coz the one using the name is silly yet delicious?! don't say you haven't figure that out! xD
i made my mind to break things up with the man i love but treated me like trash.. (but i'm in bad mood, so i can be hyperbolic) ;)
oh and i'm a sagittarius.. weeeee..
ironically, i fell for a married man when i oftenly stated myself not going to have anything with men that has a relationship. but he did lied bout his status, and i was probably too naive to believe my instict. lol..
oh well, it was hard, and even when we keep it just friend, he still upset when i went alone into a sick (male) friend's house.. xD kinda funny..
i prefer playful spanking than squeezing. lol
i don't remember the first movie i watched with exposed nudity or something close by. i do remember the one from last year, conan the barbarian, with topless chicks. lol.. well, since it's south east asia here we talk about, we usually cencored most of it. the fact that they were present on the screen is kinda shocking. i was only embarrassed coz i sat next to 3 boys who were complete strangers and i guess they're happy with it. lol. i didn't feel embarrassed with my friends who's on my other side tho. xD
i'm about 5'2 (average as an asian), and i do want my man to be taller, at least 4inches or more than me. why? coz i'm a girl that want to wear pretty high heels shoes now n then. and somehow i found man shorter or on equal height to me can be very intimidating, coz they can look "cuter" than me, if u get what i mean. of course, i mostly want to feel protected, and i dont get the feeling when i'm with them, unfortunately.
I can't really feel anything inside. I just go numb.. again.. *sigh*
Candyman. I know.. I know.. It's probably not as scary as the other. But it's my first horror movie. Watched it when I was like umm.. 9 or 10yo I guess?! Anyway, that made me wondering if I want to call for him, and if he will come. I was young, tho it still affecting me til now.. hahaha...
And then the Japanese movies, The Ring, The Grudge, The Eye, Black Water.. Okay, I just hate horror, but intrigued to watch them.. =_="
Okay, can we make another post about most romantic movies or anything? xD
Was too..
We can't be in a relationship coz of the distance. He asked me to move asap to his hometown, which I told him, that he just have to do the ldr for a while before i settled down and be able to move. And some other things along the way. So we did ended up as "special friends" which is so wrong after. He has this girl who likes him, so I told him to get close, and I will withdraw myself from them when they eventually got closer and start dating. But he gave me difficulties by being possessive and jealous and upset. Well, since I did love him (which weaken me that time) I kept myself close to him, and became more attached by time. I regretted my decision tho, he's an ass. He took advantages from me(I made the mistake too, so it's partly mine to blame) and just abandon me when I ask for his attention. Okay, so if he needs me, I have to come, and if I'm the one needing him, I let myself go to hell?? *lol.. I get emotional I think
Well, being locked with an a**h*** taught me a lesson, but sadly made me not trusting men too. So much for the pain, right. Was dumb, I guess no one to blame, just lack of sanity that time. xD
PS. Again, sorry for my bad english. I realized I got the "What the heck is she talking anyway" thingy.. lol.. I'm lame in languages.
thx G! xD
Just the way you are - Bruno Mars
lol.. i like to tease, then he can take charge. so, both.. :P