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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 33
0 miles · Ohio


Advanced Wordsmith
Roses are black
Violets are black
Everything is black
Because I'm blind
Advanced Wordsmith
Yes, while driving from southern Texas to northwest Ohio I dozed off and the rumble strip on the edge line scared the shit out of me. Pulled over, slept a few hours and continued my journey.

Have you ever made a serious new year resolution and followed through completing it?
Advanced Wordsmith
Kiss then fuck then fuck again but in a different hole ;)
Advanced Wordsmith
Sure, we could talk about sports, fine drinks, women and carpentry
Advanced Wordsmith
Yes, I believe that I would. At least use the opportunity to get to know someone new! smile besides, with a name like that, how can I not jump at the chance to learn those curves?
Advanced Wordsmith
Grab a drink with the guy, sure. Dont think I'll be hopping into bed naked with the man though!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by cougarsandcream
I am still seeking what I can never have...............

What are you seeking and wby can you never have it? Not to be blunt, but just wondering.
Advanced Wordsmith
IM lookin for sub..if you are interested to serve Me then drop Me a message on My email goddessdomina88 att geemalle dott comm and lets discuss things further thru email

You may have better luck if you introduce yourself, tell the community a little bit about yourself. What you expect from your submissive. Is it just a sexual dynamic or more of a 24/7 control dynamic? What kind of criteria makes a submissive attractive in your eyes? Just thought I would drop an opinion and try to help you find what you are looking for.
Advanced Wordsmith
I am always happy to see someone not in the lifestyle reading about it. Nothing wrong with a little chocolate syrup on a vanilla icecream. (Unless you're allergic to chocolate silly)

I understand what you are saying about being more explainative when replying. Because there are many who do not see why it was more than just jokes. I am usually very vocal in this forum when posting. My past posts will show that. I may not be right in the light of others but I think I'm pretty close lol.

You are also correct about the actions of others here who are in the lifestyle. They tend to be....narrow. there are those who expect everyone to know everything about the way they live and have sex. However, I hope those not in the lifestyle will not see that as a generalization. There are MANY who are not like at all. If you met me in chat, I would be more than happy to listen to your questions and answer with what I know. Many others will also do the same. The few that do not welcome "outsiders" are not a cover picture for the BDSM book here on lush.
Advanced Wordsmith
I am sorry if you mistook my response for disrespect. I do not have the "correct" response. No one has the "correct" response. That's the beauty of BDSM, everyone is "corect" in their own D/s relationship.

You want to know my opinion on this post and the replies it received? Well let's start with the OP. Now I am not saing what they want is wrong. I myself do not agree with the acts of degradation and humiliation but that doesn't mean its wrong. The way it was asked for was wrong. You can't simply ask to be humiliated and degraded. There was no detail. No specifics as to what they want done to them or for them. That's like buying a collar, going to the local mall, finding the first person to look at you and giving them the collar telling them to be your Dom/me and do as they wish.

Now, for the replies it got. The multiple replies saying I need to know what you look like before I can humiliate you to see if your looks please me. Those are the kinds of things that make BDSM so hard on here. Yes, looks play a role in a relationship, but they are not the key role. When you are giving yourself, your entire being, your soul, your 100% devotion, its the feeling of mutual care and desire that makes it work. Knowing that you are being one with the other, completeing their desires while having yours taken care of is what makes it work. Not the fact that he/she has the body of a model. You are in the D/s relationship because that person has what you do not. They have the parts that you are missing. You are not in it to show off what a sexy person you have. The replies that were only said in mockery were not needed as well.

My last post said everything I felt it needed to. But there is your deeper description. Well not really deeper, but a little more beneath the surface I guess.
Advanced Wordsmith
What. The. Fuck.

I am actually at a loss for words on this entire thread. It really is quite obvious why the BDSM community here is not getting much respect. Between the thread starter and the replies, I'm not sure which are worse.
Advanced Wordsmith
I am not saying keep your comments to yourself. What I am getting at is that so often in this forum, people who are not "into the lifestyle", come in and post their their negative comments without thinking first. There is a way to tell someone that your views don't agree with ours. Then there are ways of coming in and being disrespectful. Which is why I asked who has the right to tell someone their way of life or relationships are wrong. I am not telling you to shut up and stay out. I am saying that a little more thought in your choice of words should be considered. I have nothing against someone who is not in the lifestyle coming in and finding information, asking their questions, or stating their thoughts. What I am against is someone coming in just for the purpose of putting someone down because of the way they chose to live. So no, I will not appreciate his criticism and thoughtless disrespect. Like you, I will state my disagreeance.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Ravyn

One could say an uninformed or judgmental way

Exactly. I feel that was judgemental and said without thought.

Being in a BDSM relationship is not subjecting yourself to abuse and torute and is not giving you the free will to beat and hit on someone. This is a topic that will never have an ending. One side of the fence thinks the other is wrong. Who has the right to say that anyone in the BDSM lifestyle is wrong for living that way? You say that my ropes and whips are abuse and I say your rose pedals and candles are lame. Its not right. Being in a relationship that transfers control to someone else is not something that everyone is interested in but that doesn't mean it is a wrong way of life.

I knew there was a reason I began to shy away from the forums. If you are against the lifestyle, why post in the forum? Leave it for those who enjoy it and wish to have a real conversation with out being judged on everything they decide to do in their own relationship. Unless you think its fair for us to tell you that your relationships are lame and weak so add some chains and whips or its not a real relationship.

Now about the topic, my personal opinion is ssc. I'm not much for the "surprise attack" lol
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by WellMadeMale

Stick to pretend domination, cuz your take on real sarcasm is FAIL.

Pretend domination huh? Please do share more on that. I was not aware that I pretend at all, that is a very new piece of information about me.

"Is fail"? Is A fail perhaps? Its ok, I won't poke someone with the inability to properly insult me. I will admit, I was wrong to assume you were acting like the other asses who reply to these posts, but then again, I may be wrong on that as well.
Advanced Wordsmith
Jerseylynn and Ravyn both had GREAT responses. I agree with them completely.

My own opinion on the matter is this:

Many here assume the title Master or Dom because they see how vast the BDSM community is here. They feel it is the best way to "get in close" with the women here as many many of them do state their submissive roles. I hate seeing a guy waltz into a room and command it like they own it but then cant hold a conversation on any aspect of a D/s relationship. I have seen many change completely once they enter the lifestyle and it is sad to see. Just because you choose to submit or Dominate does not mean you have to change who you are as a person. That's the short version of what I wanted to say. The rest has already been said by others smile

WellMadeMale, really? This is NOT the place to advertise.
Advanced Wordsmith
roses are red
violets are blue
sugar is sweet
and so are you
the roses are wilting
the violets are dead
the sugar bowl's empty
and so is your head
Advanced Wordsmith
Do my best to create a city of sand castles. Full sized castles. I mean its not like I won't have the time to!

If you're engaging in some bondage play, would you prefer the rough feeling of ropes on your skin or the soft tender brush of silk across your skin?