose I have you to thank for that, at least in part."

Gerry winked at Candace then turned to Pam.

"Bend over, slut. You forgot something when you left."

"Yes, Master."

Pam bent over and Gerry gave her a half dozen very hard smacks on the ass, then pulled the tail out from his back pocket and pushed it into her back hole. He pulled her up and attached the leash to her collar.

"Thank you, Master. Thank you, Mistress Candace. It was nice working with you again."

"It was nice working with you too, kitten."

Gerry headed off with Pam in tow. They stopped at the food court where he released her arms. They each got a lunch plate and a piece of fruit. Gerry grabbed a couple of bottles of water too.

"How are you feeling, Master? You look better than when I left."

"Better, babe. You were right about the hot tub. It really helped."

"I didn't see you come into the class. How much did you see."

"Probably about halfway through, maybe a bit more. You seemed quite at ease."

"Well, Samuel and I knew each other back when we were both subs for Mistress Candace."

"So the two of you were together?"

"NOOO! Well not in the way you are thinking. We did demos together sometimes; we are just comfortable with each other is all. And like me, he isn't her sub anymore. He's married, has two kids and just does this camp once a year. You aren't upset that I did that with someone I knew, are you?"

"No, I'm okay with it. I love you and I know you love me and that nothing will change that. By the way, John and Liz finally woke up and they were still in the hot tub when I left. John looked a little green around the edges."

"They say anything?"

"Mostly just sat there sipping coffee."


"Are there any more activities you want to attend today, babe?"

"Nothing much until the bonfire tonight. Though I never did get a chance to check out the rest of the vendors. What about you? Anything else you want to do, daddy?"

"Not really. Even though I feel better, I'm not quite at 100%. I did see something at one of the vendors though that I want to show you. Then maybe just hang around the pool and hot tub, or go for another paddle boat ride."

"Okay, why don't we check out the rest of the vendors, then grab some towels and hit the pool?"

At the vendors, he showed her a harness he had seen that he thought she might like. It encircled the breasts, went up to a collar, then a strap going down the back to a waistband. The strap continued down between the legs. and could accommodate two internal dildos. There were numerous rings on the back strap, the collar and the waistband for attaching wrist cuffs, or even hog tying ankles too.

"What do you think, babe. Would you like something like that?"

"Ohhh, I love it, daddy!"

They bought the harness then went and got some towels and headed to the pool. Pam removed her tail and wrist cuffs, leaving them at the campsite. They spent the rest of the afternoon sunning, swimming and sitting in the hot tub. When it was time for dinner they went back to the campsite and heated up the leftover ribs and chops. They finished what was left of the salad.  They noticed that it appeared the neighbors might be breaking down their site as half the stuff was gone. After cleaning up, they went to the camp store and got a couple of ice cream bars, then went down to the lake. The paddleboat was in use so they waited for it to get back, finishing up their ice cream.

Before the bonfire, they straightened up what they could in preparation for leaving the next day, then showered. They grabbed their chairs and headed for the field where the bonfire had been set up. It was quite an affair as it was the closing ceremony. Sunday morning, a display of donated items would be raffled off, some acknowledgements and awards would be given and campers would then be dismissed. When they got back from the bonfire, they noticed John and Liz must have left as their campsite was clear.

After they had breakfast on Sunday morning, they packed up everything in the tent and set it out, then took the tent down, Gerry moved the truck back to the site and they packed everything up except for some towels and clean clothes. After showering, they packed the rest of the stuff in the truck and put some beverages and ice in the small cooler. They grabbed some bottled water and went to the dungeon where the raffle was being held. They checked out all the donated items and bid on several items each. They watched the awards given out and cheered at those acknowledged for the work they did at camp. When everything was over, they went back to the truck and headed home.

They chatted about the camp on the way home, mostly discussing the activities and classes, but true to their agreement, the sexual aspects were never discussed. Gerry and Pam did occasionally roleplay D/s after the camp and they even attended a few local events in those roles. Gerry was more open to experimenting with Pam and they decided to add camp as an extra short vacation the next year as well. Pam found she was quite happy in the occasional role as a sub and that satisfied her needs. Gerry took the time to learn a bit more about the role of a Master. With their forays into role play and camp once a year, the marriage flourished. While Gerry never mentioned the incident with John, he did use the glory hole at camp the following summer, using the one labeled men. 


The end         




Written by adele
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