my ex who i cought in the shower with another man on our wedding day said something like that to me about the guy who now beats her.......she tryed convincing the community that i was horrable to her and they all looked at her like she was on crack b/c i would do things like bring her dinner at work and stay home with the kids all the time so she could go grind with other men at the dance my reaction when i recieved a letter like that from my ex was tell her she is an idiot.......
i cought my ex with another man 4 hrs b4 we were supose to be married and then she told me she was prego with his kid and couldnt see me and her together in a year but still loved me, for acouple weeks she lead me to beleave she really would rather be with me then him but it didnt take me long to come to my sences and realise she was just tagging me along and leading me on......and for some reason 3 years latter i still feel empty with out her and a sence of resentment i didnt lision to her and still go through with the wedding(b/c she said she still wanted to) but im smarter then my heart........
parked in front of the place my mom worked waiting for her to get out
after a friend of mines wedding reception i offered to drive the tables that were barrowed from the church back in my truck(my friend who got married father was the preacher). me and my g/f at the time dropped off the tables and desided to wait for him to unlock the church and help carry the tables in after about 10 min of waiting we got board and started to make out in the church parking lot. which lead to her climbing into my lap in the drivers seat and we started having sex untill it dawned on me the preacher was on his way so i started the truck with out moving her i drove down main st having sex with her the whole way home.
“Plan for the worst hope for the best and if your lucky you’ll land some were in the middle”
“Sex is like fishing, when its good its great, and when its bad its still pritty good”
“Its mind over matter, if you don’t mind it don’t matter”
“Brut force and ignorance, accomplishes almost everything”
“theres two types of brut force and your using the wrong one”
“Bumbles bounce”
“You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust the sails to always reach your destination”
“Life should NOT be a journey 2 the grave w/ the intention of arriving safely in an attractive, well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, pizza in one hand, beer in the other, body totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!”“
“Always use condom sense”
“Only where common sense is missing ignorance is bliss”
“see that at the end of the driveway, yup that’s a road. If you take the right path it’ll take you to your dreams”
“There are 2 types of people here. The type that want to be here, they work hard for there living. And the type that have no were else to go.”
“Now don’t go saying “you wont eat that” if’n you will get grossed out when they do”
“it aint the size of the gun that matters it’s the speed of the gun”
“For every great idea there is a disadvantage equal to or exceeding then the greatness of the idea”
“Rule of Accuracy: When working toward the solution of a problem, it always helps if you know the answer.”
“You will never find any more loose change than you have already lost.”
"There's two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither one works
Never miss a good chance to shut up."
.................and so meny more..........
my opinion on overused sayings......hmmm i think it is what it is, and you'll have that
if she wanted me to i would, kinda hit home on my ego but her happyness means more then an ego. i dont think im terably bad on size im 6.5 long but fat(i joke that im Polish short and fat lol) but for the right women why should it matter if she wants it.
babe and baby makes me think of hookers and strippers and women who want nothing from you but your money.......i usually reserve hun and honey for my partner
a friend once told me ex's are ex's for a reason.......
doggy style, i like being able to see and kiss and caress the whole body of the women im making love to.......doggy style leaves me feeling like they would rather not have seen me, theres no intimacy.......
5 min ago, before that 7 this morning.