Quote by sprite
hide the paper clips.
I did that this morning nobody cares, very disappointing.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
If it's part of a sport - like cycling, running, speed skating, or compression shorts for MMA - then it's attractive.
If it's just some guy sitting around wearing shiny lycra pants for no particular reason, then maybe not so much. It definitely doesn't have the same appeal as a fashion statement for guys.
I guess the key is to keep it sporty - like athletic gear. And obviously, it helps if a guy has the right build to pull it off.
Quote by Liz
Submitted stories sit in a queue until one of our story mods has had the chance to read and verify it for you. You only have one story submitted at the moment, not two, and it was only sent in a few hours ago.
We are quite busy with submissions at the moment, but we do our best to try and get them processed within a day or two. Many websites take a LOT longer.
Once a story is verified, you will receive a PM to let you know. At that point it will appear on our front page and also on your profile page. If it is rejected, you will be provided with details about what you need to do to correct it.
Quote by Raven_Star
What's your definition of normal?
I'd say if you can find a girl who is willing to submit to you and let you do these things, then it's normal for both of you. Who cares if it's normal for anyone else?