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Over 90 days ago
Female, 155


For the ladies, during vaginal sex, do you feel any big difference when the penis is chubby, moderately hard, or very hard? (sometimes a man's penis hardness can vary and may not be the same degree)
Has anyone had sex with a male with penile implant?
If you had, what are your comments, sensations, satisfaction/dissatisfaction, etc.?
Has always been this way. Its the natural musky odour. No cotton panties. She is shaved completely.
I will tell her to try apple cider vinegar.
Have fwb who has pretty strong normal pussy odour most of the time even right after showering. She has been checked and has no infection. What can she use to help minimize the odour?
sorry. I did not mean " ". Just I saw some porn on the weekend titling sex in sleep. I did not think it was normally possible but I did not know for sure
I know it varies but in general, which one gives you more intense orgasms? and can you explain why?
can you really have sex with a girl while she remains sleeping throughout (and not wake up)?
giving helpful information would be really nice
Are your orgasms much stronger when you have eyes rolling back? or, the eye-rolling has no relation to strength of orgasm?
During orgasm, do you have involuntary vaginal muscle contractions, or can you contract voluntarily to make the guy feel good even if you do not have orgasm?
after having sex how long on average would you feel like having sex again (not during the same session)?
Are you turned on as much whether it is spontaneous sex or scheduled sex (as in planning for a day or two ahead) assuming all factors are the same (eg. same person, same atmosphere, etc)?
What would you consider someone as a "great kisser"?
Have you ever orgasmed without touching your clit or vagina?
Is it more of a men's thing or do ladies enjoy and get excited when their nipples are licked and sucked on?
Which gives you the strongest orgasm?
self masturbation
masturbation by partner
giving oral
receiving oral
vaginal sex
receiving anal
other means (please elaborate)

In order to obtain proper information, please only guys give responses here.
Gals can give their responses in the Ask Gals section.
Which gives you the strongest orgasm?
self masturbation
masturbation by partner
giving oral
receiving oral
vaginal penetration
other means (please elaborate)

In order to obtain proper information, please only gals give responses here.
Guys can give their responses in the Ask Guys section.
Do you gals like being eaten out every time having sex (a must) or do you prefer sometimes not to be eaten but just straight sex only?
How many orgasms do you usually(most of the time) have in 1 session (not maximum number and not if it is resumed after an hour or more)?
What is the one thing that you would only do with your SO/husband/boy friend (and won't do it with anybody else)? Can be anything.
Please be specific, e.g. don't just say kiss or just say sex or just watch movie--please be very specific on exactly what it is
After an orgasm, how long would it take you to recover from the super sensitive feeling so that it can be touched again?
For the ladies, how would you like your breasts and nips played by your partner during foreplay and during sex?
Both deep thrusts or shallow just at then entrance could feel great but which do you prefer better--deep thrusts or just the head at the entrance?