Quote by sprite
after once more being accused of mod favoritism, I have decided not to enter this or any future comps. thanks very much for finding a way to fuck up my day. sincerely, Rachel.
Rachel, I am so sorry to hear this happened. It is unfair and not correct.
You are a fantastic writer, and you know how I feel about the Anti Valentine winner, "Ellie." IMHO the single best competition story I have read here. That story's structure has inspired me on more than one occasion, the twist being so unexpected and yes, weird. ๐ณ
Then there was your 2nd placed "Glitch," which was excellent too; just reread my review.
As some know, for the last few story competitions, I have read and commented on every story entered. What they might not know is that privately, I also give a mark to each story, and I can tell you (in my personal results) that "Glitch" was right up there with the winner and WW's. This has nothing to do with Lush; it is nothing to do with anyone being a moderator... it is just me having a little fun and enjoying reading good stories.
Please don't stop doing competitions, Rachel... We/I will miss reading your entries. ๐