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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 60
0 miles · Stoke-on-Trent


Thank you Kite - for sharing your experience. You are incredibly brave. Your account also corrected some assumptions that I had - like I thought the needle biopsies go up the rectum, for example.

I am 57. At 53 I noticed my semen went suddenly from normal to just a few drops. Though my sex life had been tailing off anyway (once every month at most and no masturbation) I thought maybe this was the reason. Then a few months later I noticed some blood in the condom - not much - but still - a bit scary. It did clear but I went to the doctor and he said blood in semen is not that unusual - but only a problem if there are other symptoms. As for lack of semen - he said in middle aged men thats not uncommon either. He did not do a digital exam but sent me for a psa test - it came back normal.

My urine flow is just fine though it is a bit slower at night. However - because I know this is one of the main symptoms I am always watching for it - I can produce a flow that lands one metre in front of me when I have a full tank so if I see that change I will be going direct to the doctor. But I am planning a psa test shortly anyway as a precaution. I dropped all dairy products recently as I read that dairy can increase your risks of prostate problems, I have dropped red meat - I eat a good variety of fruit and veg and I also have diluted raw apple cider vinegar every day plus maintain a good BMI and try to keep fit. I feel I am doing everything I reasonably can to avoid prostate problems but appreciate it could still happen. There is no history on either side of my family though a scottish uncle did die of bladder cancer at 75 - though he drank heavily - maybe a connection.

I am sorry that you have had to go through this and once again thank you for your very detailed and helpful account. I really hope that you come through all your treatment successfully and live a long time.

Quote by candicumCD
I wouldn't presume to tell you your own mind and what it really means, BUT I will say this:

There seems to be LOTS of men out there who fuck tgurls - love fucking tgurls - but insist they're straight.
I know this because I've met them and they make a point of saying it. I wonder if it's as much for their own benefit and reassurance rather than what I think cos let's face it.

If you're a man who likes fucking crossdressers / TV's / TS that means you like fucking chicks with dicks and if you like cock you are not 100% straight.
So what? Who cares? Your wife isn't going to find out and if she did she wouldn't believe you are straight after all. Try telling anyone you like girly cock and I think most people would say hmmmm perhaps your bi.

If you don't like cock, you don't fuck gurls with cocks. It's really that simple.
Conversely, if you do fuck gurls with cocks then you must like cock = bisexual.

I understand that you may not be attracted to men per se but if you're into guys dressed like girls then you got a bi side.
Accept it and enjoy it.

I realise tgurls have got other things going for them that can make them a much hotter fuck than wives and girlfriends. Not least because of how much we love it (often anyway). But the sluts amongst us will agree with me cos we know how much we love cock and cum. We don't hide it. A slut loves being a slut and dressing like a slut...and being called a slut.
So we're often hotter, hornier and sluttier than some women and men like that ALOT!

But it doesn't change the fact they fuck trannies and so need to embrace their bi side. Just deal with it. It's no big deal and no one needs to know.

All those tranny-fucking men out there who think being married etc makes them straight are floating in that great Egyptian river ...


A good appraisal of this issue.

Had the internet not existed I would never be aware of this.

The thought of fucking a man makes me sick but I get turned on watching cross dressers getting laid - particularly those dressed like schoolgirls with feminine smooth bodies etc. I've noticed as well the guys fucking these lady boy sluts get turned on more than anything Ive seen in straight porn. That's part of the appeal as most straight porn is just mind numbing fucking.
Quote by BadDog9
You want some boi pussy and you know it. Or, you just want to dress up and feel pretty and have to a real man ride you hard.

No I dont want that.
Quote by clum
You should try fucking a crossdresser. Then you'll know.

I suppose you're right.
Yes - dont understand this. I seem to have a fetish for watching cross dressing sissy boys - usually dressed as schoolgirls - fucked.

I am not gay and trying to work out what this means - whether it means I want to fuck a cross dresser or not.
While watching some really red hot porn yes but I usually suppress it - however after reading this thread I'll just let it happen next time.
Quote by She

What she said. I would add that D/S dynamics take trust, so I highly recommend that you get to know a potential play partner as a person independent of their kink before diving into that dynamic. In fact, I highly recommend having some closer-to-vanilla sex before anything that might fall under D/S occurs – that way you can get to know each other's bodies a little, before adding another layer to it.

Thanks for this advice - it's what I was thinking of doing and you have just confirmed my thoughts.

It is very early days but she selected me out on this site and we are at this stage just exchanging chat but we intend to meet soon. I must admit it did get me interested when I found out she is a sub but as she is most likely experienced as such and I am an absolute beginner - I dont want to screw things up and your advice seems spot on.

Thanks for the other comments too from other posters - all useful.

I will keep you posted.
I have met a woman in her 40s who in her private gallery has images/text defining submission.

One of them starts:

"To love a submissive is to feast upon her form, appreciate her strength" etc etc

there is also a definition for submissive taken from the website

I have asked her and she says she is a sub but not into anything extreme but as she put this info in her gallery it must be important to her.

We have arranged to meet - not for the purpose of anything to do with her being a sub - nevertheless - as we may well in due course find ourselves in the bedroom - and me being largely ignorant of this - can anyone advise how to make the most out of this situation? I do generally like to take the lead is sex - but if she is a sub I think there is more to it than that.

Are there any articles on how to handle a sub?
Quote by Sirene_Jaune

Wow, I didn't know you have to pay a contribution fee to get a book published. I learned something new today. Also yeah go to a self publishing or as you said Amazon.

Yes it's called a vanity contract and it's generally if a writer is unknown or the book just isnt good enough or both. Publishers dont take risks on unknown writers and not wanting to miss the chance of making a buck - convince clueless amateurs to part with their money. My mum has no intention of paying a penny out though.
New HD arrived - bought a formatted used seagate on ebay for £11 inc shipping. Have it all up and running now and its great - fast etc. Need to keep it that way.
Quote by DamonX
I think one of the main things is that separates good stories from bad stories is the differences in description.

I've read so many stories that begin with a cheesy description of a woman's appearance... Measurements? No story should ever list measurements!

Agreed - as a man I have no idea about bra and waist sizes though I do understand dress sizes. (size 8 etc)
Quote by sprite

really? this was necessary? *rolls eyes* can't fucking wait until the apes finally take over, swear to god.

Just wondering why the poster says he does no longer does detailed description - prefers to be vague - only introduces details where absolutely necessary and only 2 weeks ago posted a story with a shopping list type description. Looks like you will have to break his fingers again.

I'm on a huge learning curve myself and was curious about the posters comments on his story - I am sure he has perfectly good stylistic reasons for what he wrote and I hoped for a reply as I am quite open minded about how to do physical description - I dont do rules - every story is different.

Of course - he may feel like he doesn't wish to elaborate which is ok but it would be nice to have a constructive discussion based on detailed narrative examples.
Well - I found out the hard way why Chrome has really been slow.

failing hard drive! Lots of bad sectors hence slow hard drive etc.

It failed completely 2 days ago and I am now working on another PC.

Luckily not too much data on the drive - mainly family pics though I have various sd cards where I can retrieve.

Have now ordered a new hard drive.
Quote by Master_Jonathan
I used to be pretty specific with my character descriptions - I wanted my readers to see the characters as I saw them. But after my fingers healed from sprite's breaking them, I started being more vague and nowadays I only put in descriptive details that really need to be in there. For example if the story centers around a woman with large breasts I will put in that she had 36DDD's or something.

So be vague and let the reader use their imagination...after all this is fantasy for us all! smile

In your story: "Persuading mom to pose ch 1"

The 1st person narrator

"Let me take a second to describe my mother here"

the reader then learns the following:

5 ft 3
wavy blonde hair
full lips
pretty face
DD cup
round ass

the narrator also says: "she is what some might call a bit chubby"


"she isnt a skinny runway model but the curves she does have are well placed" (my comment: I dont follow the rationale in this - I thought skinny models did not have curves and the narrator already stated she is chubby)

Sounds like a shopping list to me - you published this on 10 sep 2018
I went back to Chrome briefly but did not last long - there is a "waiting for cache" issue - look at bottom of screen left hand - whenever you visit a new page - and this causes delays.

I have now permanently switched to Firefox - no waiting for cache problems.
Thanks for all the input and keep them coming - very useful.
Thanks for your comments. That still leaves facial description as body types are not that difficult to describe.

"sea green eyes" sounds a bit generic - that they had an amused look in them, doesnt say much as it doesnt describe how this amused look manifested itself. "Tall and handsome looking" sounds like lazy writing - sorry Sprite.

Given that we primarily choose our sexual partners based on facial features combined with facial animation (expressions etc) I would have thought the reader might believe in the story more if they thought real people were involved - and strong facial clues/description by the right techniques are surely something that should be a part of any fictional writing. I'm not saying I have been particularly succesful with this. But anyway I have been researching around and found this

seems to be some good advice. the show not tell advice is a starting point - but it goes further.
Perusing several stories on Lush just now it strikes me that few contributors do much in the way of physical description of the characters. Odd - as I would have thought this is really quite essential in erotic fiction. Typically - characters are given names and everything else is left to the imagination of the reader.

Is this intentional - or is there another reason.

Looking back through my stories I do tend to summarise appearance to the best of my limited powers - citing age, body shape and features, hair colour, eyes plus the all too difficult job of summing up what the face looks like.

So do you think it is important? And if you dont describe much or not at all - why?
My mum has been offered a "contribution" contract which involves her paying out £2000.

I have advised her that amazon will print 100 hard copies and promote her ebook for £1000 - so £2000 is a poor deal indeed.
I switched to Chrome as Firefox was lagging and hanging etc.

Chrome after 1 year recently mainly after windows update started to do this too.

Well I have ditched Chrome and gone back to the latest Firefox which seems to be flying - no issues at all.

anyone else find Chrome gone slow?
Quote by singlemomemily
Rafael, I am recently a single Mom, you are not paying my bills. I probably have a better job than you. So stop stereotyping butt head
Now to the question.........I would never use a male escort but I can see the advantage to it. He would more likely to make it a positive experience than some horny school boy who prematurely ejaculated. That was my experience, in and out and left me with a mess.

what are you talking about?

I never even brought up the topic of single mums. Magical _Felix said

Plus giving an escort a couple bills is really helping out a single mother, I mean let's be real. So that's a good thing really.

I ignored this as I thought it absurd. And when I said seeing an escort as a virgin might not be the best option he replied

You don't support single mothers? Wow, cold.

See how he implies that singles mothers are necessarily escorts and needs supporting.

I replied: "I dont personally support single mothers no - I have enough trouble paying my own bills"

I also said:

If i was a young man looking to lose my virginity to an escort - whether she is a single mother or not would be no more important than if I was trying to find a hairdresser. What would interest me is how good she is at her job.

Who brought up single mothers in connection with escorting? Who implied they need financial support?

Not me
Quote by PrincessC

If it’s so bad why have you been with many?

As an experienced married man - I have seen quite a few and had a great time.

A young inexperienced virgin is unlikely to have a great experience. I've heard of virgins who come when the escort puts on the condom - and there are those who are so nervous they cant get an erection.

Starlust may not be one of these - I hope not for his sake.
Quote by PrincessC

Have you been with an escort?

Yes many - and I have written a story based on a true encounter and you can read it on Lush.
Quote by Magical_felix

You don't support single mothers? Wow, cold.

Look, I lost my virginity at 17, and she was 17... Did I know what I actually wanted at 17? no... I was a fucking moron back then and she thought I was smartest ever........ What does that tell you? How many people out there have friends that married their high-school sweethearts? Those people are miserable. You do not know of what you speak rafaell.

I dont personally support single mothers no - I have enough trouble paying my own bills.

As for your suggestion that virgins should have their first time with a single mother escort to do a good deed for society - do you happen to have a directory of single mother escorts? I have seen escorts and they rarely share their personal family situation with clients. If i was a young man looking to lose my virginity to an escort - whether she is a single mother or not would be no more important than if I was trying to find a hairdresser. What would interest me is how good she is at her job.

Marriages can go bad regardless of whether you married your childhood sweetheart or not.

People who lose their virginity to a childhood sweetheart do not always go on to marry that person. Probably just a small percent of cases.

I think there was a thread here on Lush a while back - how did you lose your virginity? I recall it well. Nearly all who said they lost it to a gf/bf seemed quite happy. Those like me who went to a whore were less so.
Quote by Magical_felix
I did not lose my virginity to an escort but to be honest, it's a pretty good way to lose it for young men. Most young men tend to lose their virginity to their first girlfriend so they have her bouncing around in their heads for quite a while afterwards because they probably loved her or thought they did. But with an escort they can kind of just get it out of the way. It's like the first time you get seriously hung over. It's like, "ohhhh that's what drinking too much is like". Young men can be like, "oh okay, pussy is cool, it's not smelly like I was led to believe. Titties are pretty neat. Ass, wow never thought about really spreading some cheeks but that was pretty awesome. Overall sex with this escort was eyeopening, 8 out of 10."

Plus giving an escort a couple bills is really helping out a single mother, I mean let's be real. So that's a good thing really.

In conclusion, I believe all young men should lose their virginity to a mid level escort. A 200 dollar an hour one. You don't want your first one to be too good... You got to Goldilocks that shit.

I cant with what you are saying. What's wrong with being crazy about the girl you lose your virginity to? Sounds wonderful to me.

I cant imagine that many men who lost it to someone they loved would agree with you.

men who do lose it to escorts tend to be those who cant get laid any other way so it's not really a choice as such.
Quote by Starlust

Well, here's the 3 main benefits I think I'd get from the experience:

1. It would de-mystify sex for me
2. It would get the "monkey off my back" so I wouldn't feel branded as a virgin anymore
3. It would fulfill my fantasy of doing it with a beautiful woman

I'm certain not working under the illusion that it'll make me suddenly confident with girls or anything, I know it's not a magic bullet....but in short getting the whole "virgin!!11" thing out the way might help things?

Thanks for your answers so far!

You've got nothing much to lose - except perhaps at the moment you have the illusion that sex may be a magical thing and you can at least feed on the fanstasy. It's never that with an escort but I do hope it's a worthwhile experience for you.
Quote by noll

I was only referring to self esteem in the sense that one might feel less insecure about the mechanics, not how one values using an escort service. If one feels insecure about the purely physical part, then some practice might relieve them from that.

I see what you mean. But to be honest - it's not going to be of much benefit to someone who cant even get a date with a woman. It may actually have the reverse effect - particularly if you struggle, for example, to get an erection - which can easily happen with virgins who go to escorts. But hey - if you fuck like a champion then yes - it will do your confidence some good.
Quote by noll

I'd say that while average looks may not bring any advantage it should not be an issue either. The thing with average looks is that most people have them ;)

I can imagine that it may be easier to interact with women who have Asperger's too (correct me if I'm wrong) and perhaps there are groups/meetups for people with Asperger's or related issues in your region where some of these issues, that you feel are making it tough to engage women, may actually be something you share with some of the women there. There are more men then women with Asperger's of course, but perhaps it can work. Just a thought.

If being a virgin itself becomes part of either the depression or the fear of engaging women then an escort service might indeed be a good option to 'free' yourself from your virginity. But I guess it can only bring you some familiarity with the mechanics of it all, not the romantic aspect. But then again, perhaps that may enough for some boost in self esteem needed to engage women.

Good luck!

I think this is not a good enough reason to lose your virginity to an escort. I cant talk for others but I never found a boost in self esteem resulted from seeing escorts. It may actually have the opposite effect as deep inside one may find it quite degrading to have to resort to prostitution. Reading the experiences of others who have lost their virginity this way - the vast majority were disappointed in the experience. Not surprising - as sexual desire is something that flowers at its best between lovers and paying for it kind of dampens the chemistry - particularly between strangers.
Quote by Starlust
I'm over 30 and have never done the deed.....thanks to Asperger's, depression and having average looks/body I find it tough to engage women in a romantic way. Added to that, neither my work, hobbies or (very limited) friend circle bring me anywhere where I can meet girls easily. So yeah, I'm thinking the only way I won't die a virgin is to go the commercial route.....It looks like most people here have no problem getting sex wherever for free but has anyone done the same? Thanks.

hello Starlust and I am sorry that you are facing this situation and by the way many of us here cannot get sex on demand - if we could - we would be too busy fucking to write stories.

I used a hooker to lose mine - though I was much younger - 19. I subsequently had relationships with women and came to regret what I did.

However - at 30 - if it hasn't happened by now it possibly never will unless you are exceptionally lucky.

Later in my life - I used the services of prostitutes and found most of them very pleasant indeed - keen to please.

So I would say yes - why not. You will need to shop around a bit and find someone who is easy to communicate with and knows your situation. Try adultwork and study the reviews and feedback. I would not book more than 1 hour - what you want to do probably wont take more than 5 minutes so really over 1 hour is not necessary.

Be warned though - if you have had no intimacy so far you may find close physical contact does nothing for you. You might freeze up - it's possible. But you wont know until you try.

Good luck and if you need any further advice let me know.