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Have met a sub online

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I have met a woman in her 40s who in her private gallery has images/text defining submission.

One of them starts:

"To love a submissive is to feast upon her form, appreciate her strength" etc etc

there is also a definition for submissive taken from the website

I have asked her and she says she is a sub but not into anything extreme but as she put this info in her gallery it must be important to her.

We have arranged to meet - not for the purpose of anything to do with her being a sub - nevertheless - as we may well in due course find ourselves in the bedroom - and me being largely ignorant of this - can anyone advise how to make the most out of this situation? I do generally like to take the lead is sex - but if she is a sub I think there is more to it than that.

Are there any articles on how to handle a sub?
There are lots of articles but I doubt their real value as subs are as individual as anyone else. Simply put, one size does not fit all. You'll need to listen and explore her views. Maybe ask her what sexy books/films she likes & then talk about what she sees in it (I safely predict it'll be very different from what you took away!) If you want to read a lot of wittering by people who have personal experience and think they know a lot about it, sign up to Fetlife. People write a lot of stuff as if they were authorities and, as long as you bear in mind that they often have an axe to grind about the authenticity of one particular version of BDSM or whatever, you'll find it interesting. And just be aware that some of the stuff on there can be quite unpleasant so try to bear in mind that it is presented as consensual and typically only appeals to a few people.
the number one thing, is communication. talk to her about what she wants, what she is comfortable with, what YOU are comfortable with. she might just be looking for a get together where you just take the lead, as you said. there is no one thing that subs need/want. it's like any sexual partner - everyone has unique tastes.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
"the number one thing is communication. talk to her about what she wants, what she is comfortable with, what YOU are comfortable with. she might just be looking for a get together where you just take the lead, as you said. there is no one thing that subs need/want. it's like any sexual partner - everyone has unique tastes."

What she said. I would add that D/S dynamics take trust, so I highly recommend that you get to know a potential play partner as a person independent of their kink before diving into that dynamic. In fact, I highly recommend having some closer-to-vanilla sex before anything that might fall under D/S occurs – that way you can get to know each other's bodies a little, before adding another layer to it.
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Quote by She

What she said. I would add that D/S dynamics take trust, so I highly recommend that you get to know a potential play partner as a person independent of their kink before diving into that dynamic. In fact, I highly recommend having some closer-to-vanilla sex before anything that might fall under D/S occurs – that way you can get to know each other's bodies a little, before adding another layer to it.

Thanks for this advice - it's what I was thinking of doing and you have just confirmed my thoughts.

It is very early days but she selected me out on this site and we are at this stage just exchanging chat but we intend to meet soon. I must admit it did get me interested when I found out she is a sub but as she is most likely experienced as such and I am an absolute beginner - I dont want to screw things up and your advice seems spot on.

Thanks for the other comments too from other posters - all useful.

I will keep you posted.
Good luck with her, dude. smile
Talking? I have learned as a sub that I cannot talk by myself. If Mistress asks me something I give her an honest answer. Or I'm silent.

Mistress had forbidden that I came together with another Mistress or lady. And then she asked me: "To what Mistress are you attracted?"

I gave her an honest answer. I told her that I was attracted to her. She did not accept my answer and pressed for an honest answer.

Then I told her: "Let me give you an honest answer. I do not want you to get upset. I'm very attracted to a black Mistress. I feel she is tough."

Mistress thanked me for my honest answer. And then she had a hard spanking for me with her riding crop. To let me know there would not be a black Mistress.