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Over 90 days ago
Lesbian Cis Female, 31
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Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by Ensorceled
I LOVED this story. You really are a talented writer. I'm a little pissed you made me look up "Gordian Knot" but that's a small price to pay. smile

I agree with what you said about the site being a great place to build a community, writers and readers and lovers and friends. I like this place.

You are that much more worldly. Think of all the deep conversations you will now be able to carry on when out having pints with the boys, or girls, whichever is your fancy. :) Thank you for the kind words. I loved your story too!
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by nicola

Well, this came as a bit of a surprise. I wrote this story as a bit of an exercise as I tend to get caught inside my own head way too many times. I'm truly honored that so many have enjoyed it.

A huge debt of gratitude to you, Nicola, for creating and maintaining such an amazing site. A place that has spawned a community. Where friends can gather, catch up, explore their fantasies and some can even learn how to divulge them in a tale. 'Thank you' just doesn't seem like enough.
Indentured Grammar Fascist
I am so happy to see this story awarded the Editor's Pick. I had the pleasure of approving this story and was blown away by how amazing it was. Subtle, and yet it grabs you and won't let go.

Fantastic job, Martin. Congratulations on the recognition!
Indentured Grammar Fascist
yes... put your feet up. so we can all peek up your skirt

Two Hundred? TWO HUNDRED??

wow! Congrats! You definitely deserve the prize!
Indentured Grammar Fascist
I murder zombies.

That’s right, you heard correctly; legally, of course. Using a severely addictive serum that I extract from a little brown bean, I serve it to them as they shuffle in each morning. The beauty of the whole process is they actually pay me to do it to them.

It’s weird, though. Some are the same zombies that keep showing up morning after morning. That group has affectionately been named my regulars. I suppose I could try to increase the potency of my serum and see if I can knock out the semi-catatonic state permanently, but I rather enjoy the company.

You’re welcome to come and watch...if you’d like. I do have some drinks that only look and taste like the real thing, but don’t contain the active ingredient. You can sit and enjoy some pretty chill music while you watch the transformation; there are some zombies that hang out in case they decide they need a second dose.

Hope I see you soon!

Indentured Grammar Fascist
Congratulations, LJ. I am so, so happy to see Deceit awarded the EP.

I remember when I read the story, I told myself I would just start it and then come back to finish it later. pulled me in and would not let me go! Before I knew it, I was at the end and writing up my comments.
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by LucaByDesign

Really quite something, Tam. Loved it.

Thank you! Here's another...

Barfly Lesbian

Across a crowded bar I gaze
and wonder if you even know
of the inner maelstrom you set ablaze
Storm clouds which your features sow.

Front teeth showing the slightest gap
Cheekbones perfectly set up high
A soft, melodious, contagious laugh
Your red dress creeping up mid-thigh.

Around, men gather, strong and sturdy
Do they even stand a chance
to level past their drunken flirty
advances too weak to hold your glance.

And deep inside I know it’s not
machismo driving your fancy wild.
It’s written it in that look you’ve got;
eyes so sensual and beguiled.

If only I could find the nerve,
I’d whisper poems to your ear
With breath tracing your body’s curve
to whisk your mind away from here.

To a nightly dream where you are mine
Where I easily find the words to speak
Where rain and wind in this storm combine
To form a bond, a love unique.

Last call approaches, my hope is slight
Yet I’d trade this all to be with you
I ask my anxious heart, ‘Tonight?’
But derelict fantasies hardly come true...
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by Wilful

Oh, and while we're at it, can we please ban Tam this time?

i'll be sitting this one out.
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Your side of our bed is now
Piled high with books,
Stacks and stacks of them.
Different authors
Different genres
All filled with voices.
Voices that fill the spaces
Spaces that you left behind.
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by sprite
a lot of lushies in the UK have been going down, lately, though i don't think we're talking about the same thing...

you mean like fighting? right?

Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by Caramel_Infidel

Just FYI: Tams is a woman.

Thank you, CI. I identify as a Tasier.

Indentured Grammar Fascist
Congratulations, my dear friend. I also designed a trophy to recognize your achievement. Mine is more porcelain-based.

This story is so smooth and eloquent, and a model for how impassioned erotica should be written. A well-deserved EP!
Indentured Grammar Fascist

Congrats to everyone who entered. Writing poetry, especially about love, is such an emotional process. It becomes a little piece of you and it is not easy to share that with the public. Everyone who entered should be proud of what they accomplished. I do apologize that I was not able to read them all. Time permitting, I will.
Indentured Grammar Fascist
I have. Santa Anita race track isn't far from me, neither is Del Mar. Fun Fact: I own a thoroughbred, although he's never been raced. But do not let him step on your toe (or you!)

HYE seen a meteor shower in real life?
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Does having sex with yourself count (on either side of that equation) ?

HYE had a horse step on your toe?
Indentured Grammar Fascist
One year I got the flu vaccine and two days later I got sick. "Just a coincidence," they told me. The next year I got the flu shot and two days later I got sick again. I dont get the flu shot anymore.

HYE had deja vu so vividly that you had a strong idea/feeling as to what would happen next?
Indentured Grammar Fascist
There's this moderator named Tam
Who is always a bit of a ham
With lush as her stage
She acts half her age
As long as you laugh she couldn't give a damn.

I guess that doesn't have to do with modding though... hmmm

Moderator Tam was a bit of a sight
She once modded all day and all night
the stories were hot
soon so was her twat
By day thirty she looked quite the fright.

Thanks, everyone!
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Howdy, all...

Cali is lifting its stay-at-home orders! I am happy to report that all our patio heaters are back to glowing orange with the faces of happy diners nestled snuggly underneath (I assume they are happy since most still wear masks in between sips).

I'll take a coffee, Rumps. Yes, I know I have my own supply at my fingertips, but yours comes with that added Oh, right, rum!
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Congratulations, Stormy D. This one tugged at the heartstrings and so deserved the EP award.