I'd be upfront with them, telling them that it's really not my cup of tea but I'll write something in that genre and see if it's a worthy story. If it's publishable, then I'd take the cash. If it wasn't, I'd thank them for the challenge.
A) I love your stories.... just sayin'
B) That link is no longer valid so maybe she's been shut down already?
C) You could probably contact Amazon directly with your dispute and they may be able to give you her real name to bring her to court?
Good luck and I'm sorry.
I try to rate/score nearly every story I read. I appreciate everyone's insight into my work and thus feel as though it's my obligation to provide my own take on their writings. I really try to not give bad scores. Usually I stop reading something if it's poorly written/not of interest to me so it wouldn't be fair to score something I haven't completed.
My husband and I found this site together. We love reading all of the stories available. I felt that it was unfair to take and not give back. So I mustered up some energy and started writing about our actual sex life (names changed of course) and found that I REALLY LOVE doing it. I hope to continue what I'm doing for ever.
for sure. I'm not to imaginative so I only really write about what I know/have done. doesn't really do a thing for me anyway.
Sooooo excited! Already wrote my entry. I'm hoping it's up to snuff. My first one I've entered. WOOHOO!
Maybe once a week. Can't during work of course
Ted Nugent's strangle hold. Long song with awesome rhythm. Almost like a heartbeat.
I had just gotten over the flu (Was all sore and achy and looked like hell) and my husband was taking care of me. I was embarrassed about him turning all the lights on because I hadn't showered in 2 days. He cuddled up to me and said that I was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, and that me needing him like I did when I was sick just made him love me more. I'm definitely a lucky gal!
Some guys just prefer the pussy. One of the men I was with just wouldn't cum no matter what I did (and I am able to deepthroat). As for how to learn, I used one of my very squeeky clean dildos and sort of practiced so I could relax and try it without worrying about him moving. It was super easy for me though because I've never had much of a gag reflex to begin with. Some gals just can't get past the reflex.
I'm a waxed kind of gal. It started when I was a competitive swimmer. I'd have to shave all the time so I just started waxing. Now I'm so used to it, I just keep it up. And it helps that my husband loves it nice and smooth!!!
I'm a firm believer in size doesn't matter (to a certain extent). I've had big ones that couldn't get me off and little ones that could. It's allllll in the technique!!! As long as he knows what to do with his manhood and is confident in what he's doing, mmm that's hot! =D