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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 32
United States


I would like a house with a nice yard, a white fence, and a dungeon in the basement.

Oh wait were you aiming for fantasies of a sexual nature? know I really can't think of one that I haven't discussed with one or both of my partners. I'm lucky enough to have found someone(s) that, to date, have not been freaked out by most of the stuff that comes out of my mouth.

I do understand wanting to hide a fantasy from your partner though. Had a girlfriend that was a policewoman and I went months just dying to have her beat me with her nightstick. Didn't tell her though, because I knew she would find it unsettling to say the least. It resulted in the relationship ending because she felt I was "too closed off". Sometimes it's a matter of the fantasy being too extreme for your partner, sometimes it's a matter of not wanting them to take it as a hint even though you aren't giving them one.
Fantasies you say? Hmm...I want:

1. to get corset piercings and have my lover pull the ribbon between them while he fucks me from behind.
2. to be covered neck to ankles in needles. My current record is 20 and I'm working on breaking it soon.
3. to be tied down in a dark room and have a man in a mask fuck me. Maybe it's my boyfriend...maybe it's some random guy he found on Craigslist.
4. to have a properly done threesome where I've got a man on each end.
5. to worship a pregnant woman's body. Every inch of it. Yum :d
6. to force a super masculine guy into frilly lingerie and then make him suck my strap on. Buttsecks later is a plus.

That's just off the top of my head, obviously some are more easily accomplished than others.
Now, forgive me if this has already been answered in a post somewhere. I've seen all these kick ass banner/mini cover things advertising people's stories, and I'm just curious where everyone is getting them. Is it just finding a pictures you like and putting it into one of the simple banner creator sites, or is there an existing site that does it?

Personally, older is better since, um, I can't really go younger without meeting up with Chris Hanson.
My phone sex has been compared to an awkward after school special.

On the other hand, I could listen to my Lover for hours. He's got a fantastic voice, deep and smooth, and he knows just what to say to get my motor running. I'm half ashamed to admit that his impression of a Scottish accent makes me drool. Occasionally he leaves me sexy voice mails, and half the time if we're on the phone it turns into phone sex so...yeah, I'm a happy girl.
Nuffin' special. "Radioactive" is the song I get my best writing done to, and I really like it.

That was boring, pretend I said something really interesting. Here's boobs as a distraction.
The music that once put you in mind of lovely topless ladies spinning around a pole has now been replaced by songs about bus wheels and friendship.
You nearly wet yourself from excitement at the prospect of going to the grocery store by yourself.
When you're out with friends and you swear, then apologize in your best baby voice. "Mommy didn't mean to say a no-no word!" Yeah- won't be living that one down for a long time.
I've seen a bone pop out of someone's arm and been level headed the entire way to the hospital, but one drop of blood on my babies and I flip my shit.
I'm not usually much of an exhibitionist, but there have been a few exceptions.

Me and a bunch of friends were all camping and the subject of Truth or Dare came up (naturally, we were teenagers). One of the older boys dared me to suck him off, figuring I'd chicken out like the rest of the girls. I made sure he was embarrassed by how fast he came in my mouth with several other people watching.

Other than that, most of the kink parties I go to involve a lot of nudity, and when my Dominant tells me to finger/eat/blow/jerk off the sub he happens to be playing with I'm usually happy to oblige. It's rare that I'm on the receiving end unless I've had a hard spanking. Or needles.
In the winter/fall I wear shorts and a tee shirt.
In the Spring/Summer I'm either in just panties or panties and a wife beater.
If the boyfriend has anything to say about it I'm in less than that.
Does this count as a position?

But for reals I love Doggy style, which seems to be a popular favorite. I mean, where else can you get hair pulling, spanking AND fucking all at the same time? Doggy style all the way.
Stockings: when a woman is wearing tights or thigh highs it's an instant girl boner. I like watching women (and men) wear them out in public as well as in private.

Blood: I can't really explain this one. Something about the color contrast of red against skin, and it tastes yummy.

English Professors: College level, mid forties early fifties, reading some obscure classic novel, glasses and grey hair are a plus...mmm.

Pain: Like when you've got twenty needles in your back with ribbon between them, and someone is pulling the ribbon and dancing you around like a fucking puppet.
1) How do you prefer to be asked for oral?

Politely. Example: Please suck my cock you filthy whore. That "please" is very important.

2)If I do it for you, am I wrong to expect reciprocation?

Can't help you here, I hate oral. Receiving, that is. I'm happy to give it without any sort of reciprocation. Sex is not something you should use to keep score.
Short answer? Because they're men, not boys.

Long answer? I know this is speaking in general terms, but it's just my two cents. Older guys are more stable. They've got their shit sorted out, have a good job, and are more emotionally secure than guys my age (I'm 20.) I tend to date older men based on intelligence as well. No, I'm not sure that's the right word. Experience? I don't know. They're older and wiser, and they've got a broader perspective on life. My Primary partner is roughly twice my age, and I love being around him because I learn something every time we have a conversation. It's not the "usual" topics I have with my Lover, who is a bit closer to my age- namely girls, parties, and booze, as another poster so aptly put it.