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Over 90 days ago
Male, 155


shaved, i love it when its kept up, makes me wanna stay down there longer!

js seems more clean when its shaven
i gotta side with damonx here on that last statement, i love eatin me some pink taco and last girl i had sex with stopped me js as i was gettin started, was kinda sad bcuz she had a smooth nice clean taste too sad

especially when she threw me on my back and started goin to town down there!
my gf at the time asked to shave my pubes for me, i keep it cleaned up but there was a little stubble down there and she asked to do it, she slipped up and cut me on the base of the shaft though, it didnt really hurt that much but i exaggerrated a little to get a response out of her and she quickly covered the cut with her mouth lol, lead to a pretty nice shower sex session but yes it is a level of trust and it forms a bit of stronger bond, i think its cute when they ask but i wouldnt burden the responsability unless they wanted it.
my neck or sucking my earlobe will send me over the edge, girls who know me js do that when they want to get me excited really quick
its not necessarily the womens fault when a guy is pussy whipped, ive known some girls to actually define the guy as "too nice" but when we say a friend is "whipped" it means this girl is his top priority, he is willing to abandon time spent with even his family just to please his women. Some girls are bitchy and demand attention and the guy is obedient to it and other times a girl just wants to be apart of his life and he moves too fast or is too clingy, bottom line is a guy who is whipped is usually just starving for that emotional feeling of being needed by someone which is why they put themselves to their womens disposal.
i clicked other bcuz there wasnt an "all above" selection, i love women in general and love to admire their beauty, i love feet, lips, legs, breasts, ass......its really a curse at times, if only i could have my tongue in different places at once
well apparently he gave you a good one that suprised you and if i were to do it... i probably was really aroused by you and was admiring your ass, i know after ive had some good feels of it, i like to give it a good spank, i guess to make up for the fact if im in a position where i cant bury my face in it lol
ive dealt with both ends, big and small, i really dont care, i'd call myself an assman but i love to nestle (sp?) my face in her boobs whenever the oppurtunity arises, i love the feeling of a womens skin and i like to explore it with my hands lips and tongue.

its a bit like penis size for guys, we think its a big deal...there are a few people where it is a large concern...but we learn to accept you just the way you are
i like to switch it up, sometimes i like to let her take control and be the agressive and "get it" other times i want her to be submissive and "take it".

the important part is for her to keep it interesting and switch it up every now and then, dont keep it too repetitive and deffinitely to not be shy about exploring fantasies.