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Over 90 days ago
Lesbian Female, 46
United States


Viv promised to abstain from flirting for the 40 days of Lent...she made it a full 40...minutes
absolutely strip search ginger...she has custody of some of the best photos on Lush
damn, I scroll up and see that MadameMolly's already taken about 139 instead?
I've imagined Sally to be amazing in and out of skirts OR dresses...jeans require more
Can't choose among Wonder Woman, Catwoman (the Julie Newmar version), Emanuelle, and, what the hey, Jessica Rabbit
I've only done it a few times in recent years (I could SO tell you stories!!!), but a lot in my wild child post-college days (1999-2004)....just an aside here--would someone explain to the original poster that there's no "master" in "MASTURbating."
Owner of a specialty store that sold nothing but person-sized butterfly nets....She'd make a fortune...
A male friend complained to me once: "If you want to get a woman to look you in the eye in New York City, trying walking two feet behind her at night."