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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Non-binary, 37
0 miles · Huntsville


Happy Tuesday, everyone.

Catching up on some recent conversations in here, and I want to say hi to all the kaiju fans in here. I'm with you guys! I loved the first Pacific Rim, and I'm stoked to see this second one, which should be happening at some point this week.

And with the short story discussion, I have to throw in one of my favorites. I fell in love with Tobias Wolff's Bullet in the Brain in college. I go back to that one often when I'm feeling in a slump. There's even a short film of it that I really enjoyed. I highly recommend it if you've never read it.
I love horror movies, and I was working my way through a recommended horror movie list for Netflix last year. I made it to The Host and went in with really high expectations due to ratings and reviews. I... still can't say whether or not I liked it, but I can say it's definitely weird. It wasn't what I expected at all, and I don't know if I think of that as a complaint or compliment.

I probably should give it another watch at some point to better develop an opinion on it other than "Damn, that was weird."

I keep bourbon in stock during cold weather, because it tastes so good in hot chocolate or coffee.
Hi, all!

I've been lurking around for the past month or so without much activity, because I recently found out I'm moving to Denver. Things have been hectic and crazy but so much fun.

I managed to pull out a last minute comp entry yesterday, and I've had some good feedback so far. (Thank you again, Emily, for helping me share it to more people!) I wanted to hop on here and pimp it out a bit for anyone interested in reading something not sci-fi from me:

I'm about to bunker down and read through other comp entries, because I haven't had a chance to yet. I need a strong cup of coffee to pull me through the night.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day.
I'm genuinely afraid of two things.

1. Darkness. However, it's only when I'm not with my SO. If I'm alone, or even with anyone other than SO, I have to have a source of light at night. My mind does terrible things and starts spiraling into anxiety. BUT if SO is around, I can be in complete darkness and be at peace. It's nice... It's never been like that with anyone else I've been with.

2. Worms. I don't even know how to explain this. Worms have made me uncomfortable since I was a child, and it has progressively gotten worse as I've aged. I can't stand looking at them. They make me feel nauseous. The tv documentary series about parasitic worms will send me into a panic attack, thinking I have things crawling under my skin. It's so bad that if there is a piece of food that looks like a worm, I won't eat it. Please don't cut up spaghetti. sad

I really should probably talk to a therapist one day.
“I have never listened to anyone who criticized my taste in space travel, sideshows, or gorillas. When this occurs, I pack up my dinosaurs and leave the room.”

― Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing
Had a cucumber & jalapeno cream cheese sandwich. Then a slice of king cake.

I don't usually indulge is sweet desserts like that, but I'd never had it before and a friend brought a slice over. Damn, it was good...
Veggie pizza or pineapple and jalapeno pizza. Depends on my mood.
For both men & women:

Animal Lover
Physically Active
Preferably a bit more outgoing than I am

I say that last one, because I would never leave my house outside of work if it wasn't for BF. While we're both introverts, he's far more outgoing than I am. He pushes me to go out and be social, and I'm thankful for that. He does a good job teasing me to come out of my shell. smile
Quote by Verbal
Yes, it does. With someone your own age, you have shared cultural touchstones and references.

Yes and no.

Similar to Verbal's statement, there has to be a connection there. For me, that connection would be technology. Technology is sexy to me, and if you can't navigate your way through a computer system, it's the biggest turn off for me. No matter your age or physical attractiveness. The older generations are more likely to not be very experienced with technology. Granted, there are exceptions, and if I met a tech savvy man or woman much older than myself, I'd probably be into it.

Never my father's age though. He's well into his 70s, and I spend so much time worrying about his health. I couldn't handle that stress in a partner.
I haven't had a single freaking potato chip in three years, and I crave that shit constantly.
. . . red Star Trek boy shorts.

I promise, they look sexier than they sound.
Quote by Beffer
Spend more time with your tongue in our pussies, and figure out how clits work.

=d> This.
My favorite? Howl's Moving Castle
The movie was sweet, but the book was wonderful.

Also favorites based on books:
The Hobbit
Harry Potter
Starship Troopers

I'm looking forward to the new movie adaptations of A Wrinkle in Time and Annihilation.
PC then PS4.

I don't play nearly as many games as I used to, but I'm a big fan of strategy games like Civilization, Stellaris, Crusader Kings 2. Also open-world RPGs (Skyrim, The Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn), though I admittedly spend most of my time exploring the landscapes than actually completing the games. It's relaxing.
I am now!

It's super fun. We play some competitive games (like Overwatch or PUBG) together, but we prefer to play co-op games (Warframe, Civ6, Stellaris, Dark Souls, Bloodborne.)

He plays far more than I do though. I spend a lot of my free time reading/writing/working on hobbies. Every now and then, I get the itch to chop/shoot some guys, and he's always willing to drop what he's doing to play with me.
Quote by LillyLush

2. The argument that we should not wear fur if we do not eat the corresponding animal is ridiculous for many reasons. People wear leather from countless animals that they do not eat, such as sheepskin, kidskin, alligator, snake, etc... yet, there is hardly the inflammatory response generated from someone holding an alligator bag as there is from someone wearing a fur coat.. why is that?

I think if someone has a problem with fur clothing, they're also going to have a problem with leather and other various skin articles of clothing too. If I see an alligator or snake skin accessories, I'm just as turned off by them as seeing a fur coat. It's a dead animal.

Yeah, I get people used to wear them to keep warm and protect themselves. Hunters and trappers and etc. However, this isn't the 19th century, and there are a lot of options out there that make it not necessary anymore.

That's just my opinion though. I don't mean to sound judgemental. I live in the south and grew up in a family of hunters. I hear shit all the time for my choice to be vegetarian, and it doesn't bother me anymore. I think it's gross to wear dead animals, but I'm not the one wearing dead animals.

I got really stoked to see this movie after seeing the trailer for it, but I can't watch a movie based on a book without reading the book first. I'm really enjoying it so far.
Finally got to go see The Shape of Water tonight.

Oh my god, it was better than I expected. I've been looking forward to fishman sex for months now, and it delivered for me.
"Fuck you, you narcissistic bastard. I loved you, but you hurt me. I was so beaten down that I thought I deserved the abuse you gave me. I know I'm worth a hell of a lot more than you ever gave me now."

I did love him, but I shouldn't have. I got away, and I'm happy now.
Quote by seeker4
Of course, a long-running universe sometimes manages to mess up that internal consistency and then the geeks are ready to pounce (just try reading any discussion about Star Trek: Discovery).

Just kidding. I'm a huge Trekkie who is guilty of a little disgruntled online chatter, but I still try to give Discovery a chance. Some of it has been good.

I've been working on a new story that kind of branches out of my usual space adventures. I think a couple more edits tonight, and I'll be ready to submit it this weekend.

Hope everyone has a fun weekend ahead of them. There should be a lot of parties and drinking! Go Patriots!

Red wine please.
I clean. And I mean, I clean.

I have horrific anxiety, and when it's at its worse, I can end up sitting in the center of my bed, reliving every terrible thing I've gone through or awkward conversation I've had in the last decade. Whenever I get like that, I try to force myself up and stay busy. This usually has the end result that my place is freaking spotless. Even my damn baseboards get cleaned.

By the time I'm done, I've usually come down from my anxiety attack.

If I haven't, I drink. That usually helps with whatever bad memories are left.