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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 38
United States


Well the sight of a well turned out man sliding down the sidewalk can do it for me. Or great abs at the beach. So yes, I am.
I am new Member joining to be able to comment on the stories I have been reading for nearly 18 months. I am hooked on poetry and found Lush Stories after hearing one of your poets at a recital.
I understand the scoring system. It is obvious isn't it? But I don't understand it's application because it, obviously, is not being used as it was intended to be?
Frankly, as a new Member, what I read in this Forum Subject is really disappointing. It's even disturbing.

Can someone please explain to me the prime objective, the aim, of Lush Stories?. (I mean the Story and Poetry side, not the Chat side. We all know what that's for!)

Is it to publish the very best in adult literature (story and poetry)? Or is it to do that (because there are some really good writers here) and include and encourage others, who have never thought of writing before, to try? And thereafter to continue and grow in the art?
It seems to me to be the latter, based on the quality of the content from my point of view.

If that is the case, then there are works that will be published here that are 'efforts' rather than 'masterpieces' and a lot in between. 'Efforts' may well be worthy of a 5 for effort but not for quality, whilst the upper echelon of writers would always command a 5 for quality. So how should I score?
If you are my friend and I know how hard it was for you to make the effort to write, and it's not very good, do I give you 1 or 2 because you don't rate against the 'Lush Giants'. That is not friendly and certainly not encouraging you to keep writing.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and " All Art is subjective". What one reader likes another dislikes. What one critic applauds another lambasts. And the scoring system is a form of criticism isn't it?

I might ignore scoring, stick to reading only. I could add an occasional comment.

Quote by Milik_Redman
It's very easy to get pigeon holed, especially when you focus on poetry. That art, more than any other, speaks of our state of mind. The way you write it makes it very much feel as if these are your honest emotions. Naturally, people pick up on that;

Of course, how you are perceived can be changed. Try writing something outside the box for yourself. Try focusing your thoughts on something different. Perhaps on what you find joyful in sex. When I first started writing poetry here, I was in a pretty dark place and it was showing in my poems, especially on the blue site. I met someone who gave me the help I needed to claw my way out, and she did it by simply believing in me. She has my undying love for that.

My advice then, Margot, would be for you to try your hand at some fashion erotica. These are very short stories that will almost force you to stay focused on the joy that sex should be. Just write a fantasy that turns you on, and I can promise that if you do, your readers will pick up on that.

Just think of what you would like to do, or have done to you. A short exploration of masturbation would also be well received. It sounds to me like you are ready to grow as a writer. This would be a good way of doing it.

This is a really powerful post, incisive and right to the poetic point. Thanks.

As for Margot?
Margot just be a writer and write for yourself. Life will pigeon hole you no matter what you do or say or write. So write and damn the readers. It is your work, your mojo, write for yourself and not for critical acclaim or acceptance.
I am not a writer but I am a reader. I been reading Lush stories for about 18 months. On a few occasions I tried to comment on the stories which I only could do if I joined. So here I am, reading and commenting.
I do score but I don't really see why it is necessary. Every reader has a different perspective, a different 'take' on a story. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" seems appropriate. That being the case any scoring system will be haphazard and unreliable.
Quote by adagio_sabadicus
I have tried 'spamming' and found in my case, that it didn't work. I believe that if you write often enough, you will either build a loyal following of vanish into obscurity. Obscurity isn't a terrible place to be if just seeking platitudes and brush kisses.

Only a true writer could have posted this comment on obscurity.