Indeed, Age is not a hindrance. If there is a desire on both sides, of course
I don’t think you will change something in an adult. Everyone walks as it is more convenient for him
Sometimes I look, although I used to sit there often. When Twitch broadcasts appeared on YouTube, the need disappeared.
Sometimes I get it. I have been playing it a little lately. And so mostly single projects.
I can't even imagine how it might look
Yes, it should be updated
If not, this is a very strange game. Very demanding for donations. After the defense in such games from other players subsides, you need to spend a lot of time there. Or pay. It is very difficult to develop.
For the last couple of years, I've noticed that the ideal scheme is with constant browser changes. Now one slows down, then the other. So you have to go constantly. What is the reason, I do not understand.
Yes thank you. Also updated.
Convenient and if possible, why not? Helps distract.
Valiant Hearts is a really awesome game. It takes a very strong atmosphere.
For a recommendation, I can recall the Deponia series of games.
The game is quite good. After the first launches, it was updated, part of the audience remained with it. You can spend time to familiarize yourself. If possible, of course.