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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 36
United States


I am that girl who laughs when things are not funny but sometimes, just sometimes, you cannot help but laugh with me. I am that girl that just might be worth a chance if you gave me one, because I layered with awesomeness that you have to dig to get at.

My likes include kinky woman, older men and riding cock like there is no tomorrow.

I enjoy so many things. I love to read and lose myself in a good book or story. I love to write, seeing how many people I can pull in with my words. I love to watch amazing television shows and get lost in exciting movies. I love to be outside, breathing in the fresh air. I love to love ... because life is to short to hate.

Favorite Books
That one book that had that one character that did that one thing. Yeah, I really really liked that one.

Favorite Authors
That one author who wrote that one book I really really liked.

Favorite Movies
The one that had a beginning, a rising action, this amazing climax and a satisfying conclusion that wrapped it all up for me.

Favorite Music
Boom Boom Boom, Shake Shake Shake, Waltz, Tango, Twist and Shout!!!
