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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 30
United States


Hey Gals,
I feel like I'm fairly new to a kinky life style but I know that absolutely want to have one. I think its an incredible way to get to know people and explore them and yourself. The issue is that I feel like I don't know much about how to engage in that life style and I really want to learn. Is that something that can be taught or does it have to be learned personally? Would any gals here be interested in being a teacher?? I'm a loyal student! ;) If interested or wanna chat about it, PLEASE pm me, i would love to chat!
Any of you ladies like to masterbate in mother natures lush beauty? Personally, I think it's wonderful! The breeze on my package, the birds chirping, the outstanding peace, and not to mention, the possibility of getting caught by a fellow nature goer (maybe even one who is as turned on as you are;) .) It just gets me entirely too turned on when I'm out hiking or riding my bike, what's say you??
so I am an 18 year old boy, im new to the whole sub/dom thing but im getting interested in it and i would really like to try out having a mistress. I am strait so girls are my preference, I would love to have an older gal tell me how to get off sexually, but im game for any ladies that arent too extreme. i like pretty much everything from and the down and dirty to lovey dovey shit. please message me if you are at all interested.
best remedy, and i kid you not, medical marajuana. I encourage you to seriously look into it.