22 yr old single female. I live in Miami, which is pretty sexy. Outgoing, fun, lover of life. I love short short jean shorts, and tanks.
Interests I like writing songs, writing in general. Eating cheese too :D ummmm....... *thinks* oh I love to shop at Victoria's Secret (lovelovelove their undiess[: ) and Bath and Body Works. Also masturbating[: Too bad no one in my family doesn't know I'm not a virgin; they think I'm sweet and innocent.... yeahh right ;]
Favorite Books Anything with romance, comedy, or sex. [: And "This Cadler Sky" I think is what it's called; so romantic, sexy, fun, and just.... oh read it and you'll know.
Favorite Movies Time Travelers Wife-so sad. Don't wear eye makeup to this movie! Classic Disney movies like Beauty and the Beast, Juno, Love Actually, etc.
Favorite Music Anything except screamo rock. Even the Jonas Brothers; I've met them and flirted with the middle child Joe. He smiled and winked. Blame my 13 year old cousin for allowing me to be a 22 year old JB fan, lol.