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Over 90 days ago
Heteroflexible Male, 74
0 miles · England


Impurethoughts, Okay, sex should be fun, pleasurable, exciting, anticipation is a plus.

He excites me and gets me very aroused in the way he dresses, I admit to masturbating at the thoughts of meeting him in person and the thoughts of any sexual contact between us.

There is a hiatus in that he has not been vaccinated against covid, whilst I have a full set.

I agree with you that hopefully this is an actual meet, but meantime there is the anticipation and all that goes with it.


If you two will meet, let it be somewhere public just in case it doesn't go well, the hotel room doesn't go to waste. If you two have spoken about being sexual and have both done the adult thing by getting STD tested w/ results to be shared, then use each other sexually.

Buy them M.A.C lipstick. Make it special for the two of you.

Hopefully this is an actual meet up and not you spewing fantasy just because you fell asleep watching crossdressing porn.

I have an online crossdressing friend, we have exchanged many photos and are both eager to meet for the first time.

It will be a fist time for me, I think he has had a couple of unsuccessful meets.

My problem is basically what do you think is expected of me.

I love nudity and I know that he wants to be properly dressed for me.

Should we just have coffee together, should we hug and maybe kiss, should I undress so that he sees the effect that he has on me.

If things progress, then can I expect that we may masturbate together or even progress to performing oral.

I have asked what he would like and his reply is that I leave happier than when I arrived.

Help please. What are your views.

I quite enjoy wearing a cock ring but can be pricy.
I seem to remember someone recommending some sort of shackle or similar.
Not expensive and possibly more fun than other cock rings.
Any advice appreciated.
I've not read through the replies to this one, but does it make a difference if its a young guy or a much older guy.
Being 70 yrs it may be helpful to know. But I will keep looking, approving and enjoying.
Thank you Ravyn for your correction and advice. Duly noted for future reference.
It was interesting. I was very attracted to a potential Doms description and that she was looking for an online relationship.
This suited me very well.
I felt that I was being drawn in, I shared my info but knew nothing about her.
Then she demanded that I enter an online contract that I had to join a dating site and pay for the contract.
I realised that this site has many scams reported and my Dom had many different profiles.
As soon as I questioned having to pay up front for a contract, she dropped me like a stone.
Probably the best thing she could have done for me.

So still searching for my online Dom.
BDSM Contrats.
I am looking to enter into a contract, but a brief search warns that there are scams out there, as with all things it seems.
Any advice or warnings re these contracts.
Thanks in advance.
Does anyone here use electro Stim. I'm eager to find out more especially from other users.
I have one and enjoy all the shocks and tingles, but I'm sure theres more.
Happy with PM's.
I'm sure that I have seen a previous post but can't find any reference to it.

Have any girls appeared on webcam siteand how was it for you.
It must be popular but so many girls and guys seem bored and are either talking on a mobile or messing about with a keyboard.

Many don't seem to have any idea what turns on or excites viewers, either male or female.

Also most of the videos seem to be recordings, so the model can't respond to the viewer in any way.

Although there is a huge variation of choices, I find myself easilly bored.

***edited by moderator***
Quote by sweetjenny
Wasn't great
at a party he was feeling my boobs and I was rubing his cock on the outside of his
trousers he went kind of stiff I put my hand in his pants and he'd already cum
it felt slippery I remember

Looking at your great collection of sexy photo's, I'm not surprised.
Its never a good idea to restrict yourself with labels.
I'm sure the only regret you will have is if you don't take each and ever opportunity (I speak from experience and regret missed chances)
Its the only sure way to answer your question, no-one on here can truly answer it for you.
Agree with latecomer above.
Okay, so you are asking this in the BDSM page, so why not try being tied and bound. You can try a certain amount of self bondage with thin rope or cord around your penis and/or testicles. Up to you how tight you tie them, whatever brings you the most pleasure.
Also electro stimulation with a 'tens' unit that will give small but pleasurable pulses of energy wherever you want them.
Then theres the anal vibrators that target the postrate.
So many different ways to stimulate.
I look forward to hearing from you. PM me sometime.
Quote by JustFriends101
^^^ I honestly don't think most people hold back their opinions in fear of being opposite of other posters. I can only speak for myself but I have no issue posting in the forums and being the only one on the opposite side of the majority.

This topic has been brought up quite a few times and the majority of women usually respond that it isn't their thing. There have been a few that like it. Everyone is entitled to their opinions (especially when the question was put out their for all women to answer honestly). The question was asking the ladies if WE like it with our men. No one said you can't like it or shouldn't like it. To each their own.

Thats fair comment BUT, a simple 'no' would answer the question. Its the the additional information in the reply that deters further discussion.
Now, not many females will be willing to say that they love to see their mans penis straining against a flimsy pair of panties and that they are both so turned on that they fuck like rabbits for the next hour and a half.
Just saying.
Quote by yummy_mummy
South west where the palm trees grow!

Yep, also south west and Iv'e seen a few palm trees round here too, but I think I am closer to Plymouth than you !
Quote by mranonymous7
very surprised at the vast negative reply. I somehow thought 1 or 2 would like it. I know often other guys do.

Like you I am sort of surprised at the response but then I remember a post a while ago where a guy liked and got excited by his neighbours underwear on laundry day.
The responses were (in my opinion ) very harsh. Without a doubt many guys are turned on by underwear, but this thread was stopped dead in its tracks. Anyone who may have wanted to support the ideas were prevented from doing so.

This is a site for fantasies and discussions on our individual and varied sexual tastes, so I would like to have seen a more balanced discussion on this subject.
Its interesting that you say it looks weird, why should anything look weird on a page for sexual enjoyment.
Surely anything goes as long as its legal.

In answer to your questions. No the rods can be inserted at any stage, thin ones can probably be inserted 6/8 inches, Yes as they are used the size would be increased to maintain the sensations, the last has already been answered in that with a thin one you can orgasm but would probably have to remove a thicker one prior to cumming.
Think about it.
Someone, somewhere decided that women would wear thin nylon, silks and satins, in a huge range of designs and colours.
Men would (should) wear plain thick boring underpants.
Who made that decision and why.
I love all things bright and sexy, I love 'womens' lingerie and given the choice would wear soft silky panties all the time and stockings whenever possible. The feel of them is amazing and there is nothing like it in menswear.
I shave, which seems to enhance the sensual feelings.
I don't do bras, so I guess I'm not a cross dresser just a pantie and stocking lover.
Why not join the group 'Masturbaters' and ask the question of others who really enjoy this pastime and are willing to share their experiences with you.
We all masturbate and have different ways of pleasuring ourselves.
Quote by Cyndy
It's fun to pose nude, but the last thing I want is to see naked pictures of me on the internet. That's why I don't show my face on my Lush pictures. My friends here get me naked but headless. All my other non Lush friends (and family) get me with a face and with clothes!

I would love to have the opportunity to (privately) photograph you.
Quote by Emporer2
I am interested in photography as well. I mosty photograph nature/landscapes, architecture as well as every day inanimate objects. I would love to photograph women in pinup poses, lingerie and artistic nude. The problem is finding soneone who is willing to pose.

Heres your chance. I'm in the UK and unfortunately all the replies are from lovely ladies in the USA.

Start by offering free shots to new models, clothed to start and build up a reputation then join a group, there are lots on facebook.
But a word of warning. Do not push any model into any pose she is not 100% comfortable with. Any reputation will be in shreds.
Once you ask, you will be surprised how many potential models there are in your neighbourhood.
Quote by 1nympholes
Well a number of woman on Lush have posed in the nude both professionally and for amateurs too.
Are you pointing at me?

I guess I am guilty.

The human body is beautiful and there is really no reason not to show it in the best light.

Is seducing your photographer really a no no?

"Am I pointing at you," Yes you bet.
What do you say to your photographer, "Is that a telephoto lens or are you just pleased to see me."

I think its great to be seduced by a model. Its just from a photographers point of view that we have to be very careful, especially with new or younger models (Always over 18yrs).

Its also great to see a model loose all of her inhibitions when she poses nude for the first time. I think that many would like to but are either afraid or insecure, but a good photographer makes them feel really amazing.
I'll start by saying that I have been a professional photographer, with a particular interest in the female form.

I wonder how many girls, young women, ladies even mature ladies are willing to be photographed nude (by a stranger albeit a professional).

This would not lead to sex in any way as the better photographers have a reputation that they will fiercely defend and protect.
My question is how did you get to meet your 'friends'.
I'm a shy 60 + guy who wants to meet like minded guys.
I don't like the craiglist format, it seems too pushy,not my style at all.
I'm not one wear a banner stating my interests, but then nor is the type of guy I'm looking for.
Any help please.