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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 44
United States


Feathers, oils and vibes............................

blumpkins or cosby sweaters
I can maintain eye contact since my peripheral vision is good enough to see everything else at the same time.
Quote by chefkathleen
Quote by jlewis5150
Really, really drunk bitches.

Maybe they get drunk because you call them "bitches". That's disrespectful.

I don't call them bitches till they get really really drunk.
Chase her down after the goosint and make her pay, in a good way ;)
Tie him naked to a bus stop bench to give the morning commuters something to gawk at, lmao
It's not really the spelling, but the usage of there, thier and they're

I'm running out of words that start with E, I end up having to deal with it a lot.