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a body of work...question...

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I do not judge on a person's state of mind when I read it.

Why am I then?

Should I not release anything for fear of being pigeonholed?

(The sad girl)

Just curious.

Shouldn't it be read impartially?

Or are people just sick of anything having to do with love from me?
Head Nurse
An honest answer for you:

Everything we submit leaves is judged. Do people view Ashleigh as the "dirty girl" because her stories feature raunchy sex? Undoubtably. I myself get buttonholed. How many people message me wanting to know about more of my dirty nurse stories, they assume that's who I am. I try to post a variety of stories and poems then to balance this. Because human nature is such that we judge people. Since in this medium we don't have physical things to add to it we judge by your work.

So if you post continually about the pitfalls of love, of your broken heart and other emo stuff, you'll get pigeonholed. Right or wrong. Of course, you don't help this by making all of your forum posts as disturbing as your poetry. If you want to be taken as a poet with a range, start to push your comfort level a bit. Do you have an experience that left you happy? Content? Maybe writing a few times about those could help change your image.

I myself worried when I posted my last story. it's so far from my typical fare; I worried people might really dislike it and I would chase off my normal readers. I also stress anytime I post a poem. I feel very vulnerable about my poetry in a way I don't for stories. Then I worry my story readers won't take me serious if I post poems. Everyone worries about something. Find your comfort level, find the readers you want, and don't stress the rest. Although, I always advocate for pushing your limits smile
Thank you..smiles

Well, I'm definately not normal. Well now I don't to put want anything out.

I saw Etta James and Miley Cyrus..that made me happy. Laughs..

Then I must be viewed as some disturbing monster then I guess.

The last 2 or 3 were older ones from long ago. I stated that.

One must think of all the things I'm not saying..

Cause actually there's more I want to say but don't..

Thanks for your input and advice!!
Head Nurse
Quote by daddysweetheart
Thank you..smiles

Well, I'm definately not normal.

Then I must be viewed as some disturbing monster then I guess.

The last 2 or 3 were older ones from long ago. I stated that.

One must think of all the things I'm not saying..

Cause actually there's more I want to say but don't..

Thanks for your input and advice!!

I don't think anyone said you were a disturbing monster, but it's this type of fatalistic thinking that might lead people to pigeon hole you. Write how you feel of course, but I like to change it up a little. If you wallow in emo poems with little to relieve them, don't be surprised if you get called the sad girl.

Push your range! Try a story perhaps. I find my favorite stories are written by people who can write amazing poetry. They manage to portray their emotions in a way I can connect with.

*shrugs* what's normal anyway?
Internet Philosopher
It's very easy to get pigeon holed, especially when you focus on poetry. That art, more than any other, speaks of our state of mind. The way you write it makes it very much feel as if these are your honest emotions. Naturally, people pick up on that;

Of course, how you are perceived can be changed. Try writing something outside the box for yourself. Try focusing your thoughts on something different. Perhaps on what you find joyful in sex. When I first started writing poetry here, I was in a pretty dark place and it was showing in my poems, especially on the blue site. I met someone who gave me the help I needed to claw my way out, and she did it by simply believing in me. She has my undying love for that.

My advice then, Margot, would be for you to try your hand at some fashion erotica. These are very short stories that will almost force you to stay focused on the joy that sex should be. Just write a fantasy that turns you on, and I can promise that if you do, your readers will pick up on that.

Just think of what you would like to do, or have done to you. A short exploration of masturbation would also be well received. It sounds to me like you are ready to grow as a writer. This would be a good way of doing it.
Thanks again..I did a couple short stories on storiesspace.

Ok. Smiles..

Thanks again.

Even if they are sad, I think they're nice.

They aren't all sad.


Quote by Milik_Redman
It's very easy to get pigeon holed, especially when you focus on poetry. That art, more than any other, speaks of our state of mind. The way you write it makes it very much feel as if these are your honest emotions. Naturally, people pick up on that;

Of course, how you are perceived can be changed. Try writing something outside the box for yourself. Try focusing your thoughts on something different. Perhaps on what you find joyful in sex. When I first started writing poetry here, I was in a pretty dark place and it was showing in my poems, especially on the blue site. I met someone who gave me the help I needed to claw my way out, and she did it by simply believing in me. She has my undying love for that.

My advice then, Margot, would be for you to try your hand at some fashion erotica. These are very short stories that will almost force you to stay focused on the joy that sex should be. Just write a fantasy that turns you on, and I can promise that if you do, your readers will pick up on that.

Just think of what you would like to do, or have done to you. A short exploration of masturbation would also be well received. It sounds to me like you are ready to grow as a writer. This would be a good way of doing it.

Thank you Milik....big hug.

Thank you for your advice too.

Smiles.. that's a great idea.

I'm really glad you got out of your dark places.....

I'm glad you had a friend like that.
Head Nurse
Ill be honest, I haven't read them. Poetry is one of those things that I have to be in the mood for. But I'll look. I don't mind a bit of sad in my poems. Many if mine are because I tend to write poetry from a very real personal place, and from a place of great emotion.

I would agree with milik, he gave excellent advice. Try the flash erotica division and write something that appeals to you. Write to satisfy yourself and it will show.
Quote by Dirty_D
Ill be honest, I haven't read them. Poetry is one of those things that I have to be in the mood for. But I'll look. I don't mind a bit of sad in my poems. Many if mine are because I tend to write poetry from a very real personal place, and from a place of great emotion.

I would agree with milik, he gave excellent advice. Try the flash erotica division and write something that appeals to you. Write to satisfy yourself and it will show.

Me too about the poetry.

But sometimes I had no one in mind..some were for someone specific, and it had to be written..
Head Nurse
Quote by daddysweetheart

Me too about the poetry.

But sometimes I had no one in mind..some were for someone specific, and it had to be written..

Keep writing what you feel you must, but sometimes channeling that in a different direction can be good for your growth as a writer.
Quote by Dirty_D

Keep writing what you feel you must, but sometimes channeling that in a different direction can be good for your growth as a writer.

Ok ..thanks again..

Hmmmmmmn ..
Quote by daddysweetheart

Me too about the poetry.

But sometimes I had no one in mind..some were for someone specific, and it had to be written..

Honestly, having read most of your poems, I have to agree with need to branch out. So you fell in love/lust/whatever with a person here on Lush, and that person didn't reciprocate your affections. We get it. I've stopped reading the poems you've posted most recently because they all sound the same to me, and are tiresome. Try writing something else, push your boundaries, work to make yourself work.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

No they were written FOR different people OR for no one at all.

Some over 10 years ago.

If some were written for someone here then it doesn't matter?
Has no validity?
Quote by daddysweetheart
If some were written for someone here then it doesn't matter?
Has no validity?

What? Your question makes no sense. I never said anything about the validity of your work. Just said that you need to branch out, challenge yourself, to regain readers' interest in your work.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

Quote by HeraTeleia

Honestly, having read most of your poems, I have to agree with need to branch out. So you fell in love/lust/whatever with a person here on Lush, and that person didn't reciprocate your affections. We get it. I've stopped reading the poems you've posted most recently because they all sound the same to me, and are tiresome. Try writing something else, push your boundaries, work to make yourself work.
Her Royal Spriteness
this is an erotic stories site - most people want to read either sexy fun stories, or at least ones that make them feel good. while i myself occasionally go a little dark, the idea is to get someone turned on and to end it on an up note. it has nothing to do with the validity of your writing, but rather with you needing to know your audience. people come here, mostly, for escape - they don't want to read stuff that's a downer. as several others have said, branch out. write fantasies that people want to read to get off on, to feel good and then, if you slip something darker in every once in a while, that's okay too, but the constant barrage of anger and sadness and heart break that you've shown here, frankly, yes, it's totally your image, Margot. that is who anyone who reads these posts sees you as; angry, bitter, sad. if that's not you, then change how you're seen -

a good example, i, like most people, have had some rough moments in my life - when i joined, i came on and was upbeat, fun, sexy, and friendly, and because of it, i made a lot of friends - my stories were the same, and i created a readership so that when, eventually, i pushed darker themes, it worked, when i needed to be angry or a little sad, no one saw that as the entirety of my being, because they knew the other girl, too, the fun, silly, happy one. that's what you should think about. i'm not saying don't be yourself, but i am saying that you shouldn't dwell in the darkness so much that you forget to play in the light.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

If you need help with writing stories feel free to send me a pm.

Quote by Haineko
If you need help with writing stories feel free to send me a pm.


thank you sweetie xoxoxoxo
Quote by Dirty_D
Ill be honest, I haven't read them. Poetry is one of those things that I have to be in the mood for. But I'll look. I don't mind a bit of sad in my poems. Many if mine are because I tend to write poetry from a very real personal place, and from a place of great emotion.

I would agree with milik, he gave excellent advice. Try the flash erotica division and write something that appeals to you. Write to satisfy yourself and it will show.

thank you for reading some of mine.. smiles

Head Nurse
Quote by daddysweetheart

thank you for reading some of mine.. smiles

Anytime smile I try to read a bit from everyone. The ones I read were nice, I'd say you show talent and promise. But it's easy to get stuck in a rut, writing the same thing again and again. I agree with everything sprite, milik, and I said. Branch out. Try something new. It'll be good for your writing.
Active Ink Slinger
The best-of-the-best have given you some good words and guidelines. I'm glad to see a mostly positive attitude from you towards the advice given....

Now ... for their benefit as well as yours, may I offer up the point of view that writing (especially poetry) is often used as a way of helping one to sort through some personal feelings and thus find some healing / relief in the act of writing. I'm sure there are many folk here that use writing for that purpose. That has certainly been the case with me with my earlier forays into scribbling poetry. I write the occasional poem for my benefit first of all and secondly for the benefit of my readers.

Please go back and read Professor Sprite's comments above. I've known her / admired her for a long time and can readily recognize when she gives sage advice. This is the case here. Please PM me with whatever is on your mind or is troubling to you. I care.
Quote by asleep
The best-of-the-best have given you some good words and guidelines. I'm glad to see a mostly positive attitude from you towards the advice given....

Now ... for their benefit as well as yours, may I offer up the point of view that writing (especially poetry) is often used as a way of helping one to sort through some personal feelings and thus find some healing / relief in the act of writing. I'm sure there are many folk here that use writing for that purpose. That has certainly been the case with me with my earlier forays into scribbling poetry. I write the occasional poem for my benefit first of all and secondly for the benefit of my readers.

Please go back and read Professor Sprite's comments above. I've known her / admired her for a long time and can readily recognize when she gives sage advice. This is the case here. Please PM me with whatever is on your mind or is troubling to you. I care.

thank you Rick...


thanks love you lots xxxxx

my precious friend
Prolific Writer
I think you are very talented.

Like the others said try something fun with your erotic poetry.

Your very creative and it would be fun to see what you come up with.
Quote by Mysteria27
I think you are very talented.

Like the others said try something fun with your erotic poetry.

Your very creative and it would be fun to see what you come up with.

thanks Mysteria!

that's very kind of you..
Hey M, as I've told you before there is a beautiful raw emotion to your work which brings a powerful honesty to your words. There is lots of good advice here and I give you credit for the courage to ask. Keep in mind that some of the world's best writers (e.g Shakespeare, Hugo, Chekhov) did not necessarily live their stories...SO....I challenge you...write a fictitious poem or story about a happy go lucky guy or you might see as the opposite of yourself or your work so far...

Come on....I dare you....

Lyf smile

PS what do I know I've only published 2 crappy poems...LOL
Quote by LYFBUZ
Hey M, as I've told you before there is a beautiful raw emotion to your work which brings a powerful honesty to your words. There is lots of good advice here and I give you credit for the courage to ask. Keep in mind that some of the world's best writers (e.g Shakespeare, Hugo, Chekhov) did not necessarily live their stories...SO....I challenge you...write a fictitious poem or story about a happy go lucky guy or you might see as the opposite of yourself or your work so far...

Come on....I dare you....

Lyf smile

PS what do I know I've only published 2 crappy poems...LOL

thank you hon...

hugs xoxooxoxo
Active Ink Slinger
Everything I read, I do so from an impartial state because I anticipate giving feedback positive or negative when necessary.

Eventually I will get frustrated with other authors if I see them drawing water from the same well too often. This could mean harping on the same topic over and over or employing the same predictable 4 line quatrains.

This being a sex stories site, topic is limited. One would have to read an author's contributions to both Lush and StoriesSpace in order to accurately judge their body of work.

I will start another topic as advice in helping ANYONE get out of a rut.
Quote by Magnetron
Everything I read, I do so from an impartial state because I anticipate giving feedback positive or negative when necessary.

Eventually I will get frustrated with other authors if I see them drawing water from the same well too often. This could mean harping on the same topic over and over or employing the same predictable 4 line quatrains.

This being a sex stories site, topic is limited. One would have to read an author's contributions to both Lush and StoriesSpace in order to accurately judge their body of work.

I will start another topic as advice in helping ANYONE get out of a rut.

That's what I was talking impartial state...ok..

I will go read it...thanks for your input Magnetron..smiles...
Rookie Scribe
wow what a deep short write
In-House Sapiosexual
Girl... *shakes head slowly*

I haven't read everyone's comments, but I have read you.

There are going to be things associated with certain writers, their voice or style. That's a good thing. I personally feel that it is good to pull from within yourself and stretch, let it be raw and even a little painful. Above all let it be honest. That's my personal preference though. But writing is an art form. No one that takes it seriously is going to debate that. I firmly believe that. There has to be something naturally gifted about it, and that's unexplainable, but it is also something that has to be well tuned and requires training. To what degree depends on the person. The absolute best quality a writer should have is empathy. The ability to write from yourself is good, but combine it with the ability to step outside of yourself and dive into an experience fully beyond just you. To pull out the universality of it and yet the personal interpretation, to risk your "self" (not for sympathy or just out of pain or even for attention--and I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with these things) for the sake of something that needs to be said or seen or felt, that's the art of it. Unless you are shooting for the art of it, you are not really loving the art form. You are self indulging. You can only confess the same thing, in so many ways, for so long without becoming the cliché. And, clichés are okay if they work for you.

Think about this. It may give you a fresh eye.

And then again...If what you do works for you, keep doing it.
? A True Story ?