Roses are read
Heidi loves it here
Roses are read and have been known to hurt things with thorns so sharp
Roses are read and they can draw you in and you can't escape their lure
Roses are read they pull you in so deep you forget where you are and what you should be doing....
Roses are red they so beautiful they can take your breath away,
rose are red until they are ignored and the dwindle away,.
Sad sad if no red roses are around or noone to give them to, then lordy what would we do with ourselves without both?
Roses are red cause you water them. Don't forget to water your roses more often than you think or you could lose you beautiful crop you work so hard for,
Roses are red and beautiful and we need lots more so keep watering with your love and knowledge and your red 🌹 will grow and flourish and not dwindle away.
Roses are red take care of all your crop well, plant water grow love.