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Over 90 days ago
Straight Cis Male
0 miles · Germany


Quote by Sandra47

I've been away so long, I may go wrong and lose my way.

Maybe we can lose it together...?

Yesterday I was

With the beautiful woman

Who I love so much

I have a locker

Where I keep you locked up in

Right inside my heart

There were no lockers

Where I went to school, we just

Carried everything

Whatever happens

My love will not ever fade

The fire won't be doused

Haven't seen either, unless you mean the Spartacus film with Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis, but that was a while ago.

Rawhide or Bonanza?

While on my lunch break

I'm thinking about my love

Sleeping peacefully

No, never that drunk.

Which drink gets you drunk the fastest?

When the priest met a nun who was willing

To try something naughty and thrilling

They started the fun

With her playing the bun

And him taking care of the filling

Roses are red

I'm searching for time

To be with my love

In more ways than rhyme


Loving ain't easy

When timezones don't match

But I'll take every moment

With her that I can catch


I am longing to kiss here

And I'm craving her touch

In my heart I am with her

'cause I love her so much

My dad, he was a blue collar union man.

Who would be president/prime minister in your country if you could choose?

No, lived there for a while though

Have you ever been homeless?

In the, afternoon, after work

How many hours of sleep do yo usually get?

Politicians and lawyers make a living by manipulating the truth