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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 30
United States


I didn't sleep with him because of that. But, I dated one of my best friend's exes (that was drama ha), and she'd said before that he did have a big cock... She wasn't lying.
The best thing to do is just talk to them about it. If they actually care about you, they won't be upset about it and they'll respect the way you feel.
Who knows, they might even let you explore it a bit ;p
I would, mfm or mff, I wouldn't care either way. But, I'd have to be the third person if I were to be a part of one.
If I was in a relationship, I don't think I'd want there to be another girl... (I can get really jealous in that type of situation because I have a low self-esteem about how I look.) If he wouldn't mind though, I could do mfm in a relationship.
Quote by seeker4
Define "public". If we are talking about getting it on in a place where discovery risk was very high (restaurant bathroom, back booth of a club, in a parked car in a busy parking lot), then not likely. If we are talking a lower risk area like a meadow in a park that's well off the beaten path, then I might chance it.

Maybe because they are lesbians? haha
They don't want to talk to men on website like this if they're only interested in women.

I mean, if someone was a straight male, they're not really going to add men on here.
If someone was a gay male, they're not really going to add females on here.
If someone was a straight female, they're not really going to add females on here.

If this site wasn't a sexual site, it would be different. But it is, and people typically only want to add the gender(s) they are interested in.
I had sex in a car once while it was pouring outside, but that's it.
Quote by SexySophie

I've had threesomes a few times - even a foursome once and loved every minute of it. However these were with guys I knew as 'friends' only.

I would never consent to the same with a partner, boyfriend or anyone who is special to me. I would suggest your relationship with your g/f would be at least weakened or at worst severely damaged if you go ahead with her wishes and I'd suggest you tell her so. If she still wants to go ahead it will prove you've not got much of a potential future together anyhow.

I disagree. There's nothing wrong with couples having a threesome, foursome, whatever, as long as both partners are okay with it... It's not damaging to the relationship at all if both truly are okay with it.
My advice to you Benjam: talk to her about it. Explain to her that you don't know how you feel about it. And she can explain to you her feelings about it as well. Maybe her explaining her feelings will help you to form your own feelings about it. And, if you end up not being okay with it, then you need to obviously tell her. If she's not okay with you not being okay with it, then she's not someone you need to be in a relationship with.
I've never had sex in a movie theatre, but I have giving oral to a guy several times
A trick my friend taught me is to wrap something tightly around your head (like a scarf). It takes away the pressure.
Also, sex always works (;
I would.
The only time I've done it was my first time ever. It'd be fun to do it again (;
38D is what I usually buy, but I'm pretty positive I'm not wearing the right size... it's just so hard to find cute bras even for that size, let alone anything bigger!