We're using the CKEDitor WordCount plugin to calculate these numbers
Quote by RejectReality
I'm reasonably positive that the Popular and Viewed tabs on the category pages used to have more than one page. Latest and Recommended still do, but clicking "Next" on Popular or Viewed just reloads the first page. Same happens on the front page, now that I've tested that.
Bug? Intentional?
Quote by Liz
Can do. I'll send him a message and see what he says.
Quote by deviantsusie
Hi, is there a glitch in lush?
I got a message saying I was following an author and they had published a story but I'm not following them.
Any ideas why I'm getting random story suggestions?
Cheers ?
Quote by NiteHawk086
Here's a few site improvement ideas:
> Within a chat window, you can share a pic that's online by copying and pasting the image address.
Would be nice to be able to share a pic that's saved on your computer / phone by browse/attach/send.
> Would be nice for couples to have a joint account where the profile parameters include options to reflect that
(aka - Sex field could be "couple" instead of male OR female;
> Would be nice if you could segment members by categories of how they prefer to be viewed OR their interest
e.g. - separate categories for: lesbians, cross-dressers/sissies, groups/multiples, straight only
That way we all wouldn't have to sort through the flotsam of people we don't have interest in.
> When viewing your own profile, it would be nice to be able to limit the number of profiles that show under the "Following" field (like you can with how many Friends - can set how many you prefer to have displayed on your profile). Just have to have it consistent in terms of options between those categories.
> When posting comments or images on friends pages, would be nice to have the "Emoji" link there to be able to choose emoji's to add and show on your posting. Right now without that link, the only way to add an emoji is if you know the code for each to type it in the text field which is a pain.
> When creating a personal photo album, seems you have to add images one at a time. Would be nice to be able to add multiple at a time (10, 25, 50) that you may have saved on your computer.
> Wish we could easily add other movie clip files when posting comments to a friends profile page. Can understand those might me really big so could maybe limit them to below a certain file size.
Oh and specifically regarding Lush website performance and status:
> ALL of us would love more site stability !! System goes down or freezes far too frequently.
> For times when part of the site / certain features have problems, would be really nice if somewhere at the top of the homepage, that Lush Tech Support could display a "System Status" line or field so members know what's the problem, what Tech Support is doing to troubleshoot the problem, and an estimate when service will be fully restored.
> If Lush is completely down, would be nice if Tech Support could display a generic page during the outage to communicate status comments as in prior bullet above.
Enough for now, hope this is useful feedback for the Lush system staff.
- NiteHawk086
Quote by adele
I suggested this quite some time ago. it would be quite helpful when writers are collaborating on a story or when you are editing something for someone. They could send the file rather than copy and paste the whole story into the email. This would be especially helpful if the story is about subjects that are not to be discussed other than in stories.
Quote by Meagananne1986
Restore the spacing of the competition story badges to three across again. Evidently when Gav reworked the site a few months ago, the field was narrowed so that now the badges only show two across instead of three, leaving a huge black space to the right.
Also, it might be nice to have the number of competitions show on the contestant badge itself. When the competition story badges were created, there was discussion about creating them for the older competitions. I think it was decided that would be too difficult. This would allow members who had competed in competition before the current badge system was established to show the total number of competitions they had entered. It would be like the current Author badge that shows the total number of stories published.
Quote by KimmiBeGood
Hi, forgive me if this has been discussed before. It would be nice if the followers of story collaborators were also notified of the new story. Currently, it seems only the followers of the submitting author are notified. Thank you.
Quote by Trousseau
I use the Dark theme on the desktop website. I don't do a lot of mail, so I can't say when it broke, but the mail inbox is now unreadable if I select the Dark theme. The margins and menu are actually the Light versions, and the message list is grayed over. It looks as expected if I switch to Light theme.
I assume this is a style sheet issue. If the Dark theme works for other people, any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
I use Chrome on Windows 10, both up-to-date.
Quote by TangerineSky
Hey Gav,
Found a few oddities for you:
1. When checking my Timeline, the page stretches a bit, and I have to scroll to the right to get to the hamburger menu again:
And when I click the menu, it's too far to the left:
2. When on my profile, after pressing the 'Stories Published' drop down and going to 'All Stories', some of the RR/EP indicators are overlapping the story text. It appears to only happen when a One Liner isn't present to give that extra space:
3. When I am on my desktop, I am no longer able to hover over someone's avatar, right click, and open their profile in a new tab.
I'm not sure if this was affected with the mobile changes? But it's driving me crazier than I thought it would. The option to 'Open in a new tab' is gone.
Quote by BJintheUK
Just a couple of problems I've run into on the site. I only ever access Lush on my Windows PC, and I've noticed a few oddities since you started changing things.
1. There is no longer an option for me to log in to Lush, I seem to be permanently logged in on my PC.
2. When replying to messages from other members there is no longer the option to add an emoji into the reply. I miss this particular feature as I used to use it all the time.
3. The option to right click on a member's avatar and select open in new tab has gone.
If I notice any more anomolies I'll post them up as well as soon as I notice them.
Quote by SventheElder
See only the latest moved message - all the others are about a pages worth of scrolling down. Each new message gets left on its own at the top everything else is 'way. down low. Tried in Safari and Firefox on iMac latest OS and versions - Cache cleared, no difference ?♂️. Safari on iPhone does not have the problem ?
Quote by tarnishedknight
When I mouse over a friend a line appears below their handle but nothing else. This has been a problem since Monday. I have tried three different browsers and same results on all three,