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Over 90 days ago
Fluid Female, 31


I'm bigger, and it's hard most days I have a love/hate relationship with myself (especially when I see photos of my size 6 self from 4 years ago) I know my bf would prefer me to be back to 55kg (he tells me as much)

then you have all the shit on social media to contend with, no one ever comments saying how nice you look when you are bigger, even if you have dressed nicely, and/or wear shapewear, corsets etc .

Every single time I take a photo of myself and I'm like yeah I actually like me the way I am today something happens and it makes me want to literally cut off all my 'excess"

anyway I have gone off a bit..

It's hard to love yourself and want to show the sexy side of yourself if everyone else is ready to call you fat before you even go out..

Also trolls are the worse and don't help situations like this..
woman, just because it's a hotter experience for me, I love the sight of a girl between my legs, and it's more intense too!
GOD YES! would love to with a shemale, lady boy, drag queen or trans.... sadly I haven't been lucky enough, most I met were gay..
cinema, sex store, ally way, dancefloor, park, public bathroom, pool, sauna, gym, pop culture convention, balcony, beach....pretty much where ever there was a risk of getting caught...
How... anyway they wanted to...with whoever wants to...
I came across a lesbian sex scene (well almost they didn't go all the way) in one of my mums books (which she later threw away)
after that I decided to google and came across lush, have been reading since then!
Sex anywhere, with any gender (not that it happens, my partners have been too reserved in the past)

Masturbation, I normally do it in the bed or shower, I have done it in the shower at the pool late at night and I did it in my car by the side of the road one evening, both times were the most exciting masturbation experiences I've had..
Hi all,

I just wanted to know , how did you know your sexuality 100%?

I personally think of myself as bi-sexual, but I'm not 100% sure if I am purely bi or lean more toward one gender or another....

I am in a relationship with a guy (and have a son with him) , and have only ever had relationships with guys, but I always have had 'flings' with girls while with guys (both parties were okay with it) when I am by myself I only get off thinking about/watching lesbian/trans women (sometimes even with the guy I have to think about that to get there)
When drunk I tend to want/go for girls (even over my partner in some cases)

So I guess I'm really confused , which is why I am asking how/what/when did you realise your true sexuality?

I don't think it's just chivarly that's dying out I think for the most part being kind to people is dying out....It's rare that I see anyone getting up for elderly/pregnant etc on public transport, people don't jump to help others they would rather video it and get their 5 minutes of fame online... and from what I've seen if a guy holds a door open/tries to be chivalrous in general they are shamed/looked down on by the same women they are being nice too as its assumed they have hidden meanings behind the actions...

I try to be kind no matter the person and am trying to instill that in my son already...

people need to be nice to others..

sorry that is my cynical point of view, but I hope you have got some good ideas from this post smile