Thought my bio needed updating, and have been thinking about what to say about myself. First I found out about Lush from a friend, who thought I might enjoy coming here and reading erotica. She told me it was a community just like Facebook, only with an adult sexual theme. So thought I'd check it out, loved reading the stories, and became a member.
This is not my first rodeo with Lush, my first membership was a learning experience. Found out what a lot of people had been telling me all my life; that there are liars and those who take advantage of others in this world. I guess I always thought deep down inside that everyone was like me, treating others as they want to be treated. Sad to say, most are looking out for number one, themselves.
I do not take pleasure in hurting people's feelings, I am remorseful when I do. It is NOT your problem if I hurt you and I will apologize to you. I do not purposefully to out of my way to hurt anyone. So if I hurt your feelings; please let me know, I will not get mad, nor think you are weak nor will I think you are not thick skinned.
I have also met some very nice and amazing people and some not so nice. I guess life gives you both good and bad experiences. I have contemplated many times not just in years past, but up until recently to delete, deactivate, or even take a hiatus from Lush. For some reason, something keeps me from doing so; and pulls me back to log on. I know it has to do with my friends, I really love chatting with them, when I have a chance to log on.
In those first couple of years I really never learned how to bold print, add pix to your forum posts, or even make some of those cute emojis; so when I see that a future friend says they are new and have never been here, but know how to do those things, makes me wonder why they have to lie about this being their "first rodeo." Since then, I have learned to bold print, but quite by accident. As far as adding pix in my forum posts and emoji's, not quite there yet. But didn't learn the bold till not long ago; after having been a member twice, and for long periods of time.
The only "rules" I have are quite simple. Honestly not really rules. Just a bit more in depth information about me.
1) I hate liars, so please don't lie to me. All lying means is you don't care enough about yourself or others to just be yourself. Hey, I want people to know me, the real me; not the made up me. Fantasy, yeah love it, but be yourself and don't lie. 2) Don't judge, I don't judge; what ever you are "into" sexually it's fine by me. I may not be into what you are, but hey no one is into 100% (or as someone once said 200%) of what you are into. 3) Please don't get upset with me if I can't log on every single day. I have, as you do responsibilities. There are times I can't log on. 4) Guess this goes hand in hand with the lying. Please don't pass yourself off as the opposite sex. Nothing upsets me more than someone saying they are female; when in fact you are actually male. To me it's a slap in the face of my trans friends; and the whole trans community. I don't care if your fantasy is to be female and not male. I will treat you as such, just respect me enough to let me know; and don't hide behind the justification that "more people will talk to me if I am a woman", " you and I both know it's a lie, just an excuse to ease your mind cause you are "emotionally" cheating on your wife. 5) You might notice I have quite a number of friends, that's because I don't delete friends. Where I do miss you if we have not chatted in a while; I am happy when we do get a chance to chat. As I said, I know we all can't be here 24/7, 7 days a week 365 days a year, we have responsibilities outside of Lush. 6) I DO NOT cam, , I do not send email outside Lush so I will not give out my email address, or give out my phone number. I will also not watch you masturbate on cam. I like and enjoy porn; but I don't want a personal show, my husband satisfies me with that. 7) For right now, I do not roleplay, I love to chat with friends, but for personal reasons, I don't RP at the moment. There might come a time when I will; but for right now, I don't. That does not mean I don't like to talk about sex, and that I won't flirt. 8) I will not meet anyone anywhere, fantasize about me all you want; as I will about you; but don't get your hopes about your fantasies coming true. 9) I will not exchange pix of myself, as a matter of fact my profile as all my pix are not of me. For reasons being my husband's job, and our standing in our community I will never do that. 10) For you guys; please don't send pix of your "junk" or tell me how well you use it, or how huge you are. I honestly don't care how big, thick, or, how you use or what your equipment looks like. What and how you think is what I care about; the brain and your words are very powerful. The best sexual organ is the brain; not your genitals. Edited after thought There is more to me than just sex, I have a brain and as you can see by my interests, sex is NOT the only thing on my mind. So if that's all you care about and want to talk about, I don't mean to be rude; but please don't waste your time and mine. For I am not rude and grew up with manners; I will talk to you the first time; but will not the next time. 11) My personal life is just that, personal. I will not talk about my husband, kids or family. If and when was the last time I had sex with "hubby" is none of anyone's business. 12) For my married friends, I will never say anything that might come off as "hitting on you". I will never hurt another woman or man like that. I know what it feels like to be hurt, and I will never put anyone through that pain. Takes quite long to recover; and to trust again. 13) Although I do hate those red and white pix, if you have just become a member I will not shun you. Would be nice if you had a pic any pic; just let's me know that you took time to personalize your page. 14)Same goes for blank bios. I want to know what kind of person you are. 15)I don't get offended that easy, and I am quite kinky; but if your user name happens to have daddy, mommy I will not talk to you nor friend you, I don't need a mommy or a daddy, have one of each. After we become friends, if you want to post something on my page, feel free to do so. The only thing I do object to is child porn. It is not allowed on Lush, and I will not stand for it. That is the ONLY post I will delete if it happens to show up on my page. Other than that, I don't mind what you post, as a matter of fact, post whatever you are in the mood that day. I will not delete your post, and it makes me feel honored for you to have thought of me that day. I do apologize if I don't post on your page, as I have mentioned my time is limited; it's not that I am not thinking of you, it's just that time did not allow me the opportunity. So please don't get upset with me; and I do apologize in advance that I can not. 16)I am no one's slut, bitch, whore, or anything else that is derogatory; if you address me as such, I will not talk to you. 17)I will not change my status for anyone, I am married and married to just one person. I am here to read stories, chat with friends, and post when one has a birthday. I don't go for the "game playing" and "Lush Marriage", not only does that make my friends feel as if I care more for one over the others, it will hurt my husband, if he ever found out I am a member. I have only one spouse.
As my friends all know, Lush is "Real Life" to me as well. Hate how some try to make it out as if it's not real. We all have feelings, and we get hurt both online and in our life outside of Lush.
*I know, a lot of "rules"; but I have seen much longer laundry lists than just 17. Some people will tell you they won't become or consider becoming friends or even chatting with you if you've only been a member less than 3 months, or they will not even consider becoming friends; so don't send a request unless they have spoken to you, or had any kind of interaction with you. I am not shallow like that. Our bios are here for a reason, just read my bio; I'll read yours, if you notice something you don't like about me, that's okay we are just not suited to become friends, same goes for me. I read your bio before making up my mind; please have the same regard for me and do likewise. So even if we haven't had any kind of repore if you would like to be friends, send me a request. You will find out that I am pretty easy to get along with. I like people, and I like making new friends. I might add more, as I think of anything else I might need to clear up.*
I don't care for gossip, and I make up my own mind about someone. I don't follow the crowd and take anyone's word for who you are, please give me the same respect. If you want to know something about me, please ask. I will answer any questions you might have. If you by any chance you happen to read anything about me; please ask. Don't take it that the person giving the information is an authority on me. So when I say I don't care for gossip; it means just that. I don't speak ill of former friends. They are former friends for whatever reason they chose. I don't delete anyone. This is suppose to be an adult site, let's act like adults. I gave up all that "I hate her/him" or "she such a slut", I gave all that up before I left grade school.
Same thing goes for giving me an ultimatum about deleting someone because you feel I should be faithful to our friendship. No one is going to choose my friends for me, you have an issue with anyone, it's between the two of you. I make up my mind about people; as I said I don't follow the crowd, and I will not choose your friends for you; I will never influence you nor give advice unless asked. Then and only then will I tell you how I feel and think, only because I was asked.
Same goes for my friend list. I do not hide it, I have nothing to hide. I'm also not shallow or vain to worry about what place I happen to be on your list. Just because you are my friend you are the first or the last, I don't arrange my friends in who I like more order. My friend list is in the order in which you were added. I have not learned how to move names around; and quite honestly do not wish to do so. I am just honored you have asked me to be your friend, or have accepted my request; and that I do happen to be on your friend list. Hope you feel the same about me.
I no longer post in the forum; after being a victim of cyber bulling. Rather than stoop to their level, I just left. Same reason I don't go into the chat room, I know that's the best place to meet people; but I found the rooms to be a bit of a hangout for name bashing, gossip and a lot of drama. Also a bit cliquey, I gave up all that kids stuff before leaving grade school, am not stuck at an immature age. This is an adult site; let's act as adults. I know I said that before; but I felt it needed to be addressed once more. Nothing, besides lying to me, irritates me more than gossip and drama. I don't give a rat's behind who is "Lush married" to who, just because I don't play those games; doesn't mean no one else does. There are plenty of people who like and are into that stuff; it's up to them, and I do not get involved.
Since my husband does not know I am a member, I can not log on every single day. I try to log on every weekday; if possible. I can not log on evenings, weekends or holidays. I sort of have a bit of respect for my husband; and don't log on while he's home. If I am online and I suddenly leave; that means he's come home unexpectedly; so please forgive me, I always try to let you know I have to go.
Not sure what else to say; if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Rule of thumb---when in doubt, just ask me
Thank you for reading my bio; hope we can become friends and have fun for our tenure on Lush, if that is a day, a week, month or year. Lush is not for everyone, some make an account and find out it was not their cup of tea. That's okay by me, and I do not look down on anyone for thinking that way. When you treat others as you would like to be treated, Lush is a lot of fun.
After thought
I know a lot of people don't consider Lush "real life, or the real world", to me it's as real as my personal life. When I come here and chat with friends, I am chatting with someone; a person I don't just see words show up on my computer screen. There is a person, a human being on the other end, at their keyboard; just as I am at mine; with feelings just as I have. Therefore I NEVER say "in my real life" because Lush is "real life to me."
As I said before, words are powerful, so therefore I am careful if and when I do post in the forum, I don't write anything that could or would be taken the wrong way.
Interests Reading Swimming Photography Anything to do outdoors Fine Wine
Favorite Books The Twilight Saga 50 Shades of Grey Saga The Catcher in the Reye Stephen King books To Kill A Mockingbird Rosie Dunne P.S. I Love You
Favorite Authors Stephanie Meyer E.L. James Stephen King Edgar Alan Poe Harper Lee Shakespeare Cecilia Ahern
Favorite Movies The Twilight Saga Any old movies classics 50 Shades Of Grey P.S. I Love You To Kill A Mockingbird All Stephen King movies the scarier the better And of course everyone's favorite The Wizard Of Oz
Favorite TV Shows Don't really like to watch T.V. when I do it's usually premium movie channels.
Favorite Music Classical rock country really anything except rap. FYI When it comes to music I honestly don't know the names of some bands. I will say "oh love that song, it's one of my favorites," because it is. But if you were to ask me who sings it, 75% of the time, I have no clue. Same goes for the band members of the groups I do know. I might know the head singer, and maybe just maybe a guitar player, but anything else, I can honestly tell you; I have no clue.