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Over 90 days ago
Lesbian Female
United States


Active Ink Slinger
When I am drinking a coffee, I pretend that my lover is sitting across from me naked.

The last thing I ever want done to me is...
Active Ink Slinger
Try not to worry about being a virgin. Like others have said, it will happen when the time is right. I can suggest a few things where you might find yourself more comfortable. Find things in your life that you love and are passionate about. Writing and books? See if there is a book club, or a writers guild that you can join. Are you into gaming. Surely there are groups of kids that gather and game together, and some girls enjoy gaming as much as guys. Animals? find a shelter to volunteer at if you have extra time. What ever you are passionate about, try to use it to find women who loves the same things as you. Most importantly, wait until you find someone who cares about you, and who you are. It makes all the difference in the world.
Active Ink Slinger
My gf and I have been together for thirteen years. We know all the passwords to each others accounts. ON occasion they have to be changed after being hacked or losing the log that we keep passwords in. but there is trust there because there is nothing to hide. When I started taking my writing more seriously and came up with a pen name for my writing, I opened up an email account, twitter account, and joined you all here. I didn't tell her about these accounts, mainly because I just didn't think about it. I had discussed with her my pen name, so I jsut didn't think about telling her about all the sites. I eventually showed her everything, and showed her around this site as well, and everything was okay after that.

As for your situation, my first instinct would be that he is cheating, but it could be something simple. Maybe her has a friend who doesn't like you and keeps saying nasty things about you. Maybe he had a female stalker who wont leave him alone, and he's doing this to protect you from everything. Try to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I would talk to him about it and let him know that it bothers you. If he really cares, he'll explain. Good luck and keep your chin up.
Active Ink Slinger
I love rough play on my nipples and would like to buy some clamps that will actually bring me the pain that I like. We have one set of vibrating clamps, but the clamps aren't tight and the vibrator is below the clamp and is hardly felt, wasn't really impressed. I've used clothes pins, the things you place on chip bags when they are open. I want something that is adjusted to a degree to hurt, but can then be eased when I need it. I'll also ask if pierced nipples would be something you think I would like. Do they make the nipples more sensitive? I've thought about getting mine pierced, but wasn't sure about it. Suggestions? What do you all use for rough nipple play?
Active Ink Slinger
I don't know if it's an actual phobia, but if I can't breath or think I'm not going to be able to breath, I freak out. I'm not claustrophobic, but went camping one summer in the awful heat of early August. Even at night, it was still over 90 and there was no wind blowing at all. When i got in the tent, I paniced. Had to sleep in a lounger that night.
Active Ink Slinger
I have a fascination with ancient Greeks, in the time of the Gods. I find it all fascinating.
Active Ink Slinger
Somewhere in my adulthood I became a plainspoken witch (You know). I don't for sure when it happened, or why it happened. But I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut about things, especially stupid things. Oh, I can bite my tongue when it is necessary (tho there were times when i had to make myself leave the room). But if someone comes into my home and starts going on and on about something insanely stupid, my mouth opens and words fly out before I even realize what I was thinking. I'm not really a witch, and I am considerate of what others think and feel. But when a person starts talking about how the gov. has cameras in there cable box and spies on them, well that sort of thing sets me off and my mouth opens. Most of the time, I speak what is on my mind.
Active Ink Slinger
I live the vampire's life. When I worked I was on nights, as is my gf now. So it is usually anywhere from 4am - 6am when I got to sleep, and get up around 2pm, sometimes later if I haven't been sleeping well.
Active Ink Slinger
I am drinking my usual, which is water. What I wouldn't give for a big glass of iced tea. Some days I would give anything to be able to drink tea again.