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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female
United Kingdom


Thanks Sprite

To my mind, a quickie sex story isn't necessarily the same thing as a story about quickie sex.

So good job I asked.
Quote by nicola
. Other than the word count restriction, this competition is open to interpretation.

So the the story can be about anything. Not just quickie sex.

Have I got that right?

(I'm a veteran)
Quote by DirtyMartini

And I can tell you that not everyone is happy with the few we've picked over on the blue site already...not that everyone on a story site will ever be happy...just sayin'

Can't we just have "The Greatest Story of All Time Award" and put an end to all the arguments.
Quote by cocokisses

In other words, a Recommended story can eventually become an Editors' Pick, it is simply another way to recognize the talented writers that contribute quality stories to Lush.

On storiesspace there are two stories that have both awards.

Both got Editor Picks first. Doesn't make much sense to me.
Quote by dex69
She's your worst enemy and you find yourself locked in the library together. Take it from there babe............

Love it !

I'm going to store that one for later.
Thanks for the positive feedback.

The main point is, you don't need much in the way of content to create an entertaining short video. Just a simple idea to build it around.
I've got a YouTube account. I keep all kinds of things safely hidden on there.

This is my attempt at a trailer for The Lovebird Gang - be sure to turn the volume up!!!

No panic in our house.

We woke up. Saw the snow. Rang work. Had a cup of tea and went back to bed.

Don't be shy asking your Doctor about this, they've got all the right gear to help you - if needed.

You can measure your grip on a perineometer. Which is basically a dildo that monitors your squeeze. If you score low then do your kegels or get some vaginal cones and work that pussy with weights.

Your score gets better after regular workouts, your sex life will be more satisfying and there's much less chance of pissing in your panties when you get older.

Apart from that I don't know anything about it.
This is my favorite meditation mantra.

Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha

It works - if you really want it to.

Quote by nicola
Are you proposing a short stories category Steff?

Just an idea - Sexy Anecdotes.

Might make a good competition if nothing else. Under 200 or 300 words or whatever.
Here's my 'award winning' 179 word teenage angst lesbian love story.

I'm in Love With Her

I can't go on like this. I have to tell her. I have to stop living a lie and denying my true feelings.
It's not wrong how I feel. I didn't plan things this way.
I'm just a girl who loves another girl and it's a true love, a caring love, a very special love, a very sexy love.

When I'm with Hazel everything feels so magical. I feel so alive, it's the only time I feel I'm being fair to myself.
I can be the girl I want to be. I can let go and be happy and simply follow my heart.

So I have to tell her I'm in love with her. Tell her how I want things to be from now on.

I'll tell her now and hope she understands.


"Yes sweetheart."

"You know Hazel?"

"Your new friend?"

"She's not just a friend Mum."

"What do you mean Steffanie?"

"I'm in love with her."


"And she's in love with me"


"Say something Mum."

"Stop being ridiculous Steffanie."

I knew this wouldn't be easy.

steffanie xxx

I think the format is effective and a possible category on Lush
Quote by mizzoubaseball
What are your opinions on all that 2012 end of the world stuff.

Superstitious nonsense.

What will actually happen is on June 6 2012 Venus will make her second transit across the sun.
The Divine Femine will be at her strongest and harmonious balance will be restored.
The benefits will be enormous, even finances will improve dramatically.

Edit: Here's a pic of the 2004 Transit of Venus

Quote by SnakeOil
Like the story of the man who had sex with his mother and then poked his eyes out. (must read this, anyone one know the title?)

Your critic has likened your story with Oedipus Rex, the greatest of all the Greek tragedies.

To have your story compared with such a masterpiece is a very great compliment indeed.
I got a bit muddled up there. I thought for a minute you were Amylynn Bright - a mother of two romance writer.
I like all the moaning and weird stuff - they're part of the rich Lush experience I'm afraid.
Quote by mercianknight
many authors write tales that straddle categories.

I've written quite a few lesbian straddle stories.

Which reminds me, I must post the full version of my Chloe story sometime.

She's a black lesbian who straddled at least five categories - quite something that girl.
Edit: steffanie talked nonsense again. Sorry.

I haven't "helped" on the forum since then... Maybe I should make a comeback!!!
I notice that report came from Reuters (London)

The media here love telling us how shit we all are and how rubbish the UK is. Now we're ugly as well.
Quote by vampchick
Ya I deleted my story because of my gf. It was a real life one.....We are going through stuff about it...sad

I hope that worked out ok for you.
[marquee behavior=alternate width="190" scrollamount="7" scrolldelay="96" height="20" bgcolor="#E0FFFF"][font size="5"]Congratulations Mara
Quote by Dontholien
no matter what names i use i never seem to be happy with the choices. I know this is extremly silly but nothing fits right!!!!

I had the same problem giving my sister another name in my stories. So I refer to her as "my sister" all the time. Which gets a bit complicated now and then but so far it's worked out ok. I'll never change it now.
Quote by Charley

Careful Nic, it sounds like competition. You know how obsessive some people get about that kind of thing.

This time I promise not to try and help.
Quote by LushPrincess
Well now I feel bad I’m sorry if I’ve upset anyone…

Well don't and you haven't.

It's been great entertainment and you've been great fun to watch.


Oh shit. I feel like I just turned the music off at a party.

Can't we have a vote to go on or not?
I think Mara has won by a knockout fair and square.

And now everyone knows what gets best results they might copy her and this competition is going to affect the story postings.
Or people think it will.

Any female high on that list publishing something new is going to have her motives doubted and that's not fair.

So I hope you end it and declare Mara the winner. No one can argue she doesn't deserve it.