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1 day ago
Bisexual Male, 76
0 miles · El Dorado


Active Ink Slinger

1. Just because I love to suck dicks & get fucked, it does NOT mean I'm a sissy, want to be a girl or treated as a sub.
2. I like to eat and fuck pussy, too.
3. Just because I have a small dick, I do NOT want it to be in a cage.

Active Ink Slinger
Curvy, you've been going out with the wrong guys if they have trouble unsnapping a bra. Ii can still do it with either hand and I have MS which has reduced my strength and dexterity in my left hand considerably.
Active Ink Slinger
Not really. Was headed back to Navy base on foot. Picked up by a guy in a car who drove us out into the country, all the time on the ride he kept hinting and telling me I should sit closer to him on the bench seat of his car. His hand on my leg came next, which crept upward. I had been curious for a while, I admit, was very horny and didn't resist. He finally parked on a side road, then pulled me close and kissed me as his hand found my crotch. He unzipped my fly and at the same time pulled my hand to his crotch. Soon we were both exposed and he pulled my head down to his dick. I kissed it and licked it for a while, then started to suck. After I sucked for a while, he made me stop and then get up on my knees so he could suck me. He wanted me to fuck his face, so I did. When I started to cum, though, he stopped and spit out what I had shot, then used a tissue to catch the rest. I apologized but said it was OK and kissed me again. He then drove me back into town and dropped me off at my base. Though I did taste several other dick in the meantime, I didn't actually suck a guy off to completion until many years later.
Active Ink Slinger
Since I have Multiple Sclerosis that has now advanced to the "Secondary Progressive" stage, it is difficult for me to perform while on top anymore during intercourse, so I am limited to always having my partner on top.

Of course, it doesn't hurt any that I liked (if not preferred) that position anyway. I always thought my partner seemed got more pleasure out of that position and since mutual pleasure is always my goal, I am happy to oblige.

I just love to look up and watch my partner having fun. But, of course, it is lots of fun for me, too.
Active Ink Slinger
My breasts and nipples. I always say my mother weaned me too soon because I've been fascinated by breasts my whole life. I love to kiss, lick and suck on them, no matter which gender I'm with and love for my partner to suck, lick, pinch and play with mine, too.
Active Ink Slinger
I just love pussy, whether it's hairy, trimmed, shaved or whatever. My first wife was hairy, but I still loved eating her pussy. My present wife and my favorite girlfriend from back in my dating days are/were only lightly haired and I love/loved eating them, too.

So I guess it really makes no difference to me.
Active Ink Slinger
I guess the closest thing I've ever had to sex in public is getting or giving blowjobs in cars in a public park. But usually, those occurred in the dark in the middle of the night.

But I also remember having sex with my ex-wife on the bank of my uncle's pond in Northeast Oklahoma. But the possibility of discovery then was minimal since the pond was in a wooded hollow with bluffs all around and only one steep, rocky access road into the hollow. But I'm sure the squirrels in the trees or the birds flying overhead got quite an eyeful on that occasion. But it was very hot, sexually, and one of my fondest memories of me and my ex-wife; we had very few fond memories of our time together other than that.
Active Ink Slinger
Of course. But I've always said, "I'd fuck a snake if someone would hold its head still for me."
Active Ink Slinger
I love 'em! Despite the experience with my first wife (whose hair was more auburn that actually red) I still find red-headed women extremely attractive.
Active Ink Slinger
I've really been bisexual my entire adult life. Sometimes I repressed that fact for several years in a row, then might act on it and be with a guy, then repeat the process when the next opportunity arose.

I sucked on my first cock when I was 21 but didn't suck on the second one until a couple of years later. And it wasn't until I was about 32 before I actually sucked a guy to completion. During all the times in between, I was usually the suckee rather than the cocksucker. I was married (to women, of course) and still am. But after my second and present wife's hysterectomy several years ago (which made her lose all interest in sex with me after a while) I became progressively gay exclusively in my sexual orientation. The reason seemed to be because being with another woman almost seemed a betrayal of my wife.

Now, my wife and I are just companions and house-mates and I get my relief (with my wife's permission) with other guys. My wife's only stipulation is that I am discreet and careful and that I don't leave her for someone else. I honor that guideline.
Active Ink Slinger
I do. I love to get them, so why not give a little pleasure to someone else, too?
Active Ink Slinger
Certainly. And I have, several times. But those I have been with do not appreciate the term "Shemale"--preferring to call themselves "transsexual," which is really a separate type of individual.
Active Ink Slinger
I listened to Jose Feliciano's cover of the Beatles "And I Love Her." It's pure instrumental and demonstrates his virtuosity with the acoustic guitar.
Active Ink Slinger
I love making love and always feel an emotional attachment to my lover. I guess you could say I am "in love" with that lover, at least right at that moment.

And since the sexual act is very emotional for me, I always like to please the person I'm with as much as I like pleasing myself. After orgasm, I am disappointed if my partner has not also experienced their own orgasm, so I will make every effort to make that happen. Sometimes, that is the best part of the sexual experience. I known several women and men, both, who "climbed aboard" me after my climax (I am lucky in that I usually do not go flaccid after orgasm) and ride me until they, too, cum.

I especially remember one lady who, when she did reach orgasm, would always moan or shout or giggle (depending on the situation) the word "Pleasure" when she finally did cum.

And being the emotional guy I am, I also adore cuddling with my partner after sex.
Active Ink Slinger

Every day is, to me, a blessing. I've had MS since early in 1969. Though for many years it was the recurring/remitting type where I would go weak on one side of my body or the other or else have eyesight problems or other symptoms, they would go away after a while. But about the time I turned 60 (almost 8 years ago) I began to notice the strength in my weak side did not return completely. I suppose I was just too thankful earlier to really notice that the strength did not return to 100% of what it had been previously, but would only return to 95-98% of its previous strength level. And after 40+ years of recurring/remitting MS, those missing percentage points began to add up.

Now, I'm just thankful I can still move when I awaken.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm really not sure how big the longest penis I've seen is. I just know I haven't seen that many (in person at least) that were huge; and when I did come in contact with a big one, I was usually so excited by being in its presence that measuring it was the last thing on my mind. I can think of lots of other things to do with it.
Active Ink Slinger
I played, but didn't win. I played five games and only matched two numbers on one game and one number on another game. Of course, the odds were against me but you never know. Like I've always heard: Even a blind hog finds an acorn every once in a while.
Active Ink Slinger
That would have to be my wife's girlfriend. Both my wife and I are bisexual and she has a longtime girlfriend (one she's known longer than she's known me) and I would love to get the two of them together with me in a three-way. But my wife won't go for it. I keep telling my wife I'm dedicated her (heck, we've been married for 20 years), but I think she might believe she'd lose me to the girlfriend if we did that. But I'd really love to fuck that big-titted farmgal girlfriend of hers. But maybe I can convince them to use a strap-on and they can fuck me instead. Whatever way we do it, though, I'm sure it would be hotter than hell.
Active Ink Slinger
Why are all the women featured in this forum topic white and the majority of them blonde (some even natural blond)? Don't women of color (whether black, hispanic or oriental) ever pose in Chritmasy costumes?
Active Ink Slinger
But I work from home, so I guess that doesn't count. But back when I was working for someone else, before I retired, I did whack off at work fairly often.
Active Ink Slinger
I have many, many favorite movies that were made from books. But, almost invariably, the books are much better than the movies. They usually have better visual images (created in your mind) that the images on film. The only exception to this that I can remember is the 1959 western "The Wonderful Country" starring Robert Mitchum. I read the book after seeing the movie rather than the other way around, as is usually the case. The book was a normal western novel by Tom Lea and is fairly typical of that genre. But I found the movie (directed by Robert Parrish) much more atmospheric and believable and altogether better-done than the novel and always thought Mitchum, Julie London, Gary Merrill, Pedro Armendariz and the other actors in the cast did an excellent job--Mitchem's role, in my mind, was Oscar-worthy.
Active Ink Slinger
Been sucking cock for years, ever since I discovered guys do a much better job of it than most women do. In fact, after years of research, I have only found one woman who performed fellatio as well or as enthusiastically as a gay or bisexual man or a TV, TG or TS.