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Question about ladies fantasy's

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Active Ink Slinger
Women sometimes have a problem with telling their partners their true fantasy's, my wife being no different! So what are the fantasy's you couldn't tell your partner?
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
My greatest fantasy is one where the shampoo and conditioner finish at the same time.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Mine is when the slice of buttered bread lands butter side up when you drop it.
I want a cottage in the countryside with a lovely garden where I can grow flowers and my own vegetables
Finding a loo at a festival where the sanitizer hasn't been nicked
or additionally

The most incredible person I know
Active Ink Slinger
LOL Not what I had in mind but thanks for replying none the less ladies.
Active Ink Slinger
Martb40, I'd advice you to read My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday and give it to your partner after. I've not fully read it but it got me to understand why some women find it hard to talk about.
I also borrowed the book to my ex and to a friend who's a girl. It helped them both to explore and be open about it more.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DutchMike88
Martb40, I'd advice you to read My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday and give it to your partner after. I've not fully read it but it got me to understand why some women find it hard to talk about.
I also borrowed the book to my ex and to a friend who's a girl. It helped them both to explore and be open about it more.

Thanks Mike. I'll check it out!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Kimasa
I want a cottage in the countryside with a lovely garden where I can grow flowers and my own vegetables

Yes I agree! smile
Quote by martb40
Women sometimes have a problem with telling their partners their true fantasy's, my wife being no different! So what are the fantasy's you couldn't tell your partner?

My fantasies involve extreme, illicit, and horrendous behavior.

I don't want him to think I'm fucked in the head (though I know I am) and I don't want him to think that fantasizing means I want to engage in the activity. I just think about it to get off - not fantasizing to actually do it. I'm also pretty sure it would hurt his feelings. So - no. Not telling you or him. Telling him would only complicate my life that much more. Tellin you is like airing my filthy laundry.
WOW Metilda so well said... totally agree..
Active Ink Slinger
I would like a house with a nice yard, a white fence, and a dungeon in the basement.

Oh wait were you aiming for fantasies of a sexual nature? know I really can't think of one that I haven't discussed with one or both of my partners. I'm lucky enough to have found someone(s) that, to date, have not been freaked out by most of the stuff that comes out of my mouth.

I do understand wanting to hide a fantasy from your partner though. Had a girlfriend that was a policewoman and I went months just dying to have her beat me with her nightstick. Didn't tell her though, because I knew she would find it unsettling to say the least. It resulted in the relationship ending because she felt I was "too closed off". Sometimes it's a matter of the fantasy being too extreme for your partner, sometimes it's a matter of not wanting them to take it as a hint even though you aren't giving them one.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Metilda

My fantasies involve extreme, illicit, and horrendous behavior.

I don't want him to think I'm fucked in the head (though I know I am) and I don't want him to think that fantasizing means I want to engage in the activity. I just think about it to get off - not fantasizing to actually do it. I'm also pretty sure it would hurt his feelings. So - no. Not telling you or him. Telling him would only complicate my life that much more. Tellin you is like airing my filthy laundry.

Thanks Metilda. I think that's how most people feel about the fantasies they don't share. We think that if we tell our partners they will see us as monsters or that they will be hurt by the nastiness that gets us hot, that sometimes doesn't involve them OR involves them in a way they would never see themselves. I bet even he has some fantasies that you would be amazed at. I know that I, like you have some fucked up stuff in my head that, for some reason unknown to me, gets me really going. I recently found that my wife, too, has fantasies that I never thought possible for her. The thing is, now that I know a little about what goes through her head, I can use her thoughts and fantasies to make things better for her without having to actually fulfill those fantasies. At the end of the day, as long as we understand that the fucked up shit that our mind uses to turn us on are just that, fantasies, and should remain so, we won't have any problems. But since I started sharing the stuff I feel is messed up, my wife gets as turned on by some of my fantasies as I do. It took a long time but it's worth it in the end. Small bits at first though. I wouldn't suggest dumping all your weird stuff on him all at once. And who knows, he may have far stranger shit in his head than you have in yours. Men, in general are more open to that stuff I think.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by radi0act1ve
I would like a house with a nice yard, a white fence, and a dungeon in the basement.

Oh wait were you aiming for fantasies of a sexual nature? know I really can't think of one that I haven't discussed with one or both of my partners. I'm lucky enough to have found someone(s) that, to date, have not been freaked out by most of the stuff that comes out of my mouth.

I do understand wanting to hide a fantasy from your partner though. Had a girlfriend that was a policewoman and I went months just dying to have her beat me with her nightstick. Didn't tell her though, because I knew she would find it unsettling to say the least. It resulted in the relationship ending because she felt I was "too closed off". Sometimes it's a matter of the fantasy being too extreme for your partner, sometimes it's a matter of not wanting them to take it as a hint even though you aren't giving them one.

Agreed Radi0act1ve. I think that not sharing can lead to it's own problems. Being able to talk with your partner(s) about these desires, fantasies etc can be liberating as long as they understand that the thoughts are just something that comes unbidden into your head and that you understand that the reality may not be anything like the fantasy. Thanks for the comment :-)
I always fantasize about being whored out. Not loaned to others....actually being a whore. My partner would set the encounters up, set the price, and i would have to comply.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Nat4fun
I always fantasize about being whored out. Not loaned to others....actually being a whore. My partner would set the encounters up, set the price, and i would have to comply.

I always liked the thought of being 'forced' to do things I didn't want to do. Good one. Thanks Nat.
Quote by martb40
Women sometimes have a problem with telling their partners their true fantasy's, my wife being no different! So what are the fantasy's you couldn't tell your partner?
“A vibrator can last all night, too, vampire! - Denise [url=]FUN @ SEX[/url]
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
My greatest fantasy is one where the shampoo and conditioner finish at the same time.
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Quote by trinket
Mine is when the slice of buttered bread lands butter side up when you drop it.
Pussy is sweeter than honey and more valuable than money [url=]FUN @ SEX[/url]
Quote by Kimasa
I want a cottage in the countryside with a lovely garden where I can grow flowers and my own vegetables
I can remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty. [url=]FUN @ SEX[/url]
Quote by Cindee
or additionally

The most incredible person I know
I'm asexual, though occasionally I'm attracted to inanimate objects. Mainly tube-shaped objects. [url=]FUN @ SEX[/url]
Quote by martb40
LOL Not what I had in mind but thanks for replying none the less ladies.
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Quote by Soleillalune
A fit, healthy body—that is the best fashion statement [url=]FUN @ SEX[/url]
Quote by DutchMike88
Martb40, I'd advice you to read My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday and give it to your partner after. I've not fully read it but it got me to understand why some women find it hard to talk about.
I also borrowed the book to my ex and to a friend who's a girl. It helped them both to explore and be open about it more.
Sometimes I get real lonely sleeping with you [url=]FUN @ SEX[/url]
Quote by secretgem69

Yes I agree! smile
The eyes are one of the most powerful tools a woman can have. With one look, she can relay the most intimate message. After the connection is made, words cease to exist [url=]FUN @ SEX[/url]
Quote by insatiable
WOW Metilda so well said... totally agree..
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Quote by Nat4fun
I always fantasize about being whored out. Not loaned to others....actually being a whore. My partner would set the encounters up, set the price, and i would have to comply.
“Yes, it's a well-known fact about you: you're like death, you take everything [url=]FUN @ SEX[/url]
Quote by martb40

I always liked the thought of being 'forced' to do things I didn't want to do. Good one. Thanks Nat.
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