I am looking for assistance in editing or proof reading. My tenses are all screwed up!
Please help.
Quote by Adagio
One thing is a must, and that is, not to put pressure on yourself. I have found the best way to write, is to be comfortable within myself. Start by picking out a subject, such as a tree (don't laugh) and write what you know about. It's an Ash. It's green, It blooms in Spring and sheds it's leaves in Autumn. Birds nest In Ash and there learn to fly. The young birds learn to tweet and then they retreat. Like I said, writing is easy, when the ink is wet and you hunger for words with feeling and not for words appealing to others.
Quote by sprite
sure, if you're into [censored by fascist rule abiding mod] and [censored by fascist rule abiding mod]. other than that, you're going to get 'arbitrary rules'.
Quote by Guest
Not sure if anyone has thank the readers of Lush bit it seems right.
We write so people can read our work. Without people reading it the writing part is pretty pointless.
So thank you readers of Lush. I can't speak for every author but without you I don't think I would be doing something I love.
[B]big hugs & kisses[/B]
Quote by Guest
Once you start a story how long does it take to complete it? I find once you start a story i love it when they add chapters and we can continue following along.
Quote by avrgblkgrl
I have to agree with some of these points. Timing and patience separates erotica from porn. But remember, writing is a growing process. Some are up there, some are down there and some will feel stuck in the middle. But, everyone is still learning. Only writing can improve writing. It takes time to find out what will work for you--try many approaches. You will learn what you need to tell your stories. Each one may prove to have different needs. Trust yourself as you discover.
There are no new stories, there are only new ways to tell them. That's truly the only part you create.
Relax, don't underthink it but definitely don't over think it. You will feel it when it's working. No one will have to tell you. First you will have to endure and be willing to take chances. Seriously, relax.