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Recommend a game?

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Lately, I've been playing this nifty little game called Valiant Hearts. It can be downloaded to a mobile device but it's huge. I ended up using my Playstation rather than my phone.

It's a RPG about characters going through WWI and it is simply gorgeous. If you like comic book art, you might like this.

It's mostly puzzles with a healthy dose of history. I haven't finished it yet but I'm a very slow gamer.

Do you have any games to recommend? Something that isn't quite mainstream?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

Thank you! Now I have my next game to hold me over until Tomb Raider for PS4 comes out.
Quote by Burquette

Thank you! Now I have my next game to hold me over until Tomb Raider for PS4 comes out.

there's also a new one by one of the same creative people who did this called Abzu - it takes place under water. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Shove half penny or maybe tiddly winks.
Quote by simplyjohn
Shove half penny or maybe tiddly winks.

Uno was my analog favorite.
Secondlife is a great game with lot's of Nawtiness once you know how to edit clothing etc. The downside is it's addictive & can cost for all those extras & must have stuff. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to experience BDSM in a very safe environment (or most other things for that matter.)
This is a game that I've completed during the last Christmas break and thoroughly enjoyed: Batman The Telltale Series.

Everybody knows who Batman is, but what exactly are Telltale games? To be accurate, the Telltale Games developers produce interactive stories a lot more than conventional 'games'; think of their titles as interactive movies that are heavily story-focused. Their magnum opus is by far their Walking Dead series, which they've released 4 seasons of and which received quite a lot of praise.

Their series (or 'seasons') are usually divided into 5 episodes that are downloadable for around $5/each; those are typically made available a few weeks apart and have a completion time of around 1.5 hours. You can also buy the whole season for around $20 once all of the episodes have been released (which takes 7-8 hours to complete). As well, those games are available on pretty much every platform (PC, Xbox, Playstation, Android, etc.).

And what does 'interactive story' precisely imply? Well, to quote Telltale's own disclaimer at the start of the game: "This game series adapts to the choices you make. The story is tailored by how you play.". Mostly, you're the one that's in control of how Wayne/Batman will handle conversations, and there are also many difficult choices that you have to make along the ride (eg. save this or that person). Choose wisely and choose fast, as there's a timer of a few seconds before Batman powerlessly stares at the situation.

As an example, what would you respond when a newly acquainted Catwoman asks why you adamantly chase down criminals?

Will you brutalize crooks to make them talk? Will you confront a corrupt mayor as Bruce Wayne or Batman? Will you refuse Catwoman's advances? The choice is always yours and there are no wrong/right decisions; in fact, the majority of important decisions involve some degree of compromise. To be fair, the final outcomes of the story don't vary all that much depending on your choices (ie. some events will happen no matter what) and as such there's a certain 'illusion of control', but it's still tremendously fun and engaging to shape the flavor of the story however you like. Moreover, most characters react differently to you according to how you've previously interacted with them.

To review the entire story very briefly: damn was I impressed by Telltale's team of writers. Plenty of villains make an appearance in some way or another (eg. the Penguin, Two-Face, Catwoman, The Joker), and many different plots also intertwine; the main villain is a wholly new character created by Telltale however, which I appreciated quite a lot. Despite all this, the narrative is still extremely clear and captivating, and the suspense of what will come next persists through all of the series. You also play equally as Bruce Wayne and Batman, so the interactions and choices are quite varied in nature.

Typical of the Batman universe, each character embodies a distinctive conflict; this isn't a fight between good and evil, it's a journey through a land of many gray areas. Every villain has believable/reasonable motivations (and I've found myself sympathizing with them quite a few times), while the Wayne family themselves are repeatedly presented as opportunistic jerks. The entire series has a palpable 'righting the wrongs' feel to it. Great writing through and through, and Telltale really exploited the whole decision-making aspect remarkably well.

Aside from the story, there are also a few predetermined action sequences which prompt you to press a certain button at a specific time (eg. press X to dodge an incoming blow, press Y to throw a batarang, etc.). It mostly keeps you on your toes, but it isn't overly difficult and in many cases you won't fail the scene if you miss a prompt. I could totally see someone who's never played video-games handling it; as I already expressed numerous times, this is an interactive story more than a proper game, and those action sequences probably represent less than 20% of the entire playthrough anyway. And of course, Batman is also tasked to use his phenomenal detective skills on a few occasions to solve crime scenes.

I hope you'll enjoy this game as much as I did myself; this massively puts any Batman movie to shame. Here's a short trailer for those interested:

And here's a scene where you can see how the dialog options work, as well as a short fighting sequence (with the aforementioned button prompts):

Quote by Burquette
Lately, I've been playing this nifty little game called Valiant Hearts. It can be downloaded to a mobile device but it's huge. I ended up using my Playstation rather than my phone.

It's a RPG about characters going through WWI and it is simply gorgeous. If you like comic book art, you might like this.

It's mostly puzzles with a healthy dose of history. I haven't finished it yet but I'm a very slow gamer.

Do you have any games to recommend? Something that isn't quite mainstream?

You have great taste in games Burquette. I've had Valiant Hearts on my list of games for a long time.

As far as non-mainstream games, it is actually hard to define what non-mainstream means with games. Valiant Hearts is actually a relatively popular game. One of the reasons gaming is great is that if a game is great, it is almost guaranteed a solid audience.

That being said, Divinity Original Sin 2 may be a perfect example of a non-mainstream game, that even though it has an audience, isn't overly popular, and yet is considered a tremendous PC game, and also one of the greatest accomplishments in RPG History. It is also relatively new, and I'm sure you would enjoy it.
Hello mate,

I am a newbie here. I love few games but out of all Mini Military games I love a lot.

What about you?
I am addicted to PUBG, this is so much fun. Anyone who's also playing it?
Not yet. But I will give a try for this one. smile
Not yet. But I will give a try for this one. smile
Not yet. But I will give a try for this one. smile
lol, contr strike
You'll need a DOS emulator, but this is unbelievably adept at sucking up minutes of time on a rainy afternoon or while waiting for the utility or cable company repairman to show up and complete their work.

I played the hell out of this from the time it first became available, until I assembled my next computer in 1994.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I'd rather learn how to play poker, I read the article yesterday about the most top poker players, I was very surprised by their earnings from tournaments.
Days Gone
Call of Duty.
Strip Poker
Be nice to each other

Quote by verity100
Strip Poker

Oh Verity !

There are no strangers here - just lots of sexy friendly folk to chat with ?
Quote by verity100
Strip Poker

I remember there used to be a strip poker flash game on the Playboy website, but it always felt like just as I was getting to the good stuff, it started dealing me worse hands!
Monkey Island Special Edition.
Be prepared to laugh so much you will pull a muscle.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.

I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work

My current Competition entry is here
A Cure For Stagefright

I put a little banner in here, it might change. I'm still messing about with it.
Quote by Twisted_Skald
Monkey Island Special Edition.
Be prepared to laugh so much you will pull a muscle.

I've not played Monkey Island, but I have Grim Fandango, which was brilliant
Valiant Hearts is a really awesome game. It takes a very strong atmosphere.
For a recommendation, I can recall the Deponia series of games.
Quote by CarltonStJames
Shank 2 was a lot of fun back in the PS3 days.

PS3? In the incentive, as far as I remember now, there is a re-release. Or is it just the same version released?