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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 35
United Kingdom


Yeah I have on several occasions.... Never got caught till date...
Quote by paul_moadib
Maybe some girls wouldn't mind it but I think it is a gross invasion of privacy for someone to film you. Awful.

If a guy is polite when he approaches you then fair enough but you are running and I would get pissed off if someone interrupted me.

Exactly what I was going to say.... I think it's terrible for someone to film you.

I get whistled at etc but I have never had someone video me... Although I did have a guy follow me...
I am a jogger... Go jogging almost everyday it gets me going and love it in summer the place I live near is absolutely gorgeous! I also try and go swimming once a week. Currently I am doing the 30day ab challenge
I have done in the past and it hasn't worked out No