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Over 90 days ago
Lesbian Female, 54
0 miles · Bath


I am a submissive lesbian, 48 years old and sadly single but happy and enjoying life. I love writing and am a feedback junkie. I'm happy to be friendly with anyone and would particularly love to get to know any women who enjoy talking and learning about others. I don't do drama or moaning (well, aside from the obvious times) and I have a well-developed libido which is disappointingly under-employed at present.
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Hospital Politics - 2

Wanda gets into deeper and deeper waters

I was walking home from the Tender Trap. I’d had hopes that Benny would take me home but she had other plans. I had no idea what those plans were but it clearly wasn’t a quiet night in. She’d arrived at the pub in knife-creased, airforce blue trousers wit...


Erotic Reading
Erotic writing


Age: 51 - 100
Distance: 50 miles