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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 57
United States


Thunder rolled and darkness thickened. Lightning ripped the sky and through the hole fell a star. Flaming, it crashed to the ground in an orgy of smoke and destruction. And from that chaos there rose a man. A mighty man. Broad shouldered and raven-haired. A man with a mission. A man with an erection. And a pen, yeah, almost forgot that. A pen and a notepad. A mighty notepad. The notepad of doom! Okay, it was a college ruled yellow legal pad. But the words he wrote changed the world! At least, in his own twisted mind...

Much of the subject matter I love to write about doesn't belong on this site. Sci-fi and fantasy, mostly. These days it's not bragging to say I've had a few of my novels get published, and as anyone who writes knows, you can't make a decent living that way most of the time. So I have a day job, which shall not be named, and in my spare time I continue to write. Seven novels so far and three more in the works, several dozen short stories, and over fifty erotic stories so far (not counting the multiple parts and sequels).

For the ladies, I'm married but that shouldn't stop you from flirting with me. I'm forty-six, cuddly sized, and graying gracefully. Want to know more? Ask me!

The usual nerd stuff. I read sci-fi and fantasy novels, I watch movies (not just SF and F, I also love action, thrillers, and romantic comedies), and I write. A lot. Every single day. Most of what I write, I shove into storage, but some of it develops into stuff I'm willing to share. I still hope to make a career out of my non-erotic writing, which is why I use a nom-de-plume for the sexy stuff.

Favorite Books
Ender's Game. All-time favorite. I usually end up reading it every other year or so. Plowed through Lord of the Rings three times since I was a teen. Loving the Discworld books right now.

Favorite Authors
All the sci-fi giants like Asimov, Heinlein, Wells, Niven, Bear, and so on. Fantasy also, like Pratchett, Anthony, and Tepper. If you don't know the first names of those, then you aren't really into sci-fi and fantasy.

Favorite Movies
I think that maybe I have a weak appreciation of movies because I seem to judge them differently than other people. If the movie sets out rules for itself and follows them, then I'm happy with it. Nitpickers who say "that's not realistic" are missing the point. Why did they make giant robots to fight the kaiju in Pacific Rim? Why the fuck not? It was fucking awesome! Was the new Godzilla disappointing? A little, but only because Godzilla needed more screen time! Lots of movies that people think are bad are just misunderstood.

But seriously, check out Cabin in the Woods. Seriously awesome.

Favorite TV Shows
Easier to say what I don't like, and that's sitcoms. Fucking awful. I like crime dramas, mostly. I'm picky about the sci-fi stuff and the supernatural. Reality shows are hit and miss, but really loving Naked and Afraid right now.

Favorite Music
Anything except opera and gangsta rap.
