A great all-natural remedy is Blackstrap Molasses.

It's super affective and affordable. A little goes a long way, so your buck stretches further.
There's a video for it, but for some reason I can't embed it, so I'll just post the link.
Blackstrap molasses comes from sugarcane, of course. And it's the "third boil". To make molasses, the sugarcane is burned once or twice, depending on what the molasses are going to be used for, whether it's for baking or a natural sweetener or as a syrup. The third boil has the lowest sugar content because it's the last boil, so all you're left with is the nutrients and minerals. The nutrients strengthen the muscle layer around the uterus (where the cramps come from), which in turn release toxicity and discomfort. It's also a great all-natural muscle relaxer, which is great for that muscle soreness you get after working out.
The surest and quickest way is to take a tablespoon of it straight up, which is pretty intense. So if that's not the way you wanna go, try mixing it in tea...decaff, because caffeine will counteract the healing properties of the molasses. If you eat oatmeal, mixing it into your oatmeal is also a way to go in place of honey or any other sweetener you may use.
This method is super affective. My cramps get pretty violent to the point where I can't function, so it definitely helps to tame them when I do have them.
Do you have any remedies to share?