I am not talking about lonely people, or people with no social skills,or awkward people who can´t handle a simple conversation, or molotov-throwing anti-system thugs. I have many friends like that, and I love their company.
I am talking that type of people who seems to hate every single person around them, when you get close to them, they make you feel as if you were violating their sacred space, as if you were their sworn personal enemy. They seem to try to live in a fortified island an anyone around them is an intruder. And I say "try" because no man is an island, for better or worse, we need to interact with other people following some rules.
Of course, that type of people is scarce, but just coming across anyone like that can spoil your day, or even your life if you have the bad luck to have one as neighbor, or co-worker.
We all us have bad days, moody days, rainy days, but those guys seem to live in a perpetual state of bitterness and frustration. They are not rude, they are downright aggressive.
You can think "okay, perhaps life treat them badly, or they were abused when they were kids, or they suffer some sort of mental disease, etc". But the next thought is "so is it my fault? Why should I have to take any crap from this person?". And then a confrontation comes, in many cases leads to violence, and you find yourself in a point of not return with that person.
I've come across several people like that, from all walks of life: bus drivers, clerks, waiters, housewife's, and after just a few minutes, or even seconds of "interaction" with them, I was glad I didn´t own a gun, because I'd be in jail right now.
So, I wonder is there's some sort of technique to deal with difficult people? Any wise advise?
Mind you, perhaps I look a bit intense about this, it's because I had an "interaction" with one of them a few minutes ago and I am trying to do something constructive to clear my mind.
I mean, the classic teenage girl who dates men in their 20s, (because boys her age are "immature"), when she herself is in her 20s will go for men in their 30s or 40s, and when she will be in her 30s will she go for men in their 40s or 50s, and when she will be in her 40s will she go for men in their 50s or 60s, and so on and on for the rest of her life?
Or is perhaps this "dating an older man"just a phase, a temporary thing young women do in an experimental way, and once they have been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, they progressively stabilize with men their own age?
But this last scenario has it's own paradox. For example, and teen girl who dates men in their 20s, when she herself is in her 20s, would she feel she is "too old" for a man her own age? Or a woman in her 30s will feel she is "too old" for a man in his 30s?
I guess each individual and relationship is different, but in general, what happens with aging women who went in the past for older men?
Imagine you are with your boyfriend and some other friends in a bar. Sitting next to you there's a May/December couple, the guy 2 o 3 times older than the girl. You overhear your boyfriend whispering to his male friend "I wanna be like him when I get his age".
Would you deem it as just a joke and don´t think about it? Or would you think he really meant it? And if so, what would you do?
I haven´t been to the USA, but do children there behave so badly that seems to be a problem their very presence in a restaurant? IMO it doesnt seem healthy to segregate groups of people like that.