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5 days ago
Straight Female, 47
0 miles · Illinois


Advanced Wordsmith
Great question! For my story The Billionaire's Deal I looked up different yachts and private planes along with Caribbean locations. For another story set in the 1920s including fashion, music, dances, instruments of that time, and Prohibition Chicago (this story is still WIP), for another WIP about a magician, I looked up magic tricks and bondage, and the Red Light District of Amsterdam. Also another WIP about a brave woman taking revenge upon Vlad the Impaler killing of her husband, I researched Vlad. I've watched multiple documentaries on Vlad and the myths surrounding him.

Now, I want to finish all these WIPs.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by browncoffee

Well since you asked you're not allowed to judge me or deem me pretentious though you'll probably do both but just don't tell me and it will be fine. You have to be utterly disgustingly pretentious like me and pretend you think I'm not pretentious and shower me with compliments regarding my intelligence and beauty and all that stuff to fill my empty soul, okay?


So the thing was that before I wrote this story I wrote a poem. And I didn't love it enough to post it but there were some lines in it that I was absurdly proud of and it seemed a shame for them to go to waste so in some parts of this story, I made sentences rhyme. I meant to add in more rhymes while I was editing but I got too sick of the story and abandoned it so there weren't many but I was still quite surprised that no-one seemed to notice. Since you've already read it, I'll post some of the lines referred to here:

The lights were too bright, the crowds too loud.

My hand moved faster, spurred on by the blurred displays of obscenity.

...because I always laughed too hard or said something off kilter, talking too fast to filter the words.

Sitting on the balcony, legs dangling, his cigarette angling to the sky, his laugh strangling the darkness until light overflowed and made me feel like every dream I’d ever had glowed on the brink of reality.

Winter came, Christmas bringing listless lingering in the warm glitter of department stores.

Soooo. There were more but you'd have to go back and find them and I'm sure you've better things to do such as GETTING YOUR COMP ENTRY DONE.

Laters, fam.

I'd noticed this while reading. I thought it was clever.
Advanced Wordsmith
I can't pick a favorite line, but by far one of my favorite scenes I've written appeared in Love is Stronger Than Pride, part 2. After sleeping together again, after what was just an one time hook up, the main characters can't deny their physical attraction.
Love is Stronger Than Pride, part 2

Pushing the sheets aside, Kent rose from the bed and headed to the bathroom. He was relieved to know that she did not lock the door, as he pushed it open and walked in. He saw her bra lying on the floor and her dark shapely silhouette behind the textured glass panel shower door. He strode forward, slid the door aside, and stepped into the generous shower. The water was steady and cool as it streamed down her body.

“What are you doing?” Tamara asked surprised by his appearance. She couldn’t help admiring his full frontal exposure. His chest broad and sparsely covered in dark hair as it tapered down to a tight and defined abdomen. Even flaccid, he was really quite impressive, hIs heavy cock hung sleepy against his thigh. It took all of her control to not reach out and touch his body.

“I don’t know what it is about you, but I can’t keep my hands off of you,” he said as he reached for her.

“Kent, we’ve been here and done this. I can’t do this again. We’ll just be repeating past mistakes,” Tamara warned taking a step back.

“You’re right, I don’t want to repeat what happened after the last time. I want to make better mistakes,” he said stepping forward, he pushed a strand of her wet wavy hair from her cheek. “Tamara, just say that you don’t want me again, and I promise I will leave you alone.”

Tamara sighed defeated, “You asked me that before and I lied to you. I don’t want to lie to you, again. Yes, Kent, I want you, but it’s just lust.”

“More like a craving,” Kent said, his eyes following a white sudsy bubble as it trickled down her slick, wet chocolate skin, down the inward slope of her meticulous groomed mound. He took another step toward her, her back against the back wall of the shower.

Tamara saw the intensity of his desire in his blue eyes and tried to steel herself from his imminent approach. “Kent, we can’t…,” she protested weakly holding out her hand to keep him at bay.

“Oh, I believe we already have and definitely will again and again and again,” he said, his cock now stood strong and alert as he went down on his knees before her.
Advanced Wordsmith
As a kid, when Child's Play came out, I had a boy Cabbage Patch Kid that kind of looked like Chucky. After that, my doll lived in the closet. Also from the movie The Blob, I got a fear of garbage disposals and sink drains.

As an adult, I don't like mirrors facing the bed in the bedroom (Candyman), walking over bridges especially if there's water below, and I always checks my shoes for creepy spiders before putting them on. I've had reoccurring nightmares about boxing kangaroos and they freak me out, along with rabbits, (yes cute little bunnies scares me)
Advanced Wordsmith
My first story posted on Lush is called Maya's Revenge (posted a link below if you're curious), about a wife's lesbian experience with a female cop. It did well I guess, I didn't go screaming and running away from the site. If I would change anything, hm, I think the flashback/retelling of her day up until the encounter occurs at an awkward point, I would probably make that a little smoother or move it so not to disturb the pace of their meeting.
Advanced Wordsmith
Aw, I've just found this thread and I'm joining the bandwagon of praising you for bestowing on us your gifts! I'm usually very busy in life and can sometimes carve out some leisure time to check into the site and I always check to see if you have anything new posted. Since I've joined the site nearly 3 yrs ago, you have been a constant friend and supporter. Your work really speaks for itself, in the beautiful eloquent words only you can string together. It pushes me to write better just to catch up and be on your level.
Advanced Wordsmith
EDITED: Just posted To Lust and to Love feature my all time favorite female character, Billie Logan.

My favorite female character in one of my stories is actually not the main character. In the Love is Stronger Than Pride series, the main female character has a best friend, Billie Logan. During the writing of the three part series Billie kind of came to life and wanted to tell her own story. So, that's what I'm finally working on now, writing a story for Billie where she is the main character. I hope to have it posted soon.

I guess all my favorite female characters are in whatever I'm currently working on because I have another story in the works that is my first for the Historical category. It's set in the 1910-20s and the main female character is so much fun to write.

I hope to have these stories up soon.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Coco
I'll see you in hell, is naked Twister played there? I mean I like to drink too, but I'd like to play that with you.

I don't recall any character or parts of a setting that I didn't glean from something or someone real. There are just too many opportunities to do so: the sexy hunk that's in line staring at me while his girlfriend or wife pays for their merchandise, the seemingly shy librarian that has an undercurrent of sexual heat just barely contained under the surface, and the powerful businessman texting in the elevator--too many things that my mind takes a note or an image of; how are we to pass those things up?

Let's face it, and I'm not saying about the numerous talented authors here, but often we need that little bit of reality to set the right tone in a story. It's foolish to think that artistry isn't shared.

This is a close description of how I write, too. I pull from my surroundings everyday. Some of my best characters are based on people I know, then I put them into situations that they would never do without the help of my imagination.

Seems like Hell is going to be crowded, I'll bring more wine!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by HeraTeleia
The "Supernatural" genre really isn't my thing (read my comp entry/failure, "I, Succubus", for confirmation), but you're a very gifted writer, I would recommend PM'ing a couple of the winners of the "Supernatural" competition and seeing if they would be willing to collaborate. I'm not sure that I'm even qualified to edit a "Supernatural" genre story.

Thanks, that's good advice. I will like into that and see who's willing.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Frank_Lee
I have to imagine you'd make a marvelous writing partner. It's so tempting to write with you, but I know I'd only end up giving you high blood pressure. Just ask Delphi. lol Good luck finding someone. Better yet, hopefully the right idea will come to you.

I appreciate you saying this! Hopefully I will overcome this writer's block and finish this thing sometime soon. Luckily, I have several other projects to keep my mind distracted enough to allow new ideas to seep in.
Advanced Wordsmith
I've never done a collaboration before and thought it might be interesting, and I'm kind of stuck on this story. If you read my story "Have You Ever Danced with the Devil?", it's an expansion of that. So far, I have 4000+ words and I'm at a road block. PM me if interested!
Advanced Wordsmith
When reading erotica, character development and plots with suspense/anticipation turns me on. I love when characters are well thought out and the actions (even if fantasy/sci-fi) makes sense for the world that they live in. Also, when the author is inviting me into the world created by vivid description and unique dialogue, "hearing" the character's voices along the author's.
Advanced Wordsmith
I have it posted on my profile wall so that I can watch it everyday. He's yummy!
Advanced Wordsmith
On my laptop, so usually in bed or on the couch in the living room. Sometimes, I log in on my phone while on the train or at work, but not often.
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm glad I saw this thread. I'll be in Vegas later this summer for a weekend and I'm looking for things to do, too. Reading through the thread made me excited and looking forward to my trip!
Advanced Wordsmith
Ultimately, it's her own decision. Maybe she does most of the chores around the house and feels uncomfortable naked while cooking, cleaning, etc or it's too cold in the house. Be more understanding about her situation and comfort level. Also, you can try compromising, try just underwear. I hate walking around completely nude, but I do wear my panties and bra around (i'm also 40D and going braless is a struggle, lol)
Advanced Wordsmith
So just an update, I posted the 2nd and 3rd installment of The Gift. Cajeta y Chocolate has also been posted. Recently I posted my latest two, DJ's Dad and Desert Heat (see signature panel below). Currently, because of popular demand, I am working on sequels/followup to some of my other stories. In the works, 3rd installment of the Through the Storm/After the Storm series, fourth installment of The Gift, and 2nd installment of DJ's Dad. So, yeah, I'm quite busy.

Quote by missluv2write
I'm working on the 2nd chapter to The Gift, I'm also hoping to get out another about a young female student who works at a restaurant and has the hots for the owner/chef of the restaurant.
Advanced Wordsmith
I've been away for awhile, but now I'm back. Please check out my two latest stories listed this week.

DJ's Dad, a story of a father taking his son's girlfriend's virginity


Desert Heat, a heated interracial one time encounter, also an entry for the Some Like it Hot Contest.

Thanks for reading and I appreciate any feedback!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Depends on the guy and his tats. Saying that, most guys I know with tats are some of the sexiest men I know. Would they be sexy without the tats? Yes, they are very attractive men, the tats just catches my attention and adds a bit "bad boy" roughness that I love.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dani
I prefer the cum/came combo.

I've never liked the use of 'come' versus 'cum' simply because 'cum' is just shorthand for 'succumbed', which when used in a sexual sense is to 'succumb to pleasure'.

I get that came is just past-tense of come, but it makes more sense to me than cummed. *Cringes*

I never knew this. Thanks for sharing!

I use come as a verb, such as "I'm going to come." and cum as the noun, "His cum covered her tongue."
I don't think that I've ever used came or cummed, speaking of past actions, I usually find other words to describe it.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Wilful
"Come" is definitely the verb, meaning to orgasm. For example, "I'm going to come", "I'm coming", or "I came". The past tense is always "came". It's never ever "comed".

As for "cum", it's the noun meaning semen or sperm. For example, "I shot my cum all over her tits", or "my cock was oozing pre-cum through my pants".

I hate using "cum" as the verb, such as "cumming" or "cummed", but as a story moderator, I'll let it slide. The one that really chaps my ass though is when people use "cum" in place of "orgasm" or "climax" etc. For example, "I had such a good cum." *shudders*

Thanks this was helpful!
Advanced Wordsmith
I was just wondering because I see all variations of this in stories, what is the proper spelling and past tense use of this word?
Advanced Wordsmith
I have a small chihuahua mix. He's 4 years old and the cutest little asshole you'll ever meet.
Advanced Wordsmith
I know its cheesy, but when I was in my teens, I would read my older sister's Harlequin romance novels. You know the kind with the bare chested hero clinging to a buxom female on the cover. Those are my first memories of being "turned on".