My stories tell of my thoughts, feelings, and sensations through a picture painted with words.
The women that I have known are beautiful or plain, smart, sophisticated or common, but all are very sensual. They often dress to impress and know how to show off their figures. They want sex, lot's of sex, all varities and kinds of sex, and want to feel free to enjoy or indulge themselves to their fullest.
We travel together to a world where they can freely dream and express themselves sexually.
They want sensual pleasure, sometimes they want to be caressed, hugged, and fondled, and other times they want me to take them suddenly and conquer their bodies.
They may be looking for someone who treats them as the special individuals they are, and shares a strong sense of the beauty of two people making love, or fill their need that may be unmet. They want to mingle our deep erotic imaginations in a fugue of passion. They express their sexuality to me quietly, fervently, noisily, and with skill and sometimes, abandon, or they are just learning about themselves. They may initiate sex and or they may wish to be dominated.
They are brunettes, blonds, and redheads! They are short and tall, have lovely skin, long lustrous or short curly hair, shapely breasts of any size and shape, and moist pussies, eager to be fulfilled.
They want to express their desires and fantasies without being judged.
Writing / talking, travel and people!
Favorite Authors
Robert Harris
Favorite Movies
The green mile
Favorite TV Shows
Breaking Bad
Favorite Music
Oasis, Green Day, Ocean Colour Scene, Bon Jovi