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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Non-binary, 37
0 miles · Huntsville


Advanced Wordsmith
Hi, patokl.
Hi, emily.
If I missed anyone else that said hi today, hi.

I've got all of my bags packed, responsibilities taken care of, and this entire week off to visit the boyfriend.

Now I'm ready to wind down the night and get some writing in.

Glass of red wine please.
Advanced Wordsmith
It is cold here, and I'm not used to the cold. I moved away from Florida a year ago, and I haven't adapted yet. I'm used to shorts in January, and I really need to work on my winter wardrobe.

So while I wrap myself up in blankets this morning and work on some reading, I'll take some coffee too. The hotter, the better.
Advanced Wordsmith
I love a good beard.

I love all styles and cuts of facial hair provided they're keeping it under control (no neckbeard please.)

I'm weird as shit though and obviously in the minority about this, so I'd trust all the other ladies.
Advanced Wordsmith
Hi, all.

I've only been on Lush for a week now, and I know I've stumbled on something good when I'm spamming refresh all day, eagerly waiting for its return. I'm glad it's back up. smile

I could definitely use a strong coffee to process the day and make it through tonight. It's been a lonngggg one.
Advanced Wordsmith
Boyfriend and I have teased with this idea before, but I think we would both have to find "the right person" to be able to turn that fantasy into a reality. I would want him to be completely comfortable with the idea though. There's a difference between teasing/dirty talk and actually doing it. If I sensed any hesitation/jealousy, I wouldn't want him to go through with it.

A girl can fantasize though.
Advanced Wordsmith
As an everyday and average thing, no.

As an occasional and fun thing, yes. I think it can be sexy costume play (depending on the style of said thong/bikini.)
Advanced Wordsmith
Boyfriend gets migraines a lot, and I will sit with him in a dark room and let him sleep on me while I rub his temples with my cold hands. He claims it helps. I usually watch a TV show (volume low) until he feels better.

When I get headaches, I just drown them out with pain killers, a cup of coffee, and a lot of water.
Advanced Wordsmith
My usual go-to's are:
Fruits: Apples, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, oranges
Sliced tomatoes/cucumbers
Boiled Eggs
Almonds (I keep a variety of unsalted, salted, and wasabi flavored)
Sharp Cheddar Cheese
Sunflower seed butter (I'm allergic to peanuts, and most almond butters contain traces of peanuts unfortunately.)

I usually do 1 ounce portions or one serving size of my snacks. I let myself have one small snack between breakfast/lunch (though I skip this one most days) and one between lunch/dinner.

I count calories and carbs, so if I'm pushing my daily limit, I'll suppress any cravings I have with a cup of coffee. Kills my snackiness every time.
Advanced Wordsmith
During the summer, yes! Full nude or panties/socks only.

During the winter, no. I'm bundled under hoodies and blankets. I can't wait for warmer weather.
Advanced Wordsmith
1. I binge watched all of Star Trek TNG, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek VOY, and Star Trek ENT in less than a year while exercising every day during it. (Star Trek was my work out mojo.)

2. I was previously in an abusive relationship for 5 years before meeting my current boyfriend. I've been with him for 2 years now, and I'm still blown away daily about how wonderful a healthy and happy relationship is.

3. I constantly wrestle in my mind whether I'm a cat person or a dog person even though I own two cats and zero dogs. I want a dog in my life so bad.

Advanced Wordsmith
I read a lot of smut, mostly from the Kindle store. (Kindle Unlimited has been the best discovery in recent years for me.)

I'm still fairly new to Lush, and I've read a few stories here. I've loved what I've read so far, and my queue is growing quickly...

I definitely read more than I write, but it inspires me to be a better writer. I can be completely burnt out on writing, then I'll run into a really special story that refuels my passion to pick up the pen/keyboard.
Advanced Wordsmith
Masturbating. I'm away from the boyfriend for two weeks, and it's been tough. Next weekend can't cum fast enough.
Advanced Wordsmith
Our ship’s artificial gravity shut down, and we were floating. He didn’t stop, continuing to thrust his cock into me relentlessly. I tightened my legs around his waist and flipped us, pushing him back against the wall. I braced my hands on the wall around his head and rode hard.
Advanced Wordsmith
I have lucid dreams every night I sleep. I have full awareness when I'm dreaming, and I have a lot of fun with it lol. I'm also able to pick a dream back up where I left off if I get woken up by something/someone.

I used to be really bad at getting out of bed when I was younger, because I'd always want to fall back into whatever world I was dreaming of. I've gotten better about it as I've gotten older. Still tempting though.
Advanced Wordsmith

I'm happy to have found this thread here. This topic has been on my mind a lot in recent months, and it can feel so damn hopeless sometimes.

I have several #MeToo moments. Some of which I didn't even realize until months later. It's a terrifying experience to realize you were being taken advantage of without even being aware of it at the time.

My most recent moment was a few years ago when I was working as a receptionist for the headquarters of a fast casual restaurant chain. I worked with the security guard on a daily basis to assess visitors coming on the campus. My job required I work with him daily. He was nice enough for the first month or so, but about two-three months into me working there, he started talking to me about how unhappy he was in his marriage. Then that would escalate into him telling me, "I don't feel like going home tonight and listening to her nagging... You want to go grab some drinks?" I would always turn him down. He would keep asking.

I was in a relationship with someone else (who had his own abusive issues) during the start of this, and the security guard knew about this. He disregarded it completely. At first, when I was new, I didn't know how to handle it. I would just joke, "Haha, you need to stop. You know I'm with someone. We need to get back to work now." After another couple of months of that, I ended up leaving my ex, and my co-workers were heavy into gossip. That news spread fast, and it spread to the security guard. He became way more aggressive, saying, "You know, I going to leave my wife. I'm tired of her BS. Why don't you and me go get those drinks now?" I stopped joking and just told him, "No. Just stop. I'm not looking for anything like that."

He never would stop. It got really scary at some points. I used to go to happy hour with some of the girls at work, and he would find out from one of them. He'd show up there and just invite himself to sit with us, staring at me the entire time. They would always be completely fine with it. I tried to probe them later for more information about him to see if he acted that way around other women. I found out that he did. To every single woman that worked there, and they were all in on it like it was some fun game. I had one girl tell me, "Oh yeah, he's hilarious like that. We used to have a girl work in X department that actually REPORTED him. Can you believe it? That girl didn't know how to take a compliment." I couldn't believe what I heard, and it was the same story from several women.

After that, I kept it to myself and did the best I could to ignore him. Then one day, he corned me in the break room. He was a big guy, and he blocked the doorway with his arms, preventing me from leaving. He just smiled at me for a bit while I asked him to please move, then he said, "So how about you come home with me tonight?" I was in full panic mode, and I didn't know how to handle that. Luckily, someone else came into the break room when this was happening, and he dropped his arms and moved out of the way. I went back to my desk and ignore him.

I finally went to HR after that and reported him. I was basically told, "Oh, yeah, we've heard a few things about him. Unfortunately, there's not much we can do with that other than write a report, because he's the founder's best friend."

I quit my job after that.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by HeraTeleia
I've been told that my skin tone puts milk to shame. Not sure if that's a compliment or not. I don't tan, I burn.

Same here. I burn, and then it goes away as if the sun never touched my skin. Heals back to milky paleness.
Advanced Wordsmith
Absinthe, for me! I got sick off of it nearly a decade ago, and it still makes me uneasy when I think about drinking it.

Non-alcoholic drinks: Sodas. They are overwhelmingly sweet and syrupy.
Advanced Wordsmith
the sound of fire crackling and the drip of my coffee brewing.
Advanced Wordsmith
My 2017 new year resolution was to lose weight and be healthier overall. I did that! I taught myself how to eat healthy and stay active, and I lost 50 pounds doing it.

That was the first time in my life that I actually followed through on a new year resolution, so my expectations of topping it this year aren't high.

I just need to continue what I was doing last year, and I'll be satisfied with my 2018.