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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155
United Kingdom


Hi Bella, I guess there are lots of different reasons for cross dressing, I've done it mainly for a laugh but it was quite exciting and I'm completely straight, though I wouldn't describe myself as a cross dresser. But I don't principally have a problem with people who do. I've only personally known one guy who cross dressed regularly in public, but I know he was hetrosexual. The reason I know is because he clearly fancied the girls where I worked and we believed he used it cross dressing mainly to get attention and find common ground with women. It was a little sad, not least because I think the way he portrayed women by the way he dressed actually offended them a little. People were more generally concerned that he was creepy and unhygienic.
From a guys perspective. I think you answered you own question, one wasn't ready with himself, one you made stop! (its good that you don't feel too pressured to say no) ones on Coca, which can have an impact on sexual performance, but despite that as Annie says I would steer clear of anyone on drugs.

From the perspective of are you ugly? well you haven't got a profile picture and there is not enough detail to go on how far you got with them before they didn't cum. If you got as far as having sex they chose to have sex with you for a reason. However psychologically speaking thats not how it works there are not some girls who are pretty enough to make you cum and some who aren't. I believe, in short, when its a one night stand the level of attractiveness is rated relative to an individuals standards, by how attractive we think we are and the attractiveness of people who reciprocate our advances. In short beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And I'm willing to bet the guys you speak about have the same anxiety and are asking themselves the same questions.

It sounds like its not you but the people you choose that are the problem. You need a better standard of guy and relationship before and after having sex.
Simple twist of fate by bob dylan makes think about all the people I pass everyday with the potential to have an amazing relationship, sex, friendship or whatever, huge potential but its lost. Makes me sad.
At school I pretty much failed my GCSE's except art and now have a BA an MA and two start up companies.
Guilty, I regret getting something or feel guilty mainly I get a bit more money and change my spending habits.

Ever had sex somewhere un-hygienic (for the rest of the house) in a shared house? if so where?
I'm naked because the girl I just had sex with stole my cloths. And forced me to walk home.
Tie her up lick and play with her until she begs to cum, then fuck her.
innocent, nearly though.

Have you ever been on a date a called the other person the wrong name more than once?
Guilty. I work at home at the moment !

Ever given or received oral sex at work?

Ever got an erection or wet thinking about the person opposite you on public transport?
Probably guilty, can't remember doing it, but hey why not.

Ever masturbated whilst listening to someone your close to have sex in the next room?