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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 30
United States


Active Ink Slinger
So, recently I figured out the problem I had/have. In my enlightenment of my previous problem, a new one came to light as well.
I figured out that getting a girl isnt my problem, I did a little experiment and the response was quite surprising. Instead, it's keeping a girl.
I've always questioned myself about why my relationships have failed so hard in the past. Either I was too serious too fast, not serious at all, or didnt take a hint when I should have. All of which I did completely wrong with each single girl. So I'm wondering, is there something I do wrong all the time? Or am I just that bad-lucky to have the wrong types at the wrong time?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by PhareDuFour
Back to the subject at hand....

You know that old saying that goes, "You'll meet the girl of your dreams the minute you stop looking for her"?

It's basically true. One of the "meet the girl killers" is the stress you put yourself under because you have a "mission" to accomplish. I say, scratch that mission, along with all those theatre dialogues you are supposed to memorize from those help books about how to chat girls up.

A better idea would be to find a group activity where you could meet new people - mixed people. Try something new: ballroom dancing, a course in Manderin, an interest group for theatre or museums or something. Humanity subjects are always good. You won't find that many women who are registered members in the Manchester United Fan Club.

The important thing is that it should be something you always thought "Oh, I would like to try that". Please don't pick something you hate, but do it because you've heard that women love it. Women will spot you as a fake and twit in a New York Minute.

Once you find some interest group you like, and a girl in the group that appeals to you, the small talk "thing" will take care of itself. You would find a girl who shares at least one common interest that you do. Who knows what else you would have in common or enjoy doing together?

Now this, this is good stuff right here. Thanks so much, I'll take the advice smile And I think group stuff would be better, since I get freakishly weird when one on one with someone HAHAHAHAA
Active Ink Slinger
Thanks for all the positive advice. I think I will actually go to my doctor soon. And as for not feeling anything.......I have been apathetic towards any and everything lately. Hmm...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
Good point GB.
Does it get you attention LAD? Sometimes that's a reason for people.

It doesn't, actually.
Let me see if I can elaborate on my idea of what I think is going on.....
I think its the feeling of being isolated so much that I can do whatever I want and I'll know for sure that no one will give a rats ass, even if it's life threatening (though I'm not suicidal...... Well, that's not entirely true. I wouldn't harm myself while conscious. I wouldnt mind sleeping and never waking up.)
I still dont know how to explain it properly, it's almost like a craving really.
Active Ink Slinger
So, I'm here to ask a question I've heard rumours bout. Is it actually possible to get addicted to being depressed? I've been depressed a little lately, and I dont know if I'm causing it to myself.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by blazestcyr
i take HUGE offense to y'all saying all women are bitches..ok that is like saying all men are assholes which is FALSE

THAT is why you are still single or have failed

y'all dont like women

so how about treating us as human beings..leaving the cuss words behind and relating to us one on one

good god...your post shouted hey i have been hurt

we ..all of us and women, are different... to group us in one catagory ,because you had a bad experience utter crap


Again, how many times do I have to repeat this..... Not all women are bitches. If you read the original comment I posted in that thread, you'll find that I said (and I quote) "No, I dont refer to every single female as a bitch, when they act it, I call it."

And to all the other responses, thanks for the assistance. I just got to find some people to test this out on smile
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale

You're going to start dating again? You got laid (we're your words...just a few months ago) so how'd that dating thing go for you the 1st time, before you had to recuse yourself from the hectic scene of dealing with all them bitches?

What is that... 1 bitch lay for how many months of trolling? We need some more figures here to percentage up your batting average.

Make 'em up. The numbers, I mean.

I always did, lil sister.

First off.....What the fuck are you talking bout? Lmfao I seriously didnt understand most of what you said, no joke.
And yes, I'm still tired of bitches, they're everywhere.
And you want numbers? Uh, let me do a little google search and I'll be right with ya.
...................................................................-insert jeopardy song here-.........................................................................................................................
-Most of this information is made up to troll you people-
So lets say that there's over 7 billion people. Lets check that as 100% being both male and female. Assuming that 50% are female, we'll now use that subset alone, completely disregarding the males.
So, with 3.5 billion women in the world, lets say about 1.85 billion is actually under the age of 18 or married, which leaves us with 1.65 billion single women above the age of 18. Lets say that only 850 million of these women are between the age of 18 and 25, I still believe that you're a retard.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale

All women are bitches dude...don't you remember the shop talk?

You're fucked ~ heterosexually speaking.

Go gay, or shock that monkey.

Report back with findings.

I didnt say that all women are bitches, just that there's a high percentage. Clearly my studies are wrong. Apparently men can be bitches too, cause you're being one right now.
Active Ink Slinger
So, to make a long story short, I've been single for over a year now and I'm thinking its about time for me to start dating again.
But, my main problem is that I've lost some social skills I used to have, like walking up to random people and having great conversations and making plans to meet again. It's not that I dont know what to do, its just that I dont know what to say.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
Successful troll is successful.

You're damn right I am.
Active Ink Slinger
Okay, how do I say this so you people actually understand what I'm saying........?
I do NOT think that all women are bitches. Get that through your thick skulls.
Active Ink Slinger
Alright, you people seem to know what you're talking about and I'm in the mood to make some life changing decisions (I'm 19, what could I possibly lose besides my sanity?) . Please, tell me how to be less of an asshole and avoid marrying exactly the type of person I despise right now, help me to not be 'pussy-whipped' and 'hen-pecked'.
Active Ink Slinger
Wow my post got a load of replies, and I read almost all of them. To answer some of them, no, I did not put that shit up for friends. I'm not on this site nearly enough to actually chat and message people or whatever else you do to 'make friends' online. As for Coveralls=Money, most of the time, where I'm from, random dudes go out in their coveralls to bars/clubs/anywhere they can possibly be (and I'm not talking bout the hard working bastards like Mechanics or civil house building people or whatever, I'm talking bout bastards in the oil industry who sit behind a desk all month gettin a fat ass paycheck). As for the use of the word 'Bitch', as I said, when I see it, I call it. It doesnt mean that I'm calling the entire female gender bitches, men can be bitches too.
As for me, yes, I'm seriously only 19 and no, I do not hate women. I actually admire them a whole lot. They run the risk of being and kidnapped everyday, but they still take the chance of going out into the world, making it a better place. Without women, the human race would be non existent. Women make the world go around. Women are not as nasty or sick or ill minded as some men. Seriously, some dudes are sick in their head, goin' round and shit..

To sum things up, not all women are bitches , I'm not looking for 'friends' on this site, if you think what I say sounds like I'm looking for attention, think about it for a second...... Yeah, thats right, I had yours. And finally, most men are douchebags.
For anyone who was offended by my 'misuse' of the word "bitch", I hope I didnt offend you, but if I did.... You might be one.
Anyways, I'll say what's on my mind without holding back because life's too short to sugarcoat bullshit before you give it to someone.
I'd much rather someone tell me something fucked up about myself than sugarcoat it. If that person was straight up about shit, I'd fix it.
But that's just my style, most people dont like it.
Active Ink Slinger
He needs to stop giving a shit. Sure, this may be the youth in me speaking cause I'm only 19, but where I'm from, the girls that are in the age of 18-25 are mostly complete bitches. No, I dont refer to every single female as a bitch, when they act it, I call it. To do this we must first define a bitch. Cause a bitch doesnt necessarily have to be single.
A bitch will flirt with any guy as long as he has money, a car and a dick.
A bitch will wear extra skimpy clothes to the supermarket.
A bitch will lose interest in your views and everything you stand for 10 seconds after you open your mouth.
A bitch will never call you, but demands that you call her.
If she has too many men as her friends. That's a bitch.
If she drinks with all of her guy friends while fully knowing that she is the only female there and she's going to stay because she's getting free taquila shots, one after the other........ Bitch.
If she has children and leaves them at home with the baby daddy to go out and have fun with her girlfriends all night long, every Friday. That's a bitch.
If she lost her virginity at the age of *Edited by admin for breaking forum guidelines* and had multiple (20+) sexual partners till you met her, that's a bitch.
Now that we have identified a bitch, we must now learn to avoid the bitch, and for that you'd have to BURROW TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH, OR MOVE TO THE MOON and even then you'll run into the motherfuckers.
As soon as you land on the moon a bitch will run up to you and ask for a ride home, 20,000 light years away.
Bitches are everywhere, you cannot escape them.
But there are things you can do to minimize your encounters with them.
1) Do not look for a potential date in a bar.
2) Do not tell them how much money you make. In fact, dont tell them what you do for a living. Make them guess and keep laughing, but never actually tell them. Keep making them guess, even if they're right.
3) Do not wear your cover-alls outside of the jobsite. Apparently, to bitches, coveralls=money.
4) Do not call them after the 2nd date (if you reach that far) A bitch will never call. A lady will be concerned.
5) Always go to simple places for dates. And try to keep away from those cliche bullshit movie scenes like going to the movies, or going to a park or something. Make the shit memorable. If she insists that she wants lobster for dinner, drive her to the restaurant. When she gets out of the car, drive away. It's that simple.
In the unfortunate event that you do accidentally hit on a bitch or if you just want a good one night stand, act like a fucking pimp. Treat them like garbage and buy them a vodka cranberry or something. Shit....
Active Ink Slinger
With the exception of my first girlfriend..... I'll have to say that I attract:
1) Broken girls (emotionally cause of shit that happened in the past)
2) Crazy ones (for the same freaking reason)
3) Clingy ones (I actually like the clingy mushiness a little... But there's a limit.)
Active Ink Slinger
Hi, I'm 18, and I'd just like to share something on this thread.

Personally, I dont see what the big deal is with losing a virginity at a young age, I believe that good things come in time. Dont rush anything, your time will come.

I havent made out with anyone either. Hell, the most I ever got was a peck on the lips.

A word of advice, women like confidence. I'm extremely shy and thats the reason I've been single for a while. Too shy to talk to the pretty girls.
Man up, I'm experimenting with my confidence these days and I gotta say, I'm surprised with the results.

Thats all I gotta say, I hope I helped even a little.