I'm Spanish and Spanish is my mother tongue. I started to study English and French in school. I have a degree on Translation and studied English, Portuguese and Gallician* in University. I started to understand Catalan* after hearing it a lot. Also understand Italian and French, but like Catalan, I can't really speak. Because I live in Poland I know a few things in Polish and understand a little more than what I can say, but not really much.
So, to sum up, I speak fluently Spanish and English; Portuguese not so fluently due to lack of practice; less fluently Gallician; only a few sentences in Polish; and understand Italian, French and Catalan.
Because of my studies and my work, I'm often surrounded by people who speak fluently at least five languages, so what I know seems very poor to me in comparison. However, a few of my friends here have said they were impressed by the amount of languages I speak/understand so I got curious... how many languages do you guys speak? I would love to know.
* Gallician and Catalan are languages spoken in regions of Spain.
Well Hindi is my mother tongue and the mostly used one in day to day life here in India.I can speak English and punjabi,which is my native language.I can speak a little bit of German and French , though I can understand it fluently ,can't speak it fluently. I am currently learning to speak Spanish.
American English is my native tongue. I speak a little Spanish, French and German. I want to become fluent in them before I move on to learning Italian.
Latest story:
American English
And Bad English
well i obviously speak english as you can see...don't know if i speak it good or not...i speak italian cause i'm an italian guy and i speak german and spanish very well because i studied them at the school and spent some times in germany and in spain (i had a girl in spain so i can practice it well ;) )
English is my mother tongue, I speak French and Spanish - studying them at uni. I'm learning some Portuguese alongside and trying to teach myself Arabic. Its proving to be incredibly difficult though.
I understand some Italian, Catalan and Portuguese because quite a lot is similar to French and Spanish.
I did 5 years of German in high school but it wasn't really my métier, I only remember a few phrases now.
The way the schools teach languages in England, or my school at least, leads languages to become rather unpopular. I know very few people outside of my studies who are interested.
French, English, and conversational Spanish, with a sprinkle of Farsi and Egyptian (modern) Arabic.
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Relieved there plenty of people who are used to handling a number of languages as the media, here in the U K would have us believe otherwise.
I was lucky to have a very good teacher of French, at school, who realised that I was becoming bored with the daily lessons and let me wander off into reading the likes of Camus, Sartre etc in French. I think, though, he was an exception to the norm.
Oh, another one to add to the European language 'melting pot'. I live in Wales and can speak it, haltingly, (!) and can read simple text. All the civil authorities produce forms, brochures etc in both languages which makes for some very unwieldy leaflets at times.
English and una petit pois ickle French. (for those that dont understand French thats 'a little bit of French' ok).