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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 37
0 miles · Milan


Quote by Marta_

Not yet! But I want to go. Really, really, really want to go!

I'm from the North of Spain, lived there my whole life. It's beautiful. And not hot. Maybe you should try ;)

yes! my next holiday i hope to go to spain and why not in the north? can you suggest me some places? and i can help you with italian places if you want ;)
Quote by Marta_

"Cura" also means therapy in Spanish, apart from "priest".

Sevilla is beautiful, for what I've heard... I would never go there in summer though. I think I would melt.

Have you ever been in the North?

hahahaha i've been in sevilla in july and i melted...fortunately the house where i lived had a swimming pool smile in italy i live in the north so i prefer when it's not too hot...
no i've never been in the north of spain but would like to go...and you? have you ever been in italy?
Quote by Marta_

Yes, that's always fun smile

I have another false friend "guarda" (not sure if I wrote correctly) that means "look" in Italian but means "keep" or "put away" in Spanish. This thing with false friends is hilarious sometimes smile

oh yes you wrote it correctly smile

carta=letter in spanish and paper in italian
cura = priest in spanish and therapy in italian

i have to go to spain for my next holidays...miss so much spain and sevilla

Quote by inspiration
well i obviously speak english as you can see...don't know if i speak it good or not...i speak italian cause i'm an italian guy and i speak german and spanish very well because i studied them at the school and spent some time in germany and in spain (i had a girl in spain so i can practice it well ;) )
Quote by Marta_

Buongiorno smile

Most of the Italians that I know speak Spanish as well. In my experience, Italian and Spanish people are perfectly able to understand each other even not speaking the other language... if they speak slowly and help each other a little in the difficult bits.

Buenos dìas smile
i think that you're right. A lot of people that i know understand spanish...obviously if it's spoken slowly and except for the false friends (salir in spanish is to go out, in italian "salire" it means to go up, to climb, to ascend...the same for subir...that in italian means to suffer )...the difficult thing in my opinion is to speak it ;) i have a lot of friends that try to speak spanish and it's always funny to hear the new words they create ;)
well i obviously speak english as you can see...don't know if i speak it good or not...i speak italian cause i'm an italian guy and i speak german and spanish very well because i studied them at the school and spent some times in germany and in spain (i had a girl in spain so i can practice it well ;) )
Tried mmf and ffm...prefer the second one, but the best is for all
i love to lick a woman as a foreplay or till she cums. I love to taste a woman and i don't like if my partner doesn't allow me to do it. My girlfriend always tells me that if we brake up she want to continue to have sex with me just to feel my tongue on her body.
Of course i do. I started when i met a girl that loved to lick and blowjob me. It's very sensual when you feel the tongue on your skin.
Yes of course. We are both bisexual so i think we can invite friends ;)