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Over 90 days ago
Lesbian Cis Female, 31
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Indentured Grammar Fascist
Yes. I was in Jamaica a few years ago and we went to this bar, Rick's Cafe in Negril. They are known for allowing you to cliff jump. There were like three different heights and you work your way up. The final height was like 35 feet (I think). Doesn't sound scary but when you are up there it feels like you are on top of the Eifel Tower!

Have you ever climbed the Eifel Tower...
Indentured Grammar Fascist
not officially...I HAVE stubbed my toes a few times and felt like they broke but never got it diagnosed.

HYE plunged in freezing cold water on purpose?
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Howdy one and all…

Today’s typically my day off but I had to go in at 6 AM to help my boss with a PPP loan application. They released another round and the early bird gets the worm...hopefully. I know they say government and red tape are synonyms, but holy moly what a pain in the butt. Fill this out...fill that out… oh wait fill this one out again but in a different way, just cuz.

Anyway, app is in and now we wait to see if we get the assistance. (fingers crossed)

Verbal, PM me a link if you get around to it. I wouldn’t mind listening to that gravelly voice of yours.

I’ll take a java if you got one, Rump...feel free to spike it.
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by browncoffee

I think i fainted while reading it, it was so good

thank you, Hannah!

Quote by WannabeWordsmith

Wondered why you hadn't been around much lately.

After she fainted, I dragged her back to my lair. story title: Chronicles of a Cave-lesbian
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by naughtyannie

1. 1977 – Arabella and the Author by Tams_back_yay (35th)
2. 1865 – The Ghost of Fucks That Never Were by Jaymal (38th)


I guess me and Jake are just better at bribing the judges!
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by curvygalore

Winners shouldn't pay for their own drinks. So that's nice of Verbs to offer!

Next round's on me, for you and all the other splendid Rumps finalists! First evening pint here please, Rumps!

Make mine a whiskey...Bulleit if you got it, CG. Im in a whiskey mood.
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by sprite

when did rumps hire their own bar lush/slut? not that i disapprove. just curious.

Rumps never sed nothin' about no pay... wait that makes me look worse...

Keep those celebratory drinks flowing! woohoo
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Congratulations, Tamara! We've not been improperly introduced, but may I add my wishes to the undoubted large pile of them from friends and admirers?

Well done, and well earned! And thanks for the drink! That's always well received around this bar stool.


Thank Verbal...he kindly offered to pick up my tab! I think he has some Hors d'oeuvres too...just dont ask where they were spit from... I mean where they came from.

Ping.. haha that looks like footage from the Amazon offices when they were floating (pun intended) the idea of drone deliveries.
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by Verbal

Love you two Tam. Congrats again. Let's cuddle up in the corner and listen to House impeachment hearings. Hot!

Keep em coming, Bill.

Nothing gets me all tingly quite like listening to some eighty-year-olds drone on about politics. purrrr
Indentured Grammar Fascist
stumbles in already half-drunk

A round of drinks for everyone, Rump... on me!!

grabs Rump by his apron and pulls him into a lean across the bar...whispers in a whiskey-laden slur: You do assept Amazon giff cards, right?

EDIT... schlide my fucken tab to Verbal... love you, Verbs!
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Thank you to all of you who read, commented, and voted on my story. I am truly grateful for the support.

I am also truly grateful for Nicola and the team of volunteer judges who sacrifice their time to conduct these competitions. Reading all of these stories is a feat in itself, but to have to narrow the scope to just 10 is very daunting.

I will use this thread as it was intended, to congratulate the winners and encourage those who participated to keep it up. Well done! Anything short of that seems trivial and petty, but that is just me.
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by Verbal

Fuzz, are the Rogues an iteration of the Pogues, without Shane McGowan? I think they are. BTW, one of the best concerts I've ever seen was The Pogues. Shane McGowan is a drunken genius.

Great song, Verbs. I do believe the Pogues kicked Shane MacGowan out for being a drunk...haha...irony at its finest!

Some of the gifts I ordered won't get here this week and I ordered them Dec. 8th. Oh well.

Kat, thats an amazing view from your balcony! Thanks for sharing.

I'm off today, I'll take an Irish coffee...that song Verbal posted has me in the mood. For Irish coffee!!
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by Jen
Actually, in that vein, hands-free autoscroll of stories for when you don't have a spare finger to swipe up.

You've been reading Sprite's stories again, haven't you! me too!

Indentured Grammar Fascist
I'm with you Kat...for me if it drops below 65 its freezing! Now i need another coffee!

Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by Verbal

Hey all. Celebrating my youngest daughter's 18th birthday today!

Three days of gainful employment left. Continue doing whatever is was you were doing before I popped in.

A quick cup of coffee would be nice.

I was staring at you awkwardly...

Coffee please, Rump.
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Hope it's not too late to get in on the celebration! Happy Birthday, Roger!

Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by Mushroom0311

I guess all I really expect is at least some kind of feedback. Even just a single sentence.

We fully understand your frustration. But, with the volume in the queue and more coming in each day, we would spend too much time giving updates and not enough time verifying the stories.

Gold and Platinum members do receive priority. If you are that anxious, you could always upgrade.

Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by RumpleForeskin

Your beloved blind barkeep will admit to never, ever, hearing of something called 'pickleball'. All those in a similar state of blissful ignorance are encouraged to check out Wiki for some elucidation.

Rump!! How do you not know about pickleball? Its kind of a big dill.

Keep those doubles flowing!

Verbs, can that thing take pics? If so, please share some here!
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by delacruzinforjosh
My Thanksgiving is canceled. I feel like I'm coming down with something and I'm not going to chance it.

You're doing the wise thing. Sucks, but smart. we don't know each other but I'm a hugger, so deal with it.

Good to see you back behind the bar, Rump. I'm off all day today, set me up with a gin bloody mary! And throw everyone else's drinks on my tab. (do i have a tab?)

Indentured Grammar Fascist
My girl wears a strapon, of course.
With a phallus the size of a horse.
I guess you could say,
In a most perverse way,
That I’m an equestrian of sorts.
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Henceforth, your Forum Rank shall be: SimplyFantastic

Well done (again), John! <- that's Fosters.
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Quote by RumpleForeskin
Over the weekend, my wife love and best friend for half a century, left us softly, in her sleep, after a five year struggle with dementia.

Thanks to all with a special HUG for Cyn for all the friendship, support and for just being there. I'll be around but probably not as loudly for awhile.

Later, Rumplators

I'm not good with words, but I am good with hugs...big hugs, Rump. You are in my thoughts.
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Tough choice, Luca. I'd have to go with option b (especially if you are teaching writing courses at said conventions).
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Curvy sets the standard when it comes to finely polished erotica! Her stories always pull you in to whatever fantastically descriptive scene she sets. This story was exemplary and so well deserving of the EP. Well done as always, Ms. CG.
Indentured Grammar Fascist
How the heck did they bake their bread into the shape of a Russian nesting doll? and...AND, why are the slices not that very same shape??
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Congratulations, Mags!

When you are done celebrating, it looks like Sprite needs some tending to.

Thanks for all you do here!
Indentured Grammar Fascist
Hot fudge holy moly!

I absolutely loved Susie's story. She took this theme and made it her B----. The blend of fantasy with history and art and science and all within the word count and time frame... damn... I loved it. Well done, Susie! A well-deserved win!

Congrats to Mags as well, and all of the honorable mentions.

As always, tnanks to the behind the scenes judges, you have a thankless job (aside from me performing all those sexual demanding...sheesh).